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SVM: Non-coding Neutral Sequences Vs Regulatory Modules Ying Zhang, BMB, Penn State Ritendra Datta, CSE, Penn State Bioinformatics – I Fall 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "SVM: Non-coding Neutral Sequences Vs Regulatory Modules Ying Zhang, BMB, Penn State Ritendra Datta, CSE, Penn State Bioinformatics – I Fall 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 SVM: Non-coding Neutral Sequences Vs Regulatory Modules Ying Zhang, BMB, Penn State Ritendra Datta, CSE, Penn State Bioinformatics – I Fall 2005

2 Outline  Background: Machine Learning & Bioinformatics  Data Collection and Encoding  Distinguish sequences using SVM  Results  Discussion

3  Expression of genes are under regulation.  Right protein, right time, right amount, right location…  Regulation: cis-element vs trans-element  Cis-element: Non-coding functional sequence  Trans-element: Proteins interact with cis-element  Predicting cis-regulatory elements remains a challenge:  Significant effort put in the past  Current trends: TFBS clusters, pattern analysis Regulation: A Recurring Challenge

4 Alignments and Sequences: The Data  Information: Sequence  Genetics information encoded in DNA sequence  Typical information: Codon, Binding site, … Codon: ATG (Met), CGT (Arg.), … Binding sites: A/TGATAA/G ( Gata1 ), …  Evolutionary Information: Aligned Sequence  Similarity between species  Conservation ~ Function Human: TCCTTATCAGCCATTACC Mouse: TCCTTATCAGCCACCACC

5 Problem  Given the genome sequence information, is it possible to automatically distinguish Regulatory Regions from other genomic non-coding Neutral sequences using machine learning ?

6 Predicting Genes Machine Learning: The Tool  Sub-field of A.I.  Computers programs “learn” from experience, i.e. by analyzing data and corresponding behavior  Confluence of Statistics, Mathematical Logic, Numerical Optimization  Applied in Information Retrieval, Financial Analysis, Computer Vision, Speech Recognition, Robotics, Bioinformatics, etc. Statistics Optimization Logic M.L. Analyzing Stocks Personalized WWW search Applications

7 Machine Learning: Types of Learning  Supervised Learning  Learning statistical models from past sample-label data pairs, e.g. Classification  Unsupervised Learning  Building models to capture the inherent organization in data, e.g. Clustering  Reinforcement Learning  Building models from interactive feedback on how well the current model is doing, e.g. Robotic learning

8 Machine Learning and Bioinformatics: The Confluence  Learning problems in Bioinformatics [ICML ’03]  Protein folding and protein structure prediction  Inference of genetic and molecular networks  Gene-protein interactions  Data mining from micro arrays  Functional and comparative genomics, etc.

9  Identification of DNaseI Hypersensitive Sites in the human genome (may disclose the location of cis-regulatory sequences)  W.S. Noble et al., “Predicting the in vivo signature of human gene regulatory sequences,” Bioinformatics, 2005.  Functionally classifying genes based on gene expression data from DNA microarray hybridization experiments using SVMs  M. P. S. Brown, “Knowledge-based analysis of microarray gene expression data by using support vector machines,” PNAS, 2004.  Using Log-odds ratios from Markov models for identifying regulatory regions in DNA sequences  L. Elnitski et al., “Distinguishing Regulatory DNA From Neutral Sites,” Genome Research, 2003.  Selection of informative genes using an SVM-based feature selection algorithm  I. Guyon et al., “Gene selection for cancer classification using support vector machines,” Machine Learning, 2002. Machine Learning and Bioinformatics: Sample Publications

10 Machine Learning and Bioinformatics: Books

11 Support Vector Machines: A Powerful Statistical Learning Technique Which of the linear separators is optimal?

12 Support Vector Machines: A Powerful Statistical Learning Technique ξiξi ξiξi Choose the one that maximizes the margin between the classes

13 0 Support Vector Machines: A Powerful Statistical Learning Technique The classes in these datasets linearly separate easily x What about these datasets ? 0 x x

14 Support Vector Machines: A Powerful Statistical Learning Technique Solution: Kernel Trick ! x2x2 x 0 x

15 Experiments: Overview  Classification in Question:  Regulatory regions (REG) vs Ancestral Repeats (AR)  Two types of experiments:  Nucleotide sequences – ATCG  Alignments (reduced 5-symbol) - SWVIG (S: match involving G & C, W: match involving A & T, G:gap V:transversion, I: transition)  Two datasets:  Elnitski et al. dataset  Dataset from PennState CCGB  Mapping Sequences/Alignments → Real Numbers  Frequencies of short length K-mers (K=1, 2, 3)  Normalizing factor - sequence length (Ambiguous for K > 1)  Stability of variance – Equal length sequences (whenever possible)

16  Total number of features:  Sequences: 4 + 4 2 + 4 3 = 84  Alignments: 5 + 5 2 + 5 3 = 155  Relatively high-dimensionality:  Curse of dimensionality: Convergence of estimators very slow  Over-fitting: Poor generalization performance  Solutions:  Dimension Reduction – e.g., PCA  Feature Selection - e.g., Forward Selection, Backward Elimination Experiments: Feature Selection

17  Training Set:  Elnitski et al. dataset  Sequences: 300 samples of 100 bp each class (REG and AR)  Alignments: 300 samples of length 100 from each class  SVM setup:  RBF Kernel: k(x 1, x 2 ) = exp( δ || x 1 – x 2 || )  Implementation: LibSVM (  Validation:  N-fold Cross-validation  Used in feature selection, parameter tuning, and testing Experiments: Training and Validation

18 Results: The Elnitski et al. dataset  Parameter selection  SVM Parameters: δ and C  Feature Selection  Assessing Feature Importance  G-C Normalization  Sequences: 10 out of 84  Symbols: 10 out of 155  Accuracy scores  Overall  Ancestral Repeats (AR)  Regulatory Regions (Reg)

19 Results: SVM Parameter Selection  Iterative selection procedure  Coarse selection – Initial neighborhood  Fine-grained selection - Brute force  Validation Set from data  Within-loop CV  Chosen Parameters:  δ = 1.6  C = 1.5

20 Results: Feature Selection - Sequence Distribution of Nucleotide frequencies of the top 9 most significant k-mers Chosen by One-dimensional SVMs

21 Results: Feature Selection - Symbol Distribution of 5-symbol frequencies of the top 9 most significant k-mers Chosen by One-dimensional SVMs

22 Results: Feature Selection  Procedure:  Greedy  Forward Selection + Backward Elimination  Chosen Features:  Sequence: [5 68 3 20 63 4 16 10 1 22] ( 0 = A, 1 = T, 2 = G, 3 =C, 4 = AA, 5 = AT, etc. ) [AT,CAA,C,AAA,GGC,AA,CA,TG,T,AAG]  Symbol: [3 5 4 18 24 124 17 143 19 95 103] ( 0 = G, 1 = V, 2 = W, 3 =S, 4 = I, 5 = GG, 6 = GV, etc. ) [S, GG, I, WS,SI,SIG,WW,IWI,WI,WSV,WII]

23 Results: Accuracy Scores ExperimentTypeOverall Accuracy Reg Precision AR Precision Elnitski et al.5-symbol Hexamers ≈ 74.7% ≈ 75% 78.49% 81.4% 73% 72.5% Sequences only1-mers 2-mers 3-mers Selection 78.33% 77.67% 80.17% 80.33% 76.54% 72.84% 83.67% 80.87% 80.54 82.97% 77.21% 79.63% Symbols only1-mers 2-mers 3-mers Selection 84.33% 85.17% 86.00% 79.39% 77.53% 78.83 % 80.58% 90.03% 90.96% 92.42% 91.54%

24 Results: Laboratory Data  Training:  SVM models built using Elnitski et al. data  Same parameters; Same features selected  Data:  9 candidate cis-regulatory regions predicted by RP score  1: negative control based on the definition.  5 of the 9 candidates passed current biological testing,positive  Accuracy  Classification result for sequence (1-, 2-, 3-mer): 1 negative control 4 out of 5 positive element + 3 out of 4 “negative” element  Classification result for alignment (1-, 2-, 3-mer): 1 negative control 9 original candidates

25 Discussion  High validation rate for Ancestral repeat  The structure of selected training set is not that diverse  Ancestral repeat tends to be AT-rich  AR: LINE, SINE etc.  SVM performs a little better than RP scores in training set  Statistically more powerful RP: Markov model for pattern recognition SVM: Hyper-plane in high-dimensional feature space  Feature selection using wrapper method possible

26 Discussion (cont’d)  Performance degradation in Lab Data classification  No improvement in SVM classification compared to RP score  Features identified from the Elnitski et al. data may have some bias – other features may be more informative on the Lab data  Sequence classification vs Alignment (Accuracy Table)(Accuracy Table)  SVM yields higher overall cross-validation accuracy for aligned symbol sequences compared to nucleotide sequences  Gained accuracy rate: Ancestral Repeat driven No improvement for aligned symbol sequence  In Lab data classification, sequence classification is better than aligned symbol sequence No information gained from evolutionary history !!!  Alphabet reduction not optimal  Assumption worng!!!

27 Summary  Generally, SVM is a powerful tool for classification  Performance better than RP in distinguishing AR training set from Reg training set  SVM: answer “yes or no” question  RP: Probabilistic method, can generate quantitative measurement genome-wide  SVM: Results can be extended using probabilistic forms of SVM  SVM can reveal potentially interesting biological features  e.g. the transcription regulation scheme

28  Explore more complex features  Refine models for neutral non-coding genomic segments  Utilize multi-species alignment for the classification  Combining sequence and alignment information to build more robust multi-classifiers – “Committee of Experts”  Pattern recognition for more accurate prediction Future Directions: Possible extensions

29 Questions and recommendations?  Using original alignment features, 20 columns.  Other lab data (avoiding the possible bias of RP preselection) for SVM performance testing.

30 References  L. Elnitski et al., “Distinguishing Regulatory DNA From Neutral Sites,” Genome Research, 2003.  Machine Learning Group, University of Texas at Austin, “Support Vector Machines,”  N. Cristianini, “Support Vector and Kernel Methods for Pattern Recognition,”

31 Acknowledgement  Dr. Webb Miller  Dr. Francesca Chiaromonte  David King

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