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ECE 4411 Interpreting the Circle Diagram. ECE 4412 Graphical Interpretation The blocked rotor voltage, E BR, is assumed constant. P gap =E BR I r cosθ.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 4411 Interpreting the Circle Diagram. ECE 4412 Graphical Interpretation The blocked rotor voltage, E BR, is assumed constant. P gap =E BR I r cosθ."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 4411 Interpreting the Circle Diagram

2 ECE 4412 Graphical Interpretation The blocked rotor voltage, E BR, is assumed constant. P gap =E BR I r cosθ r is proportional to I r cosθ r. I r cosθ r is the projection of the current phasor on the horizontal axis.

3 ECE 4413 What happens when the load on the motor is increased? Start with the motor partially loaded and operating with a slip of 0.05. Increasing the shaft load will slow the motor down, increasing the slip. The magnitude and phase of the rotor current increase.

4 ECE 4414 Graphical Interpretation continued The current phasor elongates and rotates clockwise to a position that results in an I r cosθ r sufficient to carry the load. If the load continues to increase, a “breakdown” point will be reached where I r cosθ r decreases!

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