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Royal Holloway University of London

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1 Royal Holloway University of London
Towards passive terahertz imaging using a semiconductor quantum dot sensor Vladimir Antonov Royal Holloway University of London

2 Acknowledgments Royal Holloway, UK : H Hashiba
Tokyo University&JST, Japan: Prof. S Komiyama, Drs. J Chen, O Astafiev (NEC) ISSP RAN, Russia: Dr. L Kulik NPL, UK: Dr A Tzalenchuk, Dr S Gibling and P Kleinschmidt Chalmers University, Sweden: Prof. P Delsing, Dr S Kubatkin Optisense LTD: M Andreo

3 Passive Imaging with superconducting bolometer by VTT-NIST
Nb superconducting bolometer Detection of hidden weapon Courtesy of VTT-NIST

4 Some numbers for consideration
Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) imposed by the temperature contrast, or variation of spectral intensity (spectral fingertips) < 0.1K Background limited noise BLIP~ T(F/n)1/2 , where F - frame rate (10Hz), n - number of detected photons (108), ~0.05K Detector should have NETD better than 0.1K and counting rate around 108 photons/sec

5 Some numbers for consideration
Plank’s law There is a difference in ~1010 photons/sec (~10-23J) for black body radiation at 300K and 305K in bandwidth from 0.5 to 0.7 THz. Passive imaging U, J /(Hz m3) f , THz T=305K U, J /(Hz m3) T=300K f , THz

6 Finger prints of explosives
Complex materials has a unique fingerprints in spectrum T=300K JF Federici et all ’05

7 QD as a spectral sensitive detector
Layout of the QD in 2DEG SEM images of the QD Resonance curve APL ’02 B (Tesla) 1 2 3 4 5 20 40 60 Frequency  (/cm) c  0 QD in magnetic field Zero filed Plasma resonance in QD

8 Log-periodic circular antenna (0.2-3Thz)
QD-SET detector Log-periodic circular antenna (0.2-3Thz) coupled with QD sensor Energy diagram Dark switches and photo-response original peaks shifted DVg SET response to QD excitation

9 Modeling of QD-SET SET SG1 CG Offset charge at SET SG2 QD QSET -Vc

10 Formation of QD Individual SET trace 2D map of SET current
Charging of the QD

11 Photosignal at 0.3K T=0.3K T=0.05K

12 Photo response and dark counts
Noise Equivalent Power~ Watt/Hz1/2 NETD = NEP/(2hkBDnt1/2) ~0.01K Quantum Efficiency ~1% Spectral bandwidth ~ 1% Operation temperature is limited by SET (up to 4K) APL, JAP, PRB, IEEE ’04-07

13 Photosignal at K

14 2D maps of QD-SET VS, V VS, V VC, V VC, V Emitter is OFF Emitter is ON
Physica E ’06 PRB’06

15 Detector of different designs
A lateral sensor with QD crossing the channel A lateral sensor with QD outside channel A lateral sensor with QD inside channel A vertical sensor

16 QD outside of 2DEG channel

17 QD inside the 2DEG channel

18 QD in high magnetic field
LL0 LL1 SEM picture of the QD 1m NATURE, 2000

19 QD in high B QD under illumination Time traces of QD conductance
Spectral sensitivity of the detector

20 QD in high B LL1­ I II QD has three levels: LL0­,LL0¯,
Lifetime of excitations PRB, 2002

21 LT THZ microscope of Tokyo University
Ikushima, Komiyama APL, 2006

22 LT THZ microscope of Tokyo University

23 Future plans: Quantum Dot in DQW heterostructure
Schematic view Inter-well excitation in asymmetric DQW ~1 THz

24 Near-field antennae Simulation of near-field antennae
Simulation of E-field

25 Near-field antenna

26 Challenges Room Temperature Imaging
QD detector: which type? Room Temperature Imaging Source of THz radiation for in-situ calibration Physics of isolated QD in DW heterostructures

27 Vertical sensor in DQW heterostructure
An et all, PRB’07

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