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Research on monkfish (anglerfish) Lophius piscatorius at the NAFC Marine Centre Norwegian: Breiflabb, Havtaske, Marulk, Faroese: Havtaska Danish: Bredflab,

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Presentation on theme: "Research on monkfish (anglerfish) Lophius piscatorius at the NAFC Marine Centre Norwegian: Breiflabb, Havtaske, Marulk, Faroese: Havtaska Danish: Bredflab,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research on monkfish (anglerfish) Lophius piscatorius at the NAFC Marine Centre Norwegian: Breiflabb, Havtaske, Marulk, Faroese: Havtaska Danish: Bredflab, Havtaske Icelandic: Skötuselsur Finnish: Merikrotti Dr Chevonne Laurenson

2 When? Research started in July 1997 and has been ongoing since then. Why? Research started because the fishery had rapidly developed during the late 1980’s and early 1990’s but little was known of the biology; The first monkfish Total Allowable Quota was implemented for waters around Shetland (Area IV) in 1998 but was not based on biological or survey data.

3 Importance of monkfish The fishery developed as a result of the quotas for “traditional” species (cod, haddock, whiting) being reduced. Several vessels were built specifically to target monkfish, others altered their gear to that they could better target them. In the mid-1990’s monkfish accounted for approx. 25% by weight of the landings from the 4 main species (monkfish, cod, haddock & whiting) and represented 50% of the value.

4 Several projects….. –EU project 1997 – 1999 –Teaching Company Scheme (NAFC & SFPO partnership project) 2000 – 2002 –PhD completed 2003, Publications 2004 & 05 –Nordic projects (Norway, Faroe, Iceland and NAFC) 2002-03 & 2003-05 –Contract with FRS, Aberdeen 05-06.

5 Research areas Catch Data Age and Growth Reproduction Tagging Behaviour Diet

6 Summary of important findings …..

7 Catch data Relationship between monkfish length and water depth (bigger – deeper trend) Possibly using some inshore areas as nursery grounds Distribution patchy and seasonal differences in catch rates

8 Age & growth Important for stock assessment inputs Ageing using hard parts analysis (otoliths) was verified by identifying modes in length frequency distributions in time series data and growth rates were verified using growth data from tagged monkfish Growth rates were found to average around 10 cm per year.

9 Tagging study Important for assessing the amount of mixing between different “stocks”. This tagging study was the first on monkfish in Northern European waters and is the largest to date. Almost 1800 monkfish tagged around Shetland, some in 2000 but mainly in summer 2001. To Aug 2006, 83 recaptures reported (4.7%). Days at liberty 5 – 2129.

10 Tagging study Latest recapture July 2006 at Norway after 2129 days since tagging. Growth from 45 – 109 cm (10.9 cm/yr).

11 Reproduction Important for stock assessment inputs. The mean length at which maturity is reached is 58cm for males and 98cm for females. Fishery mainly relying on juvenile monkfish – ripe females rarely caught in fishery around Shetland

12 Behaviour First publication of analysed in situ video footage of behaviour. Footage obtained by Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) deployed at Schiehallion and Foinhaven oil fields. The behaviours included: resting and sit-and-wait behaviours, concealment behaviour by recess excavation, cough responses, prey detection and attraction responses, walking behaviour, attack behaviours.

13 Behaviour

14 Current management issues ….. Catches and TACs do not correspond. Fishermen could catch significantly more than the quotas allow. The 2006 TAC included a mid-term review of scientific evidence and data. Data collected at NAFC during 05-06 comprised a significant proportion of the evidence that went forward to the STECF. The outcome was a recommended increase of 10% on the 06 TAC. This is however still to be implemented.

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