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11 THE MACROECONOMICS OF OPEN ECONOMIES. Copyright © 2004 South-Western 31 Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts Grunnatriði í þjóðhagfræði við.

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2 Copyright © 2004 South-Western 31 Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts Grunnatriði í þjóðhagfræði við aðstæður opins hagkerfis

3 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts Open and Closed Economies A closed economy is one that does not interact with other economies in the world. Lokað hagkerfi á ekki samskipti við önnur hagkerfi í heiminum There are no exports, no imports, and no capital flows. Við þær aðstæður er enginn útflutningur, enginn innflutningur og ekkert fjármagnsflæði. An open economy is one that interacts freely with other economies around the world. Opið hagkerfi er það sem hefur frjáls samskipti við önnur hagkerfi í heiminum.

4 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts An Open Economy An open economy interacts with other countries in two ways. Opið hagkerfi á samskipti við önnur lönd á tvennan máta It buys and sells goods and services in world product markets. Það kaupir og selur vörur og þjónustu á heimsmarkaði fyrir ólíkar vörur. It buys and sells capital assets in world financial markets. Það kaupir og selur fjármunaeignir á fjármálamörkuðum heimsins.

5 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Flow of Goods: Exports, Imports, Net Exports Exports are goods and services that are produced domestically and sold abroad. Útflutningur nær yfir vörur og þjónustu sem framleidd eru á heimamarkaði (innanlands) og seld erlendis. Imports are goods and services that are produced abroad and sold domestically. Innflutningur nær yfir vörur og þjónustu sem framleidd eru utan heimamarkaðar (erlendis) og seld innanlands.

6 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Flow of Goods: Exports, Imports, Net Exports Net exports (NX) are the value of a nation’s exports minus the value of its imports. Nettó útflutingur (NX) er virði útflutnings þjóðarinnar mínus virði innflutnings þess. Net exports are also called the trade balance. Nettó útflutningur er líka kallaður viðskiptajöfnuður.

7 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Flow of Goods: Exports, Imports, Net Exports A trade deficit is a situation in which net exports (NX) are negative. Viðskiptahalli skapast þegar nettó útflutningur (NX) er neikvæður. Imports > Exports Innflutningur > Úflutningur A trade surplus is a situation in which net exports (NX) are positive. Viðskiptaafgangur skapast þegar nettó útflutningur (NX) er jákvæður. Exports > Imports Úflutningur > Innflutningur Balanced trade refers to when net exports are zero— exports and imports are exactly equal. Jöfnuður í viðskiptum vísar til þess ástands þegar nettó útflutningur er núll – útflutningur og innflutningur er alveg jöfn.

8 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Flow of Goods: Exports, Imports, Net Exports Flæði vara: Útflutningur, innflutningur, nettó útflutningur Factors That Affect Net Exports Þættir sem áhrif hafa á nettó útflutning The tastes of consumers for domestic and foreign goods. Smekkur neytenda fyrir vörur framleiddar á heimamarkaði og vörur framleiddar erlendis The prices of goods at home and abroad. Verð vara á heimamarkaði og erlendis. The exchange rates at which people can use domestic currency to buy foreign currencies. Við hvaða gengi fólk þarf að miða við kaup á erlendum gjaldeyri.

9 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Flow of Goods: Exports, Imports, Net Exports Factors That Affect Net Exports Þættir sem áhrif hafa á nettó útflutning The incomes of consumers at home and abroad. Tekjur neytenda heima og erlendis The costs of transporting goods from country to country. Kostnaður við að flytja vörur frá einu landi til annars. The policies of the government toward international trade. Stefna stjórnvalda varðandi alþjóðaviðskipti.

10 Figure 1 The Internationalization of the U.S. Economy Percent of GDP 0 5 10 15 19501955196019651970197519801990198520001995 Exports Imports Copyright © 2004 South-Western

11 The Flow of Financial Resources: Net Capital Outflow Net capital outflow refers to the purchase of foreign assets by domestic residents minus the purchase of domestic assets by foreigners. Nettó fjármagnsútflæði vísar til kaupa heimaaðila á erlendum eignu, mínus kaupa útlendinga á eignum á heimamarkaði. A U.S. resident buys stock in the Toyota corporation and a Mexican buys stock in the Ford Motor corporation. Íbúi í Bandaríkjunum kaupir hlut í Toyota fyrirtækinu í Japan og mexikóbúi kaupir hlut í Ford Motor í Bandaríkunum.

12 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Flow of Financial Resources: Net Capital Outflow When a U.S. resident buys stock in Telmex, the Mexican phone company, the purchase raises U.S. net capital outflow. Þegar íbúi í Bandaríkjunum kaupir hlut í Telmex, mexikönsku símafyrirtæki, þá auka kaupin nettó útflæði fjármagns frá Bandaríkjunum. When a Japanese residents buys a bond issued by the U.S. government, the purchase reduces the U.S. net capital outflow. Þegar íbúi í Japan kaupir skuldabréf gefið út af Bandaríkjastjórn, þá lækka kaupin nettó útflæði fjármagns frá Bandaríkjunum.

13 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Flow of Financial Resources: Net Capital Outflow Flæði fjármangsuppsprettna: Nettó fjármagnsflæði Variables that Influence Net Capital Outflow Breytur sem áhrif hafa á nettó útflæði fjármagns. The real interest rates being paid on foreign assets. Raunvextirnir sem greiddir eru á erlendar eignir. The real interest rates being paid on domestic assets. Raunvextirnir sem greiddir eru á eignir heimafyrir. The perceived economic and political risks of holding assets abroad. Hagræn og pólitísk áhætta af að eiga eignir erlendis The government policies that affect foreign ownership of domestic assets. Stefnumörkun stjórnvalda sem áhrif hefur á erlenda eignaraðild eigna á heimamarkaði.

14 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Equality of Net Exports and Net Capital Outflow Jafngildi nettó útflutnings og nettó fjármagnsútflæðis Net exports (NX) and net capital outflow (NCO) are closely linked. Nettó útflutningur og nettó útflæði fjármagns eru skyldar stærðir. For an economy as a whole, NX and NCO must balance each other so that: Fyrir hagkerfið í heild verða þessar stærðir að jafna hvor aðra út svo að NCO = NX This holds true because every transaction that affects one side must also affect the other side by the same amount. Þetta stenst því sérhver færsla sem áhrif hefur á annarri hliðinni hlýtur líka að hafa áhrif á hina hliða á sama tíma.

15 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Saving, Investment, and Their Relationship to the International Flows Net exports is a component of GDP: Y = C + I + G + NX National saving is the income of the nation that is left after paying for current consumption and government purchases: Y - C - G = I + NX

16 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Saving, Investment, and Their Relationship to the International Flows National saving (S) equals Y - C - G so: S = I + NX or Saving Domestic Investment Net Capital Outflow =+ SI NCO =+

17 Figure 2 National Saving, Domestic Investment, and Net Foreign Investment Percent of GDP 20 18 16 14 12 10 19601965199519901985198019751970 (a) National Saving and Domestic Investment (as a percentage of GDP) 2000 Domestic investment National saving Copyright © 2004 South-Western

18 Figure 2 National Saving, Domestic Investment, and Net Foreign Investment Percent of GDP 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 Net capital outflow (b) Net Capital Outflow (as a percentage of GDP) 196019651995199019851980197519702000 Copyright © 2004 South-Western

19 THE PRICES FOR INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS: REAL AND NOMINAL EXCHANGE RATES International transactions are influenced by international prices. Alþjóðlegar færslur verða fyrir áhrif af verði á alþjóðamarkaði. The two most important international prices are the nominal exchange rate and the real exchange rate. Þeir tveir þættir sem mest hafa áhrif á verð á alþjóðamarkaði eru nafngengi og raungengi.

20 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Nominal Exchange Rates The nominal exchange rate is the rate at which a person can trade the currency of one country for the currency of another. Nafngengið er það gengi sem aðili getur skipt gjaldeyri eins lands út fyrir gjaldeyri annars.

21 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Nominal Exchange Rates The nominal exchange rate is expressed in two ways: In units of foreign currency per one U.S. dollar. And in units of U.S. dollars per one unit of the foreign currency.

22 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Nominal Exchange Rates Appreciation refers to an increase in the value of a currency as measured by the amount of foreign currency it can buy. Gengishækkun vísar til aukins verðmætis gjaldeyris, mælt í því magni af erlendum gjaldeyri sem það dugar fyrir. Depreciation refers to a decrease in the value of a currency as measured by the amount of foreign currency it can buy. Gengislækkun vísar til minna verðmætis gjaldeyris, mælt í því magni af erlendum gjaldeyri sem það dugar fyrir.

23 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Real Exchange Rates The real exchange rate is the rate at which a person can trade the goods and services of one country for the goods and services of another. Raungengi er það gengi sem aðili getur átt viðskipti með vörur og þjónustu eins lands fyrir vörur og þjónustu í öðru landi.

24 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Real Exchange Rates The real exchange rate compares the prices of domestic goods and foreign goods in the domestic economy. If a case of German beer is twice as expensive as American beer, the real exchange rate is 1/2 case of German beer per case of American beer.

25 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Real Exchange Rates The real exchange rate depends on the nominal exchange rate and the prices of goods in the two countries measured in local currencies.

26 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Real Exchange Rates The real exchange rate is a key determinant of how much a country exports and imports.

27 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Real Exchange Rates A depreciation (fall) in the U.S. real exchange rate means that U.S. goods have become cheaper relative to foreign goods. Gengisfelling á raungengi Bandaríkjadals þýðir að bandarískar vörur eru orðnar ódýrari í hlutfalli við erlendar vörur. This encourages consumers both at home and abroad to buy more U.S. goods and fewer goods from other countries. Þetta hvetur neytendur bæði heima og erlendis til þess að kaupa meiri bandarískar vörur og færri vörur frá öðrum löndum.

28 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Real Exchange Rates As a result, U.S. exports rise, and U.S. imports fall, and both of these changes raise U.S. net exports. Conversely, an appreciation in the U.S. real exchange rate means that U.S. goods have become more expensive compared to foreign goods, so U.S. net exports fall.

29 Copyright © 2004 South-Western A FIRST THEORY OF EXCHANGE-RATE DETERMINATION: PURCHASING-POWER PARITY The purchasing-power parity theory is the simplest and most widely accepted theory explaining the variation of currency exchange rates. Kenninging um kaupmáttarjöfnuð (jafnvirðisgengi) er einfaldasta og almennt viðurkenndasta kenningin við að skýra breytileika í gengi gjaldmiðla.

30 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Basic Logic of Purchasing-Power Parity Purchasing-power parity is a theory of exchange rates whereby a unit of any given currency should be able to buy the same quantity of goods in all countries. Kenninging um kaupmáttarjöfnuð (jafnvirðisgengi) er kenning um gengi þar sem eining af sérhverjum gjaldmiðli ætti að duga til að kaupa sama magn af vörum í öllum löndum.

31 Copyright © 2004 South-Western The Basic Logic of Purchasing-Power Parity According to the purchasing-power parity theory, a unit of any given currency should be able to buy the same quantity of goods in all countries. Miðað við kenninguna um kaupmáttarjöfnuð, þá ætti eining tiltekins gjaldmiðils að duga til að kaupa sama magn af vörum í öllum löndum.

32 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Basic Logic of Purchasing-Power Parity The theory of purchasing-power parity is based on a principle called the law of one price. Kenninging um kaupmáttarjöfnuð byggir á lögmáli sem kallast lögmálið um eitt verð. According to the law of one price, a good must sell for the same price in all locations. Samkvæmt lögmálinu um eitt verð, verður vara að seljast á sama verði allsstaðar.

33 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Implications of Purchasing-Power Parity If the purchasing power of the dollar is always the same at home and abroad, then the exchange rate cannot change. The nominal exchange rate between the currencies of two countries must reflect the different price levels in those countries.

34 Copyright © 2004 South-Western Implications of Purchasing-Power Parity When the central bank prints large quantities of money, the money loses value both in terms of the goods and services it can buy and in terms of the amount of other currencies it can buy.

35 Figure 3 Money, Prices, and the Nominal Exchange Rate During the German Hyperinflation 10,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000,000 100,000 1.00001.0000000001 1921192219231924 Exchange rate Money supply Price level 1925 Indexes (Jan. 1921 5 100) Copyright © 2004 South-Western

36 Limitations of Purchasing-Power Parity Many goods are not easily traded or shipped from one country to another. Tradable goods are not always perfect substitutes when they are produced in different countries.

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