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Fig. 6.2 Different modes of operation of the differential pair: (a) The differential pair with a common-mode input signal vCM. (b) The differential.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 6.2 Different modes of operation of the differential pair: (a) The differential pair with a common-mode input signal vCM. (b) The differential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig Different modes of operation of the differential pair: (a) The differential pair with a common-mode input signal vCM. (b) The differential pair with a “large” differential input signal. (c) The differential pair with a large input signal of polarity opposite to that in (b). (d) The differential pair with a small differential input signal vi.

2 Fig. 6. 3 Transfer characteristics of the BJT differential pair of Fig
Fig Transfer characteristics of the BJT differential pair of Fig. 6.2 = 1 assuming   1.

3 Fig The current an voltages in the differential amplifier when a small difference signal vd is applied.

4 Fig A simple technique for determining the signal currents in a differential amplifier excited by a differential voltage signal vd; dc quantities are not shown.

5 Fig. 6. 6 A differential amplifier with emitter existence
Fig A differential amplifier with emitter existence. Only signal quantities are shown (on color).

6 Fig Equivalence of the differential amplifier (a) to the two common-emitter amplifiers in (b). This equivalence applies only for differential input signals. Either of the two common-emitter amplifiers in (b) can be used to evaluate the differential gain, input differential resistance, frequency response, and so on, of the differential amplifier.

7 Fig (a) The differential amplifier fed by a common-mode voltage signal. (b) Equivalent “half-circuits” for the common-mode calculations.

8 Fig. 6.16 Analysis of the current mirror taking into account the finite  of the BJTs.

9 Fig. 6.18 Generation of a number of cross currents.

10 Fig. 6.19 A current mirror with base-current compensation.

11 Fig. 6.20 The Wilson current mirror.

12 Fig. 6.21 The Widlar current source.

13 Fig. 6.24 Circuit for Example 6.3.

14 Fig. 6.25 A differential amplifier with an active load.

15 Fig. 6. 26 Small-signal model of the differential amplifier of Fig. 6

16 Fig. 6.27 (a) The differential form of the cascode amplifier, and (b) its differential half circuit.

17 Fig. 6.28 A cascode differential amplifier with a Wilson current-mirror active load.

18 Fig. 6.29 The MOSFET differential pair.

19 Fig Normalized plots of the currents in a MOSFET differential pair. Note that VGS is the gate-to-source voltage when the drain current is equal to the dc bias current (I/2).

20 Fig. 6.32 MOS current mirrors: (a) basic, (b) cascode, (c) Wilson, (d) modified Wilson.

21 Fig basic active-loaded amplifier stages; (a) bipolar; (b) MOS; (c) BiCMOS obtained by cascoding Q1 with a BJT, Q2; (d) BiCMOS double cascode.

22 Fig Voltage gain of the active-loaded common-source amplifier versus the bias current ID. Outside the subthreshold region, this is a plot of Eq. (6.121) for the case nCox = 20 A/V2,  = 0.05 V-1, L = 2 m and W = 20 m.

23 Fig. 6.46 A multistage amplifier circuit (Example 6.4).

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