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Prepared By Prof Alvin So1 SOSC 188 Lecture 9 The New Dependency (I): Dependent Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared By Prof Alvin So1 SOSC 188 Lecture 9 The New Dependency (I): Dependent Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared By Prof Alvin So1 SOSC 188 Lecture 9 The New Dependency (I): Dependent Development

2 Prepared By Prof Alvin So2 The Old-fashioned Dependency Theory - Neo-Colonialism Triple Alliance Dependent Development

3 Prepared By Prof Alvin So3 The Old-fashioned Dependency Theory - Neo-Colonialism Little change after political independence - still one-crop economy, still little industrialization, still dependent state Satellite status prevents autonomous development more foreign control, less development less foreign control, more development

4 Prepared By Prof Alvin So4 Triple Alliance Three new actors of development (1) Transnationals (2) nation-state (3) domestic capitalists

5 Prepared By Prof Alvin So5 (1) Transnational corporations Investments/loyalty not tied to a particular nation-state Promote industrialization across the globe Provide capital and technology

6 Prepared By Prof Alvin So6 (2) Domestic Capital Market to big be monopolized by the foreigners Wait for golden opportunity (war) Provide management and local market

7 Prepared By Prof Alvin So7 (3) The State as a Promoter Infrastructure building (airports, freeways, harbors, high-tech zones) social spending (education, health care) provide incentives (taxes, loans, subsidizes) Regulations (tariffs to protect) Provide preferential treatments

8 Prepared By Prof Alvin So8 Triple Alliance Conflict The triple alliance: Partnership amidst contradictions Transnationals: Don ’ t want to share high-tech Nation-state: Promote nationalism Domestic capitalists: Want automony

9 Prepared By Prof Alvin So9 Dependent Development Still foreign control on technology: local industry can ’ t catch up, limited development Widen income inequality: benefits not share by the poor Political implications: authoritarianism to suppress dissents Fragile partnership

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