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Calligraphy lecture-history. Cave drawing Pictograms.

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Presentation on theme: "Calligraphy lecture-history. Cave drawing Pictograms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calligraphy lecture-history

2 Cave drawing

3 Pictograms

4 Cuneiform

5 Symbols

6 Egyptian Frieze

7 Hieroglyphics


9 2 nd C BC inscription

10 Carved capitals 140AD

11 5 th Century Latin

12 Rustic Caps-brushed, contemporary

13 Brushed rustic caps contemporary

14 Uncials 4 th Century

15 Uncials 5 th Century

16 Rustic Uncials

17 Book of Kells 6 th Century

18 Books of Kells, Lindesfarne,Durrow 4-6 th C.

19 Books of Kells, Durrow, Lindesfarne 6-8 th C.

20 Kells-Initials

21 8 th Century Ireland

22 Location-Skellig Rock

23 Skellig Rock

24 Skellig Michael Monastery

25 Skellig Michael

26 Beehive cells

27 Contemporary Use- Uncials

28 Contemporary Uncial Use

29 Typeface from Uncial

30 Contemporary use-Uncials

31 Monoline variation of Uncials

32 Carolingian, standard bookhand 9-10 th Century

33 9 th Century English- Carolingian

34 9 th Century Carolingian

35 8 th Century Carolingian

36 Blackletter

37 13th Century Scriptorium

38 Medieval drop ‘n drag

39 Monk at work from 1140 book

40 Ivory carving, 960 AD

41 Fraktur

42 Contemporary variation of Fraktur, Neugebauer

43 Rotunda 15 th Century

44 Moveable type- 1457

45 17 th Century German

46 Scribe preparing quills

47 Italic 1789

48 Copperplate 1758, writing manual

49 Declaration of Independence 1776

50 Signatures from Declaration of Independence

51 17 th Century Printshop

52 Copybook 1663

53 Copybook

54 Writing practice

55 William Morris ( 1834-1896)textile patterns

56 Edward Johnson 1872-1944

57 Edward Johnson, 1938

58 Edward Johnson

59 Johnson-London transport

60 Foundational lower case

61 Condensed variations from Foundational

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