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Transitioning a Traditional Geriatric Nurse Educator Program using Blended Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities Wendy Mahan, PhD Instructional Designer.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning a Traditional Geriatric Nurse Educator Program using Blended Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities Wendy Mahan, PhD Instructional Designer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitioning a Traditional Geriatric Nurse Educator Program using Blended Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities Wendy Mahan, PhD Instructional Designer Penn State University

2 Background - Funding Hartford Center for Geriatric Excellence Primary goal: An increased number of geriatric nursing leaders whose commitment to educational excellence will improve the care for the increasing older population.

3 Background - Courses Master’s program Twelve courses Eight courses in asynchronous format Four courses synchronous

4 Background - Course Development Spring 2009 Assessment of the Geriatric Patient Innovative Technologies for Nursing Education Fall 2009 Issues in Nursing and Health Care Nursing Research Teaching Translational Science in Nursing Spring 2009 Educational Leadership Nursing Theory

5 Background - Technology Course Content ANGEL Softchalk Adobe Presenter Camtasia Videos Podcasts Student-Created Content MyPlick ANGEL Blogs@Penn State Various Web 2.0 tools

6 Challenges: Design & Development Design & Development timeline Workload of graduate faculty Learning curve of technologies Role of the instructional designer “Guessing” the technological capabilities of our targeted audience Awareness of copyright/Teach Act issues as well as accessibility

7 Opportunities: Design & Development Two courses/semester allowed “catch up” time Enthusiasm of faculty User-friendly technologies Higher-level learning objectives of content

8 Implementation Minimal technical support needed by faculty. Few students had difficulty with technologies. Most courses still in development when going live.

9 Evaluation End-of-semester survey focused on technology Informal feedback from students

10 Evaluation Students: Female Over 40 Most full-time graduate students (75%) Most had not taken online course before(75%)

11 Evaluation Prior Technology Use Used ANGEL for other courses Rarely to never viewed YouTube videos Rarely to never listened to podcasts Never used Web 2.0 tools

12 Evaluation Feedback on experience: Rated ANGEL highly for ease of use. Rating of Web 2.0 tools varied, but MyPlick was favored: “Myplick actually has become a fun tool for my daughter and myself to use” “MyPlick. I loved that technology.” Also enjoyed narrated PowerPoint lectures created with Camtasia.

13 Outcomes: Faculty Perceptions Working with an instructional designer was very exciting and challenged me to critically re-think about my philosophy of education and instructional skills.

14 Outcomes: Faculty Perceptions Timeframe was extremely tight but it was an enjoyable experience for the most part but it helps that I love technology.

15 Outcomes: Faculty Perceptions Students quickly helped us to see areas that needed improvement – you always try to have your materials be as intuitive for the learner as possible but we must remember that they come from through our perceptual screen and sometimes that confuses the students rather than adding the clarity they need!

16 Outcomes: Faculty Perceptions Web 2.0 is just like all of the equipment in a playground – very attractive -- and deciding what to demonstrate and use was always an issue as well as how much to introduce.

17 Lessons Learned - ID Course development cannot be completed in one semester. Instructional designer must be willing to be flexible. Instructional designer must fully explain role in the process of course development. Instructional designer must be present for pilot.

18 Lessons Learned - Faculty Despite existing workloads, faculty are interested in incorporating technology into their courses. Faculty’s use of technologies need to be supported. Inexperienced faculty need encouragement during pilot.

19 Lessons Learned - Students Students’ willingness to take risks depended on faculty. Most favored Web 2.0 - MyPlick. Web 2.0 tools that did not work well for students included the blogs.

20 Conclusions Transition to online has been a success. Instructors have new skills. Students have greater comfort with technology. Ability to expand our program.

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