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CSCE 312 Computer Organization Lecture 0: Course Administration EJ Kim Department of Computer Science and Engineering 338B Bright 979-845-3660.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCE 312 Computer Organization Lecture 0: Course Administration EJ Kim Department of Computer Science and Engineering 338B Bright 979-845-3660."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCE 312 Computer Organization Lecture 0: Course Administration EJ Kim Department of Computer Science and Engineering 338B Bright 979-845-3660

2 CSCE 312: Computer Organization Books –Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Randal Bryant and David O’Hallaron, Prentice Hall, 2011 (2 nd edition) –Digital Design, Frank Vahid, John Wiley & Sons, 2011 (2 nd edition) Optional Reference –The C Programming Language, 2nd Ed. (ANSI C version) or later, Kernighan & Ritchie, Prentice Hall Helpful in learning the operating system and programming environment

3 Course Overview The goal of this course is to introduce the fundamental organization and structure of computer systems. Topics include: –Computer systems (overview) –Data representation –Machine language –Processor architecture –Memory hierarchy –Linking –Exception control flow –Virtual memory –System level I/O

4 Programmer Perspective Traditional Computer Organization courses are presented in a bottom-up (hardware-oriented) fashion We will take a top-down approach, that is, a software-oriented or “programmer’s perspective” of computer systems

5 Prerequisites CSCE 221 Mastery of data structures including list, stack, and queue Familiarity with recursion Some knowledge of complexity analysis

6 Grading Homework15% Labs20% Quizzes25% Final Exam25% Project15% No midterm

7 Assignments Homework assigned ~bi-weekly Mix of individual and team assignments, which will include programming exercises and problems from your textbooks Assignments will be due at the beginning of the class

8 Programming Computing platform: Linux Programming languages: C and Y86 Assembly All programming must follow the JDE Coding Standard (see the course Web page, CSCE310J/StandardHandouts/JdeCoding StandardV3.pdf) Program correctness is assumed…

9 Quizzes Five quizzes will be given and no midterm 25 minutes in length Format –Brief explanation of concepts based on the reading assignment for pending lecture –Questions on material already discussed in class

10 Homework Late home work will have penalty @ 25% per day Genuine difficulties must be discussed with instructor and TA Do not cut classes to do your homework

11 Earning Grades in this Course Want to get an “A” grade? –Attend all classes, do homework, do reading, do labs, do projects, participate in class Want to get a “D” grade (or worse)? –Skip class, skip assignments, do not do reading, do not be attentive or avoid taking notes in the class, do not study

12 Summary Read syllabus on course details We shall study computer organization from a programmer’s perspective A lot of work in the class Key knowledge about the hardware/software interface

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