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RISING Project Adam Maj Adam Maj (IFJ PAN Kraków) NEEN meeting in Krakow September 14/15 2004 Rare Isotopes Investigation at GSI
Rare isotopes production: projectile fragmentation and fission 9 Be target exotic nuclei (also neutron deficient) fragments nearly retain the projectile direction and velocity 208 Pb target, heavy beam ( 238 U) neutron rich nuclei fragments can be faster than the projectile Interaction zone Coulomb field
RISING@GSI The Accelerators: UNILAC (injector) - E<15 AMeV SIS - E <2 AGeV Beams: HI ranging up to 238 U Currents: 238 U - 2* 10 8 pps medium mass nuclei- 10 9 pps (A~130) In beam -spectroscopy
Rare isotope selection at FRS ( technique) 20m secondary beam 78 Ni ~ 100 AMeV primary beam 86 Kr ~700 AMeV production target 9 Be f magnetic dipolesdegrader fully striped fragments Transmission : 20-70 % for fragmentation < 2 % for fission
Planned RISING campaigns 2003-2006 Fast beam campaign Fast beam campaign 1. Relativistic Coulomb excitations (E2 and E1) 2. Break-up reactions 3. Isomeric beams 4. g-factors of short lived states (transient fields) Stopped beam campaign Stopped beam campaign 1. g-factor measurements of long lived isomers 2. Decay of isomers ? Slowed down beam campaign ? Slowed down beam campaign
RISING setup for fast beams FRS HECTOR 8 BaF 2 scintillators CATE: Position Sensitive Calorimeter Telescope HECTOR: time spectrum Comissioning exp.: Coulomb excitation in 84 Kr @ 100 MeV/n (A. Maj et al.) Relativistic Coulomb E2 or E1 excitation of projectile Break-up EUROBALL 15 cluster Ge-detectors (each having 7 capsules)
The design of -arrays at RISING Ge Cluster detectors BaF 2 HECTOR detectorsbeam Target chamber CATE
5 Clusters at 15.9 0, d = 700mm 5 Clusters at 33 0, d = 1295mm (700mm to 1400mm) 5 Clusters at 36 0, d = 1372mm (700mm to 1400mm) For 1% energy resolution eff = 1.52% at 1.3 MeV (66% from first ring) 15 clusters at GSI 15 Clusters at 700mm eff = 2.92%, at 1.3 MeV, resolution 1.44%
Subjects to be studied with RISING n-rich Nuclei Shell structure around 132 Sn New shell closures at N=32 Soft dipole modes Nucleosynthesis N ≈ Z Nuclei Shell structure pn pairing Isospin symmetry GT and Fermi decay Nuclear Shapes Shape Coexistence Shape transitions K-isomerism Heavy Nuclei Shell stabilization Shell evolution
The international collaboration CEA Saclay CSNSM Orsay GANIL Caen IPN Orsay CLRC Daresbury Univ. Keele Univ. Liverpool Univ. Manchester Univ. Paisley Univ. Surrey Univ. York FZ Juelich FZ Rossendorf GSI Darmstadt HMI Berlin LMU Muenchen MPI Heidelberg TU Darmstadt Univ. Bonn Univ. Koeln Univ. Leuven Univ. Demokritos INFN Genova INFN Legnaro INFN/Univ. Napoli INFN/Univ. Padova Univ. Camerino Univ. Firenze Univ. Milano KTH Stockholm Univ. Lund Univ. Uppsala NBI Copenhagen IFJ Krakow IPJ Swierk Univ. Krakow Univ. Warszawa Australian Nat. Univ., Canberra
RISING Project duration 2003-2006
BDDKFI PL SUK 2.5%22.5%2.5%15%20%7.5%10%20% Memorandum of Understanding (2002) „Countries will bid for the running costs in the following proportion”10k€46k€?-40k€?16k€?k€ 2004 Application for SPUBM
Experiments performed so farDatesPrimary Beam Nucleus of Interest Experiment type 2003 /5 weeks/ Aug 05 – Aug 11 Sep 13 – Sep 22 132 Xe, 84 Kr, 40 Ar 132 Xe, 84 Kr, 40 Ar Commissioning;Coulex Sep 22 – Sep 29 86 Kr 56 Cr Coulex Oct 11 – Oct 20 58 Ni 53 Mn, 53 Ni Fragmentation Oct 21 - Oct 27 124 Xe 112 Sn, 108 Sn Coulex 2004 /2 weeks/ May 6- May 12 86 Kr 68 Ni Coulex; GDR May 13 May 19 86 Kr 54,56,58 Cr Coulex
Two-step Fragmentation Highest yield when intermediate fragment is 1 or 2 nucleons away from final fragment of interest Highest yield when intermediate fragment is 1 or 2 nucleons away from final fragment of interest Expect to populate a few states near ground state spin Expect to populate a few states near ground state spin (yrast or non-yrast?) Mirror nuclei produced by “mirrored” intermediate fragments in “mirrored” reactions… Mirror nuclei produced by “mirrored” intermediate fragments in “mirrored” reactions… 5×10 8 s -1 55 Ni 27 55 Co 28 58 Ni 53 Ni 25 53 Mn 28 52 Co 25 52 Mn 27 44 V 21 44 Sc 23 etc. 28 27 25 28 25 2723 21 Neutron rich Proton rich Primary target Secondary target 2np2n5p6n 2p2pn6p5n 4×10 5 s -1 5000 s -1 RIB intensity
Nuclei of interest (e.g. 53 Ni) produced via two-step fragmentation of 58 Ni (RISING exp., M.A. Bentley et al.., October 2003 (on-line spectra)
Evidence of Mirror State Population – G. Hammond, Zakopane2004 54 Ni recently seen with EUROBALL (A. Gadea et. al.) 54 Ni recently seen with EUROBALL (A. Gadea et. al.) States populated by particle alignments States populated by particle alignments Positive & negative energy differences Positive & negative energy differences More evidence of “J=2 anomaly” More evidence of “J=2 anomaly” A. Gadea et. al. (p.c.) 9 Be( 55 Ni,n) 54 Ni 9 Be( 55 Co,p) 54 Fe 1131 keV 2 + - 0 + 1408 keV 4 + - 2 + 1227 keV 2 + - 0 + 1392 keV 4 + - 2 + 03/pdfs/A113TTS.pdf LNL Annual Report 2003
New Shell Structure at N>>Z Relativistic Coulex in N=28-34, N=40-50 Nuclei M.Honma et al, Phys. Rev. C65(2002)061301 E.Caurier et al, Eur.Phys.J. A 15, 145 (2002) 56 Cr 58 Cr Preliminary A. Bürger, Zakopane 2004
Future improvements: MINIBALL at RISING MINIBALL-Cluster detector 3 encapsulated, 6-fold segmented Ge detectors digital electronics: XIA – DGF cards pulse shape analysis 8 detectors around the target
Stopped beam campaign: setup for g-factor measurement
GSI, Darmstadt GSI, Darmstadt H.-J. Wollersheim A. Banu, T. Beck, F. Becker, P. Bednarczyk, P.Doornenbal, J. Gerl, M. Górska, J. Grębosz, M. Hellström, I.Kojouharov, N. Kurz, R. Lozeva, S. Mandal, S. Muralithar, W.Prokopowicz, N. Saito, T.R. Saito, H. Schaffner, C. Wheldon IFJ PAN, Kraków IFJ PAN, Kraków A. Maj, J. Styczeń, P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, M. Ziębliński, W. Męczyński, IF UJ, Kraków IF UJ, Kraków R. Kulessa, W. Prokopowicz UW Warszawa UW Warszawa (T. Rząca-Urban, M. Palacz) IPJ, Świerk IPJ, Świerk (M. Moszyński)
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