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The edge buffer : A data structure for easy silhouette rendering by John W. Buchanan and Mario C. Sousa.

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Presentation on theme: "The edge buffer : A data structure for easy silhouette rendering by John W. Buchanan and Mario C. Sousa."— Presentation transcript:

1 The edge buffer : A data structure for easy silhouette rendering by John W. Buchanan and Mario C. Sousa

2 Goal Render edges within relatively low end PC apps –obstacle: Z-buffer reading is expensive if it exists All polygons are processed Artists can define edges in the model which must be displayed

3 Edge Buffer (EB) uses: Closed polyhedral objects Open polyhedral objects There are times when the Artist MUST define edges in order to produce accurate results

4 EB Method Attributes Polygonal mesh stored in indexed vertex mesh representation Front/back facing polygons determined Buffer takes up little additional storage space

5 Closed polyhedral objects 1 2 4 3 5 V- Vertex # F- Front B- Back Vertex VFB 1 200300400500 2 300500x00 3 400500x00 4 500x00 5 Edges passed during pre-polygonal set-up Original Object

6 Closed polyhedral objects 1 2 4 3 5 Vertex VFB 1 210310400500 2 310500x00 3 400500x00 4 500x00 5 F bits have 1 added to them in the corresponding fields

7 Closed polyhedral objects 1 2 4 3 5 Vertex VFB 1 210300410500 2 310500x00 3 410500x00 4 500x00 5 Adding 1 to the F bit twice results in a 0 representing a front-facing, absolute edge.

8 Closed polyhedral objects 1 2 4 3 5 Vertex VFB 1 210300410500 2 310500x00 3 411501x00 4 501x00 5 Back-facing bits have 1’s added to them, the first silhouette is found.

9 Closed polyhedral objects 1 2 4 3 5 Vertex VFB 1 210300410500 2 311501x00 3 411500x00 4 501x00 5

10 Closed polyhedral objects 1 2 4 3 5 Vertex VFB 1 211300410501 2 311500x00 3 411500x00 4 501x00 5

11 Closed polyhedral objects 1 2 4 3 5 Vertex VFB 1 211300411500 2 311500x00 3 411500x00 4 500x00 5

12 Closed polyhedral objects 1 2 4 3 5 Vertex VFB 1 211300411500 2 311500x00 3 411500x00 4 500x00 5 Silhouettes are found and rendered

13 Open polyhedral objects Original Open Object Result of edge buffer technique on Open Objects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

14 Open polyhedral objects Original ObjectRendering edges which do not end in 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

15 Open polyhedral objects Original objectAllow Artist to define edges to be rendered 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

16 Determining back-facing artist edges Three new flags are added to bit field: A, F~ and B~. –Artist defined edge. –Front or Back Absolute. --------->

17 RESULTS 11111 10011 00010 11111 00001 A F B F~ B~ 0 0 0 0 1 = Back-Facing Absolute Edge not to be rendered

18 RESULTS 11111 10011 00010 11111 00001 A F B F~ B~ 0 0 0 1 0 = Front-Facing Absolute Edge not to be rendered

19 RESULTS 11111 10011 00010 11111 00001 A F B F~ B~ 1 0 0 1 1 = Artist edge sharing vertices with both back-facing and front- facing polygons will be rendered

20 RESULTS 11111 10011 00010 11111 00001 A F B F~ B~ 1 1 1 1 1 = Artist Edge sharing vertices with both back-facing and front- facing polygons will be rendered 11111 10011 00010 11111 00001

21 RESULTS 11111 10011 00010 11111 00001 A F B F~ B~ 1 1 1 1 1 = Artist edge sharing vertices with both back-facing and front- facing polygons

22 Conclusions Little additional storage space –At least two bits per edge. Front-and back computations being done Objects stored in indexed polygonal mesh representation Artist Edge can be defined during pre- processing. Increased computation adds less than 1% to rendering time

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