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Museums and the Future of Learning. The Idea of the Museum See through a frame.

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Presentation on theme: "Museums and the Future of Learning. The Idea of the Museum See through a frame."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museums and the Future of Learning

2 The Idea of the Museum See through a frame

3 A thumbnail history of frames

4 The power of multiple frames: Complex knowledge This too is a frame…

5 The Idea of the Museum See for yourself See through a frame

6 Research interlude: museum study centers Study centers are optimal environments for seeing for oneself and for developing complex knowledge.

7 A study center can be anywhere… The study center mindset: Expectation of… -extended time -deep looking, -open-ended inquiry -own impressions as a source of information

8 Creating a study center mindset 4 pathways & What we know about teaching them

9 1. Look long What do we know? Look wide Look deep, look for details Look again Describe through multiple modalities, e.g., use words, sketch, use the body Distinguish between observations and interpretations

10 2. Ask questions, seek puzzles What do we know? Ask lots of questions Ask different kinds of questions Look for puzzles, tensions, surprises

11 What do we know? reach for connections Create juxtapositions Explore comparisons, metaphors, analogies 3. Connect, juxtapose, compare

12 What do we know? Look for layers, hidden factors, multiple dimensions Look for different kinds of complexity; e.g., causal, interpretive, perspectival, design. 4. Look for complexity

13 The study center mindset: Expectation of -extended time -deep looking -open-ended inquiry -own impressions as a source of information 4 pathways Look long Ask questions, seek puzzles Connect, juxtapose, compare Look for complexity Museum

14 The Idea of the Museum From…. To…. See what we say – see for yourself See through a frame – multiple frames Look long (for experts only) – Look long (for everyone) Visitor as outsider – visitor as insider Visitor as observer – visitor as engaged participant Community – communities

15 The museum mindset and the future of learning. What do you think?

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