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Bringing Lives to Light: Biography in Context Ray R. Larson Berkeley ISchool + Kyoto University Workshop 2009 Credits: Ryan Shaw, Michael Buckland, Jeanette.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Lives to Light: Biography in Context Ray R. Larson Berkeley ISchool + Kyoto University Workshop 2009 Credits: Ryan Shaw, Michael Buckland, Jeanette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Lives to Light: Biography in Context Ray R. Larson Berkeley ISchool + Kyoto University Workshop 2009 Credits: Ryan Shaw, Michael Buckland, Jeanette Zerneke, Fred Gey, Barry Pateman, Dan Melia, Matthew Holmberg


3 Born in Greene County, Tennessee, August 17, 1786, of Irish descent, his father having fought in the revolutionary war. He commenced the active duties of life, when twelve years old, by turning drover, and, instead of going to school, he chose the fortunes of an adventurer. He served under General Jackson, in some of the Indian wars, and became his fast friend.

4 David Crockett Andrew Jackson The Creek War start=1813; end=1814;

5 RDF Vocabularies FOAFPeople BIOBiographical events GeoNamesPlaces and spatial relationships Basic GeoLatitude and Longitude OWL-TimeTemporal relationships Dublin CoreDescriptions, dates, etc.





10 Comment: Facet genres include other facets Library subject headings Topic – Geographic subdivision – Chronological subdivision Place name gazetteer Place name – Type – Spatial markers (Lat & long) – When Time Period Directory Period name – Type – Time markers (Calendar) – Where Biographical Dictionary Person – Activity type – Time – Where – Who else

11 Reinventing the functionality of a reference collection 1. Context finder: Search support from text to reference works 2. Context builder: Make, retain notes and links to reference works 3. Context provider: Make reference works better by adding two-way links, e.g. text has links to place name list AND place name list has links to texts

12 Search for terms across journals Results show particular Items with context for search

13 Selecting a particular item brings up the full text of the scanned Journal with search terms highlighted

14 Selecting “Detect names” submits the article for NLP processing and topics (What), locations (Where), events (When) and people (Who) are identified whenever possible

15 Clicking on a name highlights it in the text and opening the “links” list gives a number of resources to search for further information

16 Clicking on the CELT or Wikipedia links, for example, finds relevant contextual information

17 Reinventing the functionality of a reference collection 1. Context finder: Search support from text to reference works. 2. Context builder: Make, retain notes and links to reference works. 3. Context provider: Make reference works better by adding two-way links, e.g. text has links to place name list AND place name list has links to texts.

18 Named entities are linked to specific resources or dynamic searches over relevant databases.

19 Named entities not detected automatically can be added manually.







26 Events and Event Mapping Emma’s lectures and their context are examples of the kind of life events that we are have been trying to capture in a form that can be shared and used by scholars One step in this direction is the Linking Open Descriptions of Event (LODE) interface Representation of biographical information and events in RDF also permits use of a variety of tools for viewing and analysis

27 Events with people and places using Congressional Biography Data

28 Selecting a place limits displayed events to those occurring at that place

29 Selecting a particular event brings up a detailed view of the even information

30 Google Earth Interfaces for Events Data









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