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User Interfaces for DGRC Steven Feiner Surabhan Temiyabutr Department of Computer Science Columbia University New York, NY 10027

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Presentation on theme: "User Interfaces for DGRC Steven Feiner Surabhan Temiyabutr Department of Computer Science Columbia University New York, NY 10027"— Presentation transcript:

1 User Interfaces for DGRC Steven Feiner Surabhan Temiyabutr Department of Computer Science Columbia University New York, NY 10027 Supported by NSF Grant EIA-9876739 Presentation to FedStats, March 30, 2001

2 2 Background: Team Approach User Interfaces Y1Hatzivassiloglou, Sandhaus Y2Feiner, Temiyabutr Databases Y1Gravano, Singla Y2Ross, Zaman, Ding Automatic Inter-Agency Ontologies Y1–2Klavans, Whitman

3 3 Background: Y2 Research User Interfaces Identify and address problem areas Develop query interface and link with ontology Databases Complete existing aggregation prototype Develop main memory techniques for speed Automatic Inter-Agency Ontologies Incorporate into SENSUS Add web crawler to extend coverage Develop mechanisms to merge definitions

4 4 User Interface Approach Redesign Y1 UI Heuristic analysis Prototypes Informal experiments Formal experiments and feedback

5 5 Redesign: Starting Point

6 6 Redesign: Next Steps Problem areas Query Alleviate “peep-hole” confusion of walking menu Results May interface with Marchionini et al. table browser Ontology Explore presentation strategies: layout, distortion viewing (e.g., fisheye), filtering,...

7 7 Redesign: Next Steps Problem areas History Support reuse and modification of previous queries Metainformation Determine utility and presentation approaches Integration Maintain consistency/linkage across displays Leverage ontology

8 8 Experiments Design/perform/analyze formal user experiments Feed back experimental results to UI design

9 9 Redesigning the Query Interface

10 10 Redesigning the Query Interface

11 11 Redesigning the Query Interface

12 12 Redesigning the Query Interface

13 13 Redesigning the Query Interface

14 14 Redesigning the Query Interface

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