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PeopleSoft Student Administration. 2Objectives  Review Setup  Review Assumptions  Identify Open Issues.

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Presentation on theme: "PeopleSoft Student Administration. 2Objectives  Review Setup  Review Assumptions  Identify Open Issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 PeopleSoft Student Administration

2 2Objectives  Review Setup  Review Assumptions  Identify Open Issues

3 3 Home, Manage Student Records, Establish Courses, Setup, Course Attributes   Home Help Sign Out   New Window  Home > Manage Student Records > Establish Courses > Use > Course Catalog  Catalog Data O fferings C omponents G L Interface  View All First Last  1 of 1   000213 Course Offering  Course ID:  1 of 1   01/01/1901 Active  *Effective Date: *Status:  ART 206  Animation   *Short Title:  Animation   Long Course Title:  An introduction to basic techniques and processes involved in the production of  Long Description:  animation. Projects include elements of concept and story development, character  design, storyboarding, timing, key framing and inbetweening, and cell production   leading to the creation of short works in animation.  Course Units/Hours/Count  Last Course of Mult Term Seq:  Minimum Units: 3.00 c   Actual Units  *Enrollment Unit Load Calc Type:  Maximum Units: 3.00   Academic Progress Units: 3.00 Course Count: 1.00   Financial Aid Progress Units: 3.00 Course Contact Hours: 0.00   Course Grading

4 4 Home, Design Student Administration, Define Student Administration, Setup Instruction mode   Home Help Sign Out   New Window  Home > Manage Student Records > Establish Courses > Use > Course Catalog  Catalog Data O fferings C omponents G L Interface  View All First Last  1 of 1   000213 Course Offering  Course ID:  1 of 1   01/01/1901 Active  *Effective Date: *Status:  ART 206  Animation   *Short Title:  Animation   Long Course Title:  An introduction to basic techniques and processes involved in the production of  Long Description:  animation. Projects include elements of concept and story development, character  design, storyboarding, timing, key framing and inbetweening, and cell production   leading to the creation of short works in animation.  Course Units/Hours/Count  Last Course of Mult Term Seq:  Minimum Units: 3.00 c   Actual Units  *Enrollment Unit Load Calc Type:  Maximum Units: 3.00   Academic Progress Units: 3.00 Course Count: 1.00   Financial Aid Progress Units: 3.00 Course Contact Hours: 0.00   Course Grading

5 5 Home, Manage Student Records, Establish Courses, Use, Course Catalog   Home Help Sign Out   New Window  Home > Manage Student Records > Establish Courses > Use > Course Catalog  Catalog Data O fferings C omponents G L Interface  View All First Last  1 of 1   000213 Course Offering  Course ID:  1 of 1   01/01/1901 Active  *Effective Date: *Status:  ART 206  Animation   *Short Title:  Animation   Long Course Title:  An introduction to basic techniques and processes involved in the production of  Long Description:  animation. Projects include elements of concept and story development, character  design, storyboarding, timing, key framing and inbetweening, and cell production   leading to the creation of short works in animation.  Course Units/Hours/Count  Last Course of Mult Term Seq:  Minimum Units: 3.00 c   Actual Units  *Enrollment Unit Load Calc Type:  Maximum Units: 3.00   Academic Progress Units: 3.00 Course Count: 1.00   Financial Aid Progress Units: 3.00 Course Contact Hours: 0.00   Course Grading

6 6 Home, Manage Student Records, Establish Courses, Use, Course Catalog

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10 10 Home, Manage Student Records, Establish Courses, Use, Course Catalog

11 11Issues SPACE TYPE  Independent Study- Independent Study courses are classified with space type = n/a.  Service Learning- Service Learning courses are classified with a space type= n/a.  Capstone- Capstone courses are classified with space type = n/a

12 12Issues COURSE COMPONENTS  Seminars- Seminars are classified as “Lecture” in the Course Component section, should this be changed to seminar, although the class has a lecture?  Capstone courses- Should all Capstone courses be classified as Lecture? Currently set up this way unless stated otherwise.  Discussion-Chemistry courses contain an hour recitation every week, should course component be set to discussion?

13 13Issues  Lab/Lecture- Biol 410 has lab and lecture component and is cross-listed with Comp 410. Should all comp classes be designated as both lab and lecture? Should Bio be lecture only?  Lab/Lecture - BIOL 430/CHEM 430 & MATH 430- BIOL is a Lab and the other 2 are Lecture in the Lab, component was set to lab, is this correct? (same issue w/BIOL 431 and COMP 431, these were set to lab)

14 14Issues  Review all courses that do not occur in classrooms (Capstone, Field Studies, Independent Studies) these are currently setup as lectures.1.Identify the component (lecture or lab) 2. Identify CS# (space type). Miscellaneous  Variable Unit Classes- What will be the minimum/maximum units for variable unit classes?  Repeatable- When courses are repeatable we need to know the total # of completions allowed. (example: BIOL 491)

15 15Issues  Setup Issue- Courses- 5 courses (PSY 215,250, 457,489,355) require a prereq of PSY 300, PSY 300 is not in the course catalog  Setup Issue- BUS 346 is identified as a prereq for BUS 424, 346 does not exist. Math 324 does not exist and is listed as a prereq for MATH 430.  Setup Issue- Courses- ENGLIS and ESRM classes are classified as lecture/discussion, we set the component up as lecture only

16 16Issues  Setup Issue- ESRM 481-483 are repeatable with consent from the advisor, Instructor/Advisor consent was set to no consent required for initial consent.  Setup Issue- Many of the ENGL and ESRM classes are classified as lecture/discussion, the component has been set to lecture only. Is this correct?

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