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INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: THE VIEW FROM EUROPE a presentation by HEW R. DUNDAS Chartered Arbitrator DipICArb International Arbitrator & Mediator President.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: THE VIEW FROM EUROPE a presentation by HEW R. DUNDAS Chartered Arbitrator DipICArb International Arbitrator & Mediator President."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: THE VIEW FROM EUROPE a presentation by HEW R. DUNDAS Chartered Arbitrator DipICArb International Arbitrator & Mediator President CIArb to the Cámara Nacional de Comercio de La Paz 18 th July 2007

2 OVERVIEW of PRESENTATION  Introduction  Dispute Resolution Clauses & Options  International Commercial Arbitration  Codes of Conduct for Arbitrators  Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)  Conclusions

3 DISPUTE RESOLUTION OPTIONS  Litigation  Arbitration  Domestic  International  ADR  Mediation/Conciliation  Other ADR  Advantages and Disadvantages

4 LITIGATION  Difficulties of Litigating  Local Laws – are they adequate ?  Courts – Good, Bad and Ugly  Timescales - long and VERY long  Finality  Enforceability  Costs

5 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION (1) - OVERVIEW  What Is It ?  Profusion of Relevant/Applicable Laws  Institutions and Tribunals  Finality  Enforceability  Normalisation of Standards

6 INTL. COMM. ARBITRATION (2) PROFUSION of LAWS  Law of the Contract  Law of the Arbitration Agreement  Law of the Arbitration (Lex Arbitri)  Law governing Capacity of Parties  Law of Seat (Lex Curiae)  Law of Place of Enforcement  Other Potentially Applicable Laws

7 INTL. COMM. ARBITRATION (4) ARBITRATION INSTITUTIONS  United Nations - UNCITRAL  Established by Treaty between States  ICSID [CIADI]  NAFTA/ECT  Private International Institutions  ICC/LCIA  National Institutions eg CAC/CIETAC/AAA  Chartered Institute of Arbitrators  Other

8 INTL. COMM. ARBITRATION (5) PROCEEDINGS (1)  Ad Hoc vs Institutional Arbitration  Party Autonomy; parties can choose  Lex Arbitri  Institution  Rules/Procedure  Tribunal  Seat  Language  Other Details

9 INTL. COMM. ARBITRATION (6) PROCEEDINGS (2)  Common vs Civil Law Cultures  Communications  Disclosure  Standards of Conduct by Arbitrators  Ethics  Tribunal Issues

10 INTL. COMM. ARBITRATION (7) AWARD & ENFORCEMENT  Appeals Against Award  Jurisdiction  Procedural Failures  Issues of Law [very few countries]  Exequatur  Enforcement  New York Convention 1958

11 INTL. COMM. ARBITRATION (8) NEW YORK CONVENTION  Recognition of Arbitration Agreements  Enforcement via NYC58; Court may refuse  Art. V(1)  Capacity/Invalidity  Failure of Due Process/other Procedural Failure  Outwith Jurisdiction  Award Not Binding/Set Aside at seat  Art. V(2)  Dispute not Arbitrable  Award Contrary to Public Policy  Court MAY, not “shall”, refuse enforcement  Enforcement other than via NYC58

12 INTL. COMM. ARBITRATION (3) SOME KEY LEGAL ISSUES  Capacity to sign Arbitration Agreement  Arbitrability  Substantive/Procedural Laws  Arbitrations against States  State Immunity  Enforceability  Public Policy Exception (NYC V(2)(b))

13 INVESTMENT ARBITRATION  Private Investor vs State/State Entity  Nature of Arbitration Agreement  BITs/MITs  Washington Convention/ICSID [CIADI]  NAFTA  Energy Charter Treaty  State Immunity

14 CIArb CODE of CONDUCT (1)  CIArb is Self-Regulating Professional Institute  CIArb “Code of Professional And Ethical Conduct for Members” [January 2007]  Binding on All CIArb Members  Arbitrators/Mediators/Any Other  Breach of Code is Professional Misconduct  Full Disciplinary Process

15 CIArb CODE of CONDUCT (2)  Avoid Conduct Unbecoming  Uphold Integrity & Fairness of the Process  Disclosure of Potential Conflicts  Failure to Disclose may lead to disqualification.  Arbitrator to Accept Appointment Only If:  Suitable Experience and Ability  Available time to proceed with the arbitration  Can Publicise Qualifications Experience  No Advertising

16 CIArb CODE of CONDUCT (3)  Overriding obligation to act fairly and impartially as between the parties, at all stages of the proceedings  No Delegation of Responsibilities  Observe Trust and Confidentiality n No Private Communications Arbitrator/Party –Includes telephone  Integrity Regarding Fees/Expenses  Fees and Expenses must be Reasonable

17 CIArb GOOD PRACTICE GUIDELINES  “Good”, not necessarily “Best”, Practice  Assistance for Arbitrators  >1,000 Man-Years of Experience  Origins in English Arbitration Act 1996  Now Internationalised  Covers practical issues not covered by Statute  Quasi-Regulatory Effect

18 CURRENT ISSUES AFFECTING CONDUCT  Arbitrator Interviews  Non-Qualified Arbitrators  Non-Professional Arbitrators  Tribunal Dynamics  Cultural Differences  Arbitrators Appointed by States  “The Club”

19 ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (1) - OVERVIEW  What is ADR ?  Why ADR ?  Relationship with Courts  Compulsory or Voluntary ?  Court Support of:  The Process  The Outcome  Qualifications and Training

20 ADR (2) – FORMS of ADR  Executive Negotiation  Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE)  Private Mini-Trials  Mediation/Conciliation  Med-Arb, Arb-Med  Other  None of the Above

21 DISPUTE PREVENTION & DISPUTE MANAGEMENT  Prevention  Corporate Culture  Co-Operation – what do YOU Want  Conciliatory Approach  Local Customs/Culture/Mores  Management  Dedicated Task Force  Expertise – technical/litigator  Decision-making

22 CONCLUSIONS (1)  Respect for the Rule Of Law  Arbitration and ADR are Fundamental  Growth and Development of National & Regional Centres  Maximise Co-Operation  Increasing Normalisation of Standards  Role of Cámara/Colegio  Role of CIArb

23 CONCLUSIONS (2) Muchas Gracias for your ATTENTION this evening

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