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Panorama A R-evolving Medium. What is Panorama? The enormous peep show pan: all horama: view Overcoming limitations in a painting.

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Presentation on theme: "Panorama A R-evolving Medium. What is Panorama? The enormous peep show pan: all horama: view Overcoming limitations in a painting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panorama A R-evolving Medium

2 What is Panorama? The enormous peep show pan: all horama: view Overcoming limitations in a painting

3 Brief History of Panorama Egyptian, Roman wall paintings Bayeux Tapestry Robert Barker, 1787 patent 19 th century rotundas

4 Factors leading to Panorama Horizon See-fever See-sickness Hot-air balloons Hope Dungeon destruction Scientific illustrations Perspective Curved ceilings Tromp l’oeil Architecture

5 The Panorama Rotunda Diagram:

6 Creating a Panorama Preliminary Sketching Placing Canvas Transferring the Sketch Painting Exhibition Rotation & New Panorama

7 Visual Techniques Multiperspective: wrapping sketches of a single perspective to a cylinder Multiple centers of interest Size does matter!

8 “Death” of the panorama Not an actual extinction, but an evolution Birth of the “amas” Popular modern form: web-based panoramic movies, like QTVR

9 Parallels Between QTVR & Panorama Rotundas 360º view Image stitching Bring surroundings to life

10 The Parallax Problem The Axis and the Nodal Points How to see Parallax Example:

11 Problems with QTVR Slow vs. Fast spinning Warping towards the edges The upside down “V” distortion Dizziness

12 The Leaning Tower of Hoover Play Movie The Way Lag should be… Play Movie

13 Shop ‘til you … Distortion of nearby objects The Dizziness problem, revisited Play Movie

14 A R-evolving Form The future of panorama Story-telling Motion Virtual Reality meets Panorama The “all-view” Panorama, in one form or another, is here to stay!

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