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Course Orientation Business Communication 樂麗琪 Ms. Terri Yueh E-mail: Office: 進修部 ES 519 Tel: 886-2 - 2905-2863 Office: 野聲樓 YP 308 Tel: 886-2 - 2905-2207
Outline Course Objectives Course Contents Course Materials Teaching Methods Program Procedures Evaluation Criteria Pre-Course Questions
COURSE OBJECTIVES The on-line course is designed to help students become an effective communicator in the international business field; be familiar with the business English vocabulary and expressions, functions, situations, text-types, and formats in the work place; develop language skills to communicate confidently in a wide range of business situations be familiar with TOEIC questions in Listening and Reading comprehension;
COURSE CONTENTS Business topics chosen from the business world are broad rather than specialized, such as Organization, Production, Business Arrangement, Marketing & Advertising, and Social & Cultural Awareness. For the communication skills, the strategies about Meetings, Telephone Etiquette, Decision making, Presentations, and Negotiations will be covered. Serving as a language proficiency preparation for Business field, the course will introduce key business concepts based on the topics of TOEIC ® (Test of English for International Communication), business vocabulary, and communicative expressions in realistic situations.topics of TOEIC
Course Materials TEXTBOOK: Business Vocabulary in Use (Bill Mascull) Cambridge ISBN: 0-521-77529-9 敦煌 COURSE WEBSITES: ELITE 群英網 TOEIC preparation
METHODS 教學策略 From Target Language to Tool Language to Task language 語言技能能力培養 + 語用溝通能力培養 Linguistic competence Pragmatic competence Linguistic performance 用詞準確 accuracy 用語得體 appropriacy 語境 context
METHODS 教學策略 Learner-centered curriculum Tasked-based learning mode Collaborative learning mode Using the self-assess website 在口語練習方面,學習者可以透過上傳錄音作業,得 到教師或助教的線上非同步的語音指導與修正建議;
METHODS 教學策略 合作學習 (collaborative learning) 社群的理念實現 學習者可從其他人身上得到不同的觀點、看法,有助於對學習內容更加 了解,同時,會使得知識建構更加交融與整合而達到共識,期藉合作 學習與學習社群的教育理念,透過網路的隔空互動模式來實現。 Process-folio Cumulative assessment 延伸學習
METHODS 教學策略 ( 每週 / 單元 ) 學習模式 The collaborative learning mode and task-based curriculum will help you be familiar with business-related topics and to foster your autonomous learning in professional communication skills. Warm-ups & Practical Vocabulary 課前導讀 Useful Expressions & Situational Conversations 閱讀線上影音教材 Focus on communication & on-line discussions 線上專題討論、小組討論、師生視訊會談 Review Practices & TOEIC tests 單元作業練習或 TOEIC 測驗練習 Exercises for Study Integration & Assignments 個別習作、雙人對話練習、小組實作
Procedures l 1st & 2nd meetings: The instructor will explain how class materials are organized. A pre-test will be held at the same time. l Monthly reviews: Test items will be extracted from the materials presented on the web pages. l Weekly group meetings: The instructor and assistants will meet students online and will provide advice on matters related to the course. l Midterm & Final Project meeting: Students will meet together to present and share the assigned projects. TOEIC proficiency test will be held as a post-test.
課程名稱︰ Business Communication 教材網址: 教學方式 : Asynchronous distance learning by face- to-face meetings and web-based materials 以 AIEDL 商務溝通 課程為例
EVALUATION CRITERIA GRADING POLICY ON-LINE ATTENDANCE & E- DISCUSSION 20% 互動參與與線上討論 ASSIGNMENTS & PRACTICES 20% 作業與練習 TEAM PROJECTS & PERFORMANCE 40% 小組報告和個人表現 FINAL EXAM 期末筆試 20% 作業總數: 作業繳交 : Assignments on ELITE Platform, Analysis of TOEIC questions 單元練習 : Unit Exercises, Reflections & Feedbacks, TOEIC mock tests 專題製作 : Company Organization & SWOT Analysis, Product promotion & slogan, On-line Trade Fair
PRE-LEARNING QUESTIONS StartersStarters from the very beginning! What is business? What is business English? What is communication? What is oral communication? What is international communication? What are the factors that affect the international business communication? What are the differences between knowledge and skill in communication What are your “why, what, how” questions about this course? Do you have any other questions about the course before we start the BZC program?
Be Active! Be Energetic! Be joyful! 商務溝通 商務溝通 & 多益英語檢定學習網 Business Communication & TOEIC Preparation 多益英語檢定學習網
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