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ITEC Winter 20101 An intro to programming concepts with Scratch Quick intro for college citizens. George Stockman MSU CSE
ITEC Winter 20102 A 10-minute PR clip
ITEC Winter 20103 What can we do with Scratch? Learn some computing concepts. Learn some practical algorithms. Have fun with Scratch creating stories, games, art. We are teaching Scratch after school to middle school kids with the goal of increasing interest in STEM.
ITEC Winter 20104 Start scratch and let’s go! Click on the cat icon If not on desktop, download from Scratch programming environment comes up quickly We will first do simple ops
ITEC Winter 20105 Scratch environment Stage is at upper right (where actors act and information is displayed) Sprite is another name for actor (object). Instruction menus/panel at left (instructions for the actors) A script is another name for program or method; a script tells the actor what to do. Programming panel in center; here is where we construct scripts for the sprites (Sprites are objects; their scripts are methods or behaviors.)
ITEC Winter 20106 We start with the cat sprite We will learn to use other sprites and many sprites LATER. Now we use the cat as our only actor.
ITEC Winter 20107 The LOOKS menu Has operations for setting the color, size, and visibility of a sprite. Constumes will be used LATER
ITEC Winter 20108 The “hello” script (program) Double click on the “say hello” lego block Check your sprite behavior at the right Then double click “say hello for 2 secs” Your very first Scratch program!
ITEC Winter 20109 Try some other looks operations (double click items) Change color effect by 25 Change color effect by 25 again Hide Show Change size by 10 Change size by 10 again Set size to 100%
ITEC Winter 201010 Let’s write a script to Say “hello” for 2 seconds Then change color by 25 Then think “Hmm..” for 4 seconds Then change color by 75 Then change size by 200 Drag the instructions from the menu to the center panel. Connect them into a single block. Edit the parameters to get the numbers we want.
ITEC Winter 201011 Our script (program)
ITEC Winter 201012 The WAIT instruction is needed to slow down the acting so we can see or hear it properly (computers are too fast sometimes) Get the wait instruction from the CONTROL menu. Please ignore the other menu options at this time. Insert a wait in our looks script
ITEC Winter 201013 3 second pause between changing color and size
ITEC Winter 201014 The MOTION menu How to locate and orient a sprite; position and angle; moving a sprite
ITEC Winter 201015 Position on the stage Using the Looks menu, shrink our cat to 25%. Click on the Motion menu. Click to check the box for x- position and y- position Drag your cat around and note its x-y position.
ITEC Winter 201016 Other instructions goto x,y glide to x,y Move N steps Set direction
ITEC Winter 201017 The “glide-to” instruction Drag the “glide-to” instruction into your script panel. Edit in some coordinate values and double click to see where your sprites goes.
ITEC Winter 201018 The SENSING menu Getting information from the user or some other machine
ITEC Winter 201019 Use the SENSING menu 1)Ask the user for age; 2) user types in age; 3) result stored in “answer”
ITEC Winter 201020 User types “13” and the script stores the answer “answer” is a Special Scratch variable
ITEC Winter 201021 OUTPUT: Giving the user information with say answer Say is in Looks menu; drag “answer” from Sensing menu; click
ITEC Winter 201022 Making an “age variable” 1)Click Variables menu; 2) click “Make a variable” 3)Type in “age” and click OK Do you want to display for all sprites or just one?
ITEC Winter 201023 We have an “age variable” Displaying variable “age” Operations for “age”
ITEC Winter 201024 We can join text and a number to say things Build this instruction from the parts above it. From Looks From Operators From Sensing Make the join
ITEC Winter 201025 Storing a value in a variable; then saying it to the user 1)Set from Variables menu; 2) Say from Looks menu; 3) Join from the Operators menu joins your text with the “answer”
ITEC Winter 201026 A first “program” for 6 th grade The variable V now stores the computed average of A and B
ITEC Winter 201027 Changing costumes Another way to change the appea rance of a sprite.
ITEC Winter 201028 Making a new costume 1)Get bat2-a sprite from the “sprite box”. 2)Click on sprite 3)Click on “Costumes” 4)Click on “Import” 5)Now get bat-2b sprite from the sprite box
ITEC Winter 201029 Use a loop to make the bat fly! 1) When and repeat from Control menu and 2) next costume from Looks menu.
ITEC Winter 201030 Changing coordinates We can randomly set the location of the bat so it will “flutter”. Set X to a random number Set Y to a random number Move the bat to location (X,Y) Of course, the bat should remain on stage!
ITEC Winter 201031 Using pick random Click the stop sign at the stage upper right to stop the forever loop. Do we need a wait in the loop? Try it to see the change in flying.
ITEC Winter 201032 Multiple interactive bat flight
ITEC Winter 201033 Adding a background Click on the Stage icon at lower right Click on Backgrounds Click on bat icon (Sprite1) Click on Scripts FLY AGAIN!
ITEC Winter 201034 Controlling the bat’s direction Let’s create multiple scripts. Click space bar for random moves Click right arrow to move right Click left arrow to move left The bat will behave differently depending upon which key is typed! (So, could a gamer catch the bat?)
ITEC Winter 201035 On to multimedia, games, stories Detecting events; sending messages; using music and audio;
ITEC Winter 201036 See stock example: Mad Lib Explore the available examples; Mad Lib under stories; Study message sending;
ITEC Winter 201037 Study Break Dance Music and dance example; Messaging; Use of stock music and costumes
ITEC Winter 201038 Digitizing your own audio Use din example
ITEC Winter 201039 Composing with drum beats
ITEC Winter 201040
ITEC Winter 201041 Jodi jumps on the drum Story teller script Jodi’s script
ITEC Winter 201042 Recording from a mike (or an iPod or other music player) 1. Plug in microphone 2. Pick the speaker sprite 3. Click “Sounds” 4. Click “Record” 5. Click red button and speak 6. Click square button to stop 7. Click triangle to hear it 8. Click “OK” if it’s OK 9. Use name of sound in a play-sound instruction
ITEC Winter 201043 Where does all this lead? Definitely engaging for grades 6,7,8. Does it increase STEM interest of our kids? Does it motivate college computing classes? Does Scratch make a smarter Lego bot?
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