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Protection for Web Delivered Music Patcharinee Tientrakool EE 6886: Topics in Signal Processing - Multimedia Security System.

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Presentation on theme: "Protection for Web Delivered Music Patcharinee Tientrakool EE 6886: Topics in Signal Processing - Multimedia Security System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protection for Web Delivered Music Patcharinee Tientrakool EE 6886: Topics in Signal Processing - Multimedia Security System

2 Digital Music Distribution Online music store e.g. iTunes music store Internet radio Peer-to-peer network e.g. KaZaA PROTECTION

3 Main Technologies for Music Content Protection EncryptionWatermarking Help when an object is transmitted through a channel Prove copyrights Trace illegal distribution

4 Watermark Embedding Encryption Plain music Watermark Watermarked music Encryption Key Protected music Creation of Protected music content

5 Scope of study Watermarking techniques for web delivered music content DRM systems currently in the market

6 Watermarking Audio file Music sheet e.g. real time watermarking in image files or while printing

7 Audio watermarking LSB coding Watermarking the phase of the host signal Echo hiding Spread spectrum watermarking Methods using various characteristics of the host audio

8 Music sheet watermarking Grayscale Approach Pixel Based Approach –Staff line-Modulation –Block Based Data Hiding Symbol Oriented Approach –horizontal distances –thickness of some musical symbols or their elements –orientation or shape of musical symbols

9 Watermarking techniques for web delivered music content DRM systems currently in the market Scope of study

10 Digital Rights Management Systems (DRM systems) Architectures for protection of IPR. Several components : user identification authentication encryption copy protection copy control access control digital watermarking digital fingerprinting pay systems license agreement

11 Currently available in the market MakerDRMSoftware Jukebox AppleFairplay™iTunes Real Networks Helix/ Harmony Real Player MicrosoftPlays for sure™ Windows Media Player SonyOpen Magic Gate™ SonicStage

12 Watermarking techniques for web delivered music content DRM systems currently in the market Scope of study

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