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Obama Unique background Questions about his background Well Educated Harvard Ward Politics in Chicago Community Organizer State Senate victory without.

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1 Obama Unique background Questions about his background Well Educated Harvard Ward Politics in Chicago Community Organizer State Senate victory without a race

2 Obama Run for Congress in 2000 Defeated in Democrat Primary 31% of vote able to keep Senate seat State Senate Career 1996-2004 Help from Senate President Never had serious race

3 Obama United States Senate Race – Wins multi-candidate race – Republican forced to withdraw after records released (Jack Ryan) Convention Speech 2004 – Instant national celebrity

4 Obama United States Senate – Talked bi-partisan but recognized the groups needed for the presidency – Daschle’s chief of staff – Raised $$$$ for Democrat candidates Decision to run for President – There might not BE another chance – CHANGE

5 Hillary Clinton Can anyone defeat Hillary Clinton?

6 Early Actions Fundraising Iraq War “New Campaign” Learn a lot in 2007 “Why I am running for President CHANGE!!!!! Early Debates

7 Early Results Strategy Hillary- overwhelming force win early and run the table Invested BIG in Iowa LOST New Hampshire comeback War of attrition Different strategy – PARTY RULES


9 Clinton vs. Obama South Carolina South Carolina – Bill Clinton hurts campaign – Black vote strongly with Obama now Super Tuesday Super Tuesday – Split Verdict Clinton out of money Clinton out of money

10 Clinton vs. Obama Caucus States go with OBAMA big time Even wins in CA, OH, TX not enough for Clinton Super Delegates slowing, but solidly going to Obama Clinton finally gives in Agreement to end her campaign debt

11 Obama improves as a candidate Gets better at debates Speeches are the key Survives difficulties New Money, New Volunteers, builds on the Howard Dean run from 2004 Media Darling…even more than McCain

12 McCain Early Front-runner Early Front-runner – Spent too much…too broad – Traveled alone – No to Iowa….on to New Hampshire Romney, Giuliani, Thompson, Huckabee… Thompson

13 Big 3

14 Results Iowa New Hampshire Michigan South Carolina Florida- key

15 McCain vs. Obama McCain fails to take advantage of time Does not build organization Relies on tactics as opposed to strategy Debate challenge and Public Finance challenges fail Obama continues to build money and organization Early Voting, more states to compete

16 McCain vs. Obama New States – FL, OH, PA of course – Now… NC, VA, IN, GA, TN, LA, AR,….makes McCain spend money he does not have… Most often on TV where McCain cant…FL

17 VP Obama picks safe…older white guy…with foreign policy Lieberman was his choice, feared a floor fight McCain takes a chance to gain womens vote and shake up the race – Good-bad…

18 Obama vs. McCain Economic Crisis (Sept 15) Lehman Brothers – Different reactions – “fundamentals of the economy are strong” PA, Michigan? McBUSH Debates reveal nothing Democrats have better machine for 1 st time

19 Obama- 365-173… FL, NC, VA, CO, NM, NV, IA, IN, OH

20 What we learned? America not racist Democrats compete in all 50 states Emergence of the internet Return to person to person contact Get in race early…organize, learn… WHY YOU ARE RUNNING for PRESIDENT! Early Voting MONEY, MONEY, MONEY RE-ALIGNMENT?

21 Democrat Gains 2008 DemocratRepublican White Vote43% (+2)55% Black Vote95%(+7)4% Hispanic67% (+7)31%

22 OBAMA Approval…falling 46%-53% disapprove High Mark was 69%-26% Health Care Stimulus Debt Big Government… Where is transparency?

23 American Voter White74% (-3) Black13% (+2) Hispanic9% (+1) other4%

24 Trends Fewer White Voters – 1976 9 of 10 voters – 2008 3 of 4 voters Hispanic Voters going Democrat – Influential in more states Youth Vote (18-29)- up 12 pts to 66% Democrat

25 Trends New Voters made up 1 of 10 voters – 69% Democrat Male Vote shrunk from 55 to 48% for Republicans Wealthy Voters up 8% to 49-49

26 Interesting Wealth is UP in 2008 Under $50k45% now 38% 50-100k37% now 36% Over 100k18% now 26% Wealth did increase…with no inflation

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