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The Internet & New Media Week 10 Technical Communication Fall 2003, DAHMEN.

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Presentation on theme: "The Internet & New Media Week 10 Technical Communication Fall 2003, DAHMEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Internet & New Media Week 10 Technical Communication Fall 2003, DAHMEN

2 What is ‘new media’? technologies that ‘blend characteristics of several traditional media types’ (Gurak and Lannon, p. 71)

3 What are Examples of New Media? The Web (combining images, sound, text, video) Digital TVs (interactivity) Advanced cell phones (text, voice, internet) Personal Digital Assistants/Handheld computers (text, voice, internet)

4 Areas for writers in New Media Interface design Basic communication via Email Content for Web Hypertext documents Training for new media Help documentation external/internal to new media

5 Implications of New Media for Technical Communicators Must consider multiple uses for text (single sourcing) for print and digital Changes in speed of production and change Differences in production cycle More roles to fill to create final product Need to be competent on more technologies Must reconsider ‘traditional’ writing patterns

6 Considerations for Email Asynchronous Provides electronic ‘paper trail’ Easy forwarding (who is your audience?) Questions of authorship Attachments Ethical considerations Privacy

7 Guidelines for Writers Keep messages sort Make references clear Don’t rush to write Don’t assume privacy Consider the best channel for the message Follow rules of good grammar/writing Use editing tools Don’t ignore communication hierarchies

8 Considerations for Hypertext Can use text or images Non-linear/associational in nature Completely electronic in delivery No paper alternative possible Never the same document for the reader Addresses various levels of audience Good for training

9 Guidelines for Writers Know your readers/audience Keep screens short Alternate media (text then image then…) Make navigation clear and accessible

10 Considerations for the Web Wide variety of audiences Wide variety of technical capabilities Non-liner nature/use of hypertext techniques Impatient readers Privacy and ethics

11 Writing Issues for the Web ‘Chunk’ text for readability Use short sentences Provide links to further information Keep in mind size of screen/screen real estate Use graphics responsibly Provide clear navigation Provide feedback mechanism

12 Layout and Typography Issues for the Web Keep in mind line length Use high contrast of text/background Avoid all caps Use sans serif fonts for ‘display text’ Some fonts particularly designed for the Web (Georgia/Verdana) Consider ‘printer friendly’ versions of content When are PDF’s desirable?

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