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1 Control of microbial growth: Chemical and Physical methods.

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1 1 Control of microbial growth: Chemical and Physical methods

2 2 Vocabulary Sterile: devoid of life. Something is either sterile or not. Disinfect: kill most microbes, especially harmful ones, but probably not necessarily spores which are resistant. Disinfectant: chemical used on inanimate objects to kill microorganisms. Antiseptic: used to disinfect living tissue; must be gentler. Bacteriostatic: keeps bacteria from growing. Bactericidal: kills them. Sometimes subtle differences between bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Sanitize: no specific meaning; clean thoroughly so that harmful bacteria are probably dead.

3 Microbes must be controlled Food safety and prevention of spoilage Medical procedures, nosocomial infections Spread of infectious diseases –Personal hygiene and communicable diseases –Sewage treatment and safe water supplies 3 dical-art22-germs.html

4 4 Kinetics of bacterial death Bacteria not only grow exponentially, but die that way too. Factors that affect the rate of death include: temperature, pH, concentration of disinfectant, type of microbe, and presence of organic material. The longer the treatment is applied, the more that are killed. The more microbes there are, the longer it will take.

5 Example: Thermal death time 5

6 6 How do antimicrobial agents work? Attack proteins –Oxidize, hydrolyze, or bind to proteins. –Change 3-D structure, usually irreversibly; ruin protein. Dissolve membranes or damages cell walls –Leaky membranes means vitamins, metabolites, escape –Proton gradient across membrane gone, little ATP made. –Wall destroyed, loss of osmotic protection

7 Susceptibility Bacteria with Spores (Bacillus, Clostridium) Protozoa with Cysts (Giardia, Cryptosporidium) Mycobacteria (M. tuberculosis, M. avium-intracellulare) Non-Enveloped Viruses (poliovirus, hepatitis A virus) Fungi (Candida species, Dermatophytes) Vegetative Bacteria (Staphylococcus, coliforms) Enveloped Viruses (Herpes simplex, influenza virus, hepatitis B & C viruses, human immunodeficiency virus) 7 Hardest to kill: Easiest to kill:

8 8 The Ideal Disinfectant Fast and effective, even in the presence of organic material (like blood, vomit, feces..) Effective, but non-toxic to humans. Penetrate materials without damaging them. Easy to prepare and stable over time. Inexpensive and easy to apply. Not stink!

9 9 Disinfectants vary in effectiveness Mi crobes vary in susceptibility Difficult to develop standard tests for disinfectant effectiveness suitable for all situations Phenol coefficient –Effectiveness compared to phenol Use-dilution test –See readings In-Use test –Swab surface of object to be disinfected, disinfect, then swab again. –Determine number of bacteria before and after.

10 10 Disinfectants -1 Halogens: Cl, I, Br, Fl –Chlorine: Cl 2 gas, hypochlorites (bleach), and chloramines (NH 2 Cl) –I as tincture or as iodophors such as betadine. Phenols and phenolics –O-phenyl phenol (Lysol), hexachlorophene, triclosan, chlorhexidine Alcohols: isopropanol, ethanol; best at 70-95% –Good at removing lipids w/ attached bacteria from skin –Weakly attacks proteins, cell membranes phenol

11 11 Disinfectants -2 Hydrogen peroxide and ozone –H 2 O 2, stored at 30%, used at 3% –new plasma gas sterilizers; read article Soaps and detergents: cationic (Quats), anionic –Soaps are alkaline salts of fatty acids, weak –Quaternary ammonium compounds weak but useful. –Mostly wash away microbes or damage membranes. Heavy metals: Hg, Ag, Se, Cu –Used less; toxic and corrosive. Hg and Ag historically

12 12 Disinfectants -3 Alkylating agents –Formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde (effective at high pH) –Ethylene oxide: common, toxic, explosive Acids and alkalis: often microbiostatic –Acetic and lactic acids in foods; –Salts of benzoic, sorbic, and propionic Other stuff –Sulfites (control regrowth in wine), nitrites (botulism or cancer?), various dyes (selective growth media)

13 13 Chemical structures Na + OCl - sodium hypochlorite Ethylene oxide Benzalkonium chloride (quat) Soap Na salt of a fatty acid

14 14 Physical methods Temperature –Cold: slows or prevents growth, may kill slowly Ultra-cold used to preserve bacteria long term –Heat: denatures enzymes, kills cells Moist heat –Traditional pasteurization does not sterilize; »Standard protocols, time and temperature e.g. 62.9°/ 30 min »flash pasteurization 71.6° / 15” –Newer UHT sterilizes: 74-140-74° in 5 ”

15 15 More on temperature Sterilizing with moist heat: boiling, autoclave –Boiling will not necessarily kill endospores –Autoclave is steam heat under pressure, so above boiling 121°C, 19-21 psi. Very effective. Compare moist heat and dry heat Dry heat: 170 deg C, near 350 F, for 2 hours Water conducts heat much more effectively, sterilizes at lower temperature for shorter time. Dry heat not useful for liquids! Incineration (e.g. flaming loop) has its place too.

16 16 Physical methods-2 Drying: cells need water. Remove it, and no growth. –Freeze drying: lyophilization; also used to preserve cultures for long term storage. Osmotic pressure/high salt –Sucks water out of cytoplasm; salted meat, jellies, etc. Radiation –UV used to sterilize air, surfaces in hospitals, etc. –Ionizing radiation: x-rays (electron beam) and gamma rays; important treatment of plastics, various foods. –Irradiation of meat important tool in food safety. –Microwaves only boil;

17 17 Physical methods-3 Filtration –Membrane filtration: thin plastic disks with holes of 0.22 or 0.45 micrometers, separate liquid from bacteria –Used to collect bacteria or sterilize liquids Solutions of vitamins or proteins can be destroyed by heating –Air filtration: HEPA filters used in hospitals and also homes to help remove dust-borne bacteria, allergens. High efficiency particulate air = HEPA

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