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PERSONNEL SECURITY Personnel Security Investigation Definition

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Presentation on theme: "PERSONNEL SECURITY Personnel Security Investigation Definition"— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSONNEL SECURITY Personnel Security Investigation Definition
Personnel Security Investigation is an inquiry into the character, reputation , discretion, integrity, and loyalty of an individual in order to determine his suitability for appointment or access to classified matter.

2 Types of Personnel Security Investigation
Local Agency Check(LAC) National Agency Check (NAC) Partial Background Investigation (PBI) Complete Background Investigation (CBI) Local Agency Check Barangay PNP Station City/Municipal Mayors Fiscals Office Municipal Trial Court Regional Trial Court National Agency Check National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Intelligence Service, AFP

3 Components of a CBI: Local Agency Check National Agency Check
Personal History Marital History Residence History Citizenship History Physical Data Educational History Character Reference Employment History Military/Police History Foreign Travel Criminal Record Credit Record Organizational Membership Neighborhood Investigation

4 Things to look during screening process
Sign of instability in personal relations Indication of lack of job stability Indication of being clearly over qualified A declining salary history Unexplained gaps in employment history Inability to remember names of former supervisor Gaps in residence Inadequate references

5 Factors to consider in the conduct of BI:
Loyalty Integrity Discretion Morale Character Reputation

6 Motives that cause people to be disloyal
Revenge Material gain Personal prestige Friendship Ideological beliefs

7 Weakness that make people susceptible to pressure
Close relatives in foreign land Heavy investments in foreign land Jealousy Gullibility Weakness of character Heavy in indebtedness Addiction to narcotics and drugs Guilty past Moral depravity such as homosexuality, lesbianism

8 Basic reasons for an interview during BI:
To impeach the applicant on the basis of any false statement To observe the applicant’s behavior under stress To open areas for exploration which, have heretofore been concealed To provide investigative leads

9 Conduct of a BI/PSI: A request for BI is sent to the security department The investigation could be one of the ff: Agency check PBI CBI The investigation follows the systematic approach of In the agency check possible replies could be receive to each request No information No derogatory information Derogatory information with a “summary or information

10 Other PSI method Polygraphy: How the polygraph works:
It is not a lie detector it is a stress detector It measures a stress of following kinds: Pulse (quickened) Blood pressure (raised) Respiration (shallow) Galvanic skin resistance (lower)

11 Cont’d… Devices attach to the examinee are linked to a machine to which makes a continuous records of changes in stress. The devices used are: A blood pressure cuff around the upper arms forearm or wrist An electrode attached to the fingertips One or two straps around the chest

12 The Psychological Stress Evaluator (PSE)
It detects measures and charts specific stress-related aspects of human voice. How the PSE works: Voice recording are used whereby the sound wave characteristics of subject are reproduce.

13 Exit Interview An exit interview is a valuable tool for the following reasons Gives employee an opportunity to list grievances Management often learns of problems not previously known Helps to reduce loss when a check list is used to have company property returned Is used to remind departing employee of legal obligation to protect trade secrets or confidential records

14 Analyzing the Employment Application Form
Applicant falsifications fall into two categories: 1. willful omissions of material fact 2. misrepresentations of education or work experience

15 The “Rule of Ten” Problem

16 Common Omissions and Falsification:
Applicant’s signature – signed in ink Application date – as of the date application Applicant’s name – especially with regards to women Residence address – not P.O. Box address Date of Birth – under 18 or above 55 years old Education – misrepresentation

17 Cont’d… Criminal Records – questions unanswered
Military service – type of discharge, length of service progression in rank Employment – gaps, change of occupation, positions involving money handling, overqualified, employer’s name and address, basic salary, position or title, reasons for leaving Citizenship

18 Financial and Life Style Inquiry
Scope of Investigation

19 Frequency Investigation
In those instances where an arrangement has been made for recurrent investigations, a suspense system will be maintained to check each employee by the agreement at least once every twelve months


21 Congratulations!!!

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