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S EMANTIC A IR Q UALITY P ORTAL Semantic e-Science Fall 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "S EMANTIC A IR Q UALITY P ORTAL Semantic e-Science Fall 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 S EMANTIC A IR Q UALITY P ORTAL Semantic e-Science Fall 2011

2 G ROUP Apurva Tiwari: Ontology creation Charisma Ladiwala: Data acquisition Linyun Fu: Systems Administration Rohan Dhruva: Usecase & Documentation William Gill: Front End 11/airquality

3 D ATA S OURCES EPA CASTNET data Collecting measurements for pollutants In 50 sites, since 1991 Air Resources Board California Environmental Protection Agency Standard thresholds for pollutants

4 U SE C ASE “Comparing and analysing Air Quality data” Allow users to visualise the air quality data in the US Data collated from various sources Know the air quality in the user’s region of interest Moving Travelling Determine the risk posed by air-borne pollutants

5 Q UESTION 1 How does the Air Quality of place X compare with the average air quality of New York State and what possible risks are posed by the air at place X? Very useful for people who are planning to move to another state

6 Q UESTION 2 In place X, which season poses the lowest airborne risks for a person with asthma wishing to conduct outdoor actives? Question particularly relevant for tourists and outdoor enthusiasts Select the best route, area, and time, keeping in mind the health restrictions

7 P ROVENANCE Thresholds for different pollutants: A Guide to Air Quality and Health. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Outreach and Information Division Research Triangle Park, NC August 2009 Collected it from website on 10/30/2011 at 8:32 pm. Why??? Converting concentration to AQI- Calculator: AQI calculator: AQI to concentration U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Collected it from website on 10/30/2011 at 8:35 pm. Why???

8 Asthma Hospital Discharges - Rate per 10,000 Population, Total – Ten Year trend. Department of Health, NY State. 2007-2009 SPARCS Data as of October, 2010 Revised September 2011. Collected on 11/3/2011 at 9:36 am. Why??? About Asthma Emergency Department Visit Data, Hospital Discharge Data and Deaths Department of Health, NY State. SPARCS Data as of October, 2010. Revised June 2009. Collected on 11/3/2011 at 10:20 am. Why???

9 Air quality statistics and data ( Status and Trends) 2005- 2009 Air Quality Monitoring Information Updated December 17, 2010. Collected on 10/31/2011 at 6:20 pm. Why???

10 A DDITIONAL P ROVENANCE I NFORMATION The csv2rdf4lod automation tool: It was downloaded on October 15,2011 at 7:24pm. Github social coding Powered by: Dedicated servers and cloud computing of Rackspace Hosting.serversloud computing Data on how the asthma data was collected. >>> This data will be encoded in the visualization!!!

11 NY A STHMA H OSPITALITY D ATA P ROVENANCE Raw data: a6.htm a6.htm Companion provenance data: asthma6.htm.pml.ttl Level 2 data (only keep the columns Region/County and Adjusted Average Rate and add a FIPS code column; delete regional/national total rows and metadata block): asthma- hospitality-discharges-2007-2009.csv Companion provenance data: asthma-hospitality- discharges-2007-2009.csv.pml.ttl Level 3 data: asthma-hospitality-discharges-2007- 2009.csv.e1.ttl converted with csv2rdf4lod with the enhancement parameters asthma-hospitality-discharges- 2007-2009.csv.e1.params.ttl All files downloadable from uality

12 EPA AQI C ATEGORY O NTOLOGY Source: ne ne Expressed in OWL: aqiCategory-owl.rdf 0 Tested with Jena

13 P OLLUTANT O NTOLOGY Pollutant.owl Not so useful now

14 O NTOLOGY W ORK Two main ontologies in our project Threshold ontology Defines the threshold levels for each pollutant Data obtained from CA Air Resources Board Pollutant ontology Provides data for the map/timeline Data obtained from EPA CASTNET project Stipulated to NY State for now, to avoid data overload



17 P ROPERTIES Data Properties: hasEPAValue- Type: Double hasCAValue- Type Double Object Properties: hasPollutant

18 PLANS TO IMPROVE THE ONTOLOGY More Provenance data must be included: More provenance data like the date and place for which the data has been collected should be incorporated. Different Degrees of Thresholds: Currently, due to lack of concrete numbers, only one level threshold has been included. But different levels of thresholds like average, hazardous, lethal etc. can be used. New Ontology for Asthma: Right now, any knowledge on asthma has not been admitted into the ontology. So, the ontology can be improved by letting it in the ontology. Extension of the Pollutant Ontology: The pollutant ontology can be extended to be more comprehensive and capture more detailed knowledge on pollutants.

19 M IDDLEWARE PHP scripts that compose pre-built queries and cache results Take JSON results and arrange data for fast lookup in client 2 Dimensional arrays Data[time][fips]


21 F UTURE M IDDLEWARE Smart look-aheads based on time and place settings made by the client Found sparql endpoint returns max of 10k results Currently limited data to NYS (~8k rows)

22 F RONT E ND Jquery UI api (slider) Polymaps (map)

23 Dev:


25 F UTURE W ORK Add more sources of data Parse and display data for all the states

26 T HANK Y OU ! Questions?

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