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Middle Ages(an interesting time of fun and fears)

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1 Middle Ages(an interesting time of fun and fears)
Alexa Grabelle 4LEL

2 What was the Middle Ages?
The Middle Ages was a period of time after the fall of the Roman Empire. It was a time of enjoyment and fear. A time of life and death. A time of hope and religion. Overall, it was a time of many interesting events and experiences. The Middle Ages got divided into three main periods. (the Early Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages) During this time people had little rights. The Middle Ages was a time with no electricity which means no televisions, no cell phones, no video games, and no internet. Overall the Middle Ages is probably a place where you wouldn’t like to be. The Middle Ages was followed by the Renaissance, but we don’t have time to discuss that. Let’s get on with the Middle Ages.

3 The Feudal System Do you think people judge you every second based on your social rank? Well in medieval times everyone was judged socially anytime that they did anything. This system of keeping track of social values was confusing and unfair. In my opinion the feudal system was a way of being mean and cruel to the people of Medieval times. At the top of this list is the Lord. He ruled the people and was the best man of the area. His entire family had special mats to pray on, special tables to eat on, and many other ways of proving that he and his family is very important. The bottom of the list is where the peasants belonged. they were not free, had no rights, and had to pay the Lord taxes on almost anything. Were the peasants bad people? No, not at all. The Lord just thought that you should have less rights if you are poor. Overall the feudal system is very interesting and unfair.

4 Illuminated Letters In medieval times many books were written. Some included illuminated letters. Illuminated letters were fancy letters that were decorated into common objects or just regular designs. The title of this slide has fancy letters. You would also commonly find this type of font in Medieval books. Here is an illuminated letter:

5 People Here are some important people of the Middle Ages and what they do! Queen-female ruler of kingdom King-male ruler of kingdom Heralds-messengers Barons-chief noblemen Nun-a woman who gives up everything for her religion Monk-a man who gives up everything for his religion Knight-a military servant of a lord Crusader-a person who takes part in holy wars Bishop-a clergyman who is the head of a church district Lord-an owner, ruler, or master Pope-head of the Roman Catholic church

6 Cool Info Slavery slowly began to die out throughout the Middle Ages.
A large population of kids couldn’t go to school because they had to work in the fields. Medieval people wore tunics which are similar to baggy t-shirts. Alchemists in medieval times tried to turn lead into gold and make people live forever. Books were expensive and rare because they were written by hand on parchment. Some games that the people played were dice, knucklebones, marbles, and checkers. Taxes were paid on everything.

7 Thanks for watching the show!

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