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Recent British War Fiction Session Three: Martin Amis.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent British War Fiction Session Three: Martin Amis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent British War Fiction Session Three: Martin Amis

2 Agenda Brief summary Martin Amis, "The Last Days of Muhammad Atta“ (2006) Martin Amis, "In the Palace of the End“ (2003) Martin Amis, "The Unknown Known“ (fragment, 2007) Martin Amis, "Terrorism's New Structure“ (2008)

3 Terry Eagleton, The English Novel: An Introduction Liberal humanism –[i]s the world-view which unites Ian McEwan and Fay Weldon, A. S. Byatt and Martin Amis, Julian Barnes and Rose Tremain. It is, in a word, the official ethical and political doctrine of literary London – a remarkably resilient, deep-seated consensus which has survived a whole series of historical upheavals, and which helps to determine what counts as acceptable belief or fiction today. It is an honourable world view, humane, enlightened and morally serious. Whether it is adequate to a globalized world of terrorism and transnational corporations is a different question. (337)

4 Liberal Humanism The common feature of liberal humanism […] is a commitment to man, whose essence is freedom. Liberal humanism proposes that the subject is the free, unconstrained author of meaning and action, the origin of history. Unified, knowing, and autonomous, the human being seeks a political system which guarantees freedom of choice. ( Catherine Belsey, The Subject of Tragedy (8-9))

5 Pankaj Mishra, ”The End of Innocence” Mishra’s question: Have novelists ”succeeded in capturing the new world order” Mishra’s assumptions about novels Do other assumptions exist?

6 Martin Amis


8 Martin Amis, "The Last Days of Muhammad Atta“ (2006) The 9/11 Commission Report The epigraph – what does it suggest concerning the point of the short story?

9 Martin Amis, "In the Palace of the End“ (2003) The Doppelgänger motif: identity (self / other) Depersonalisation Victimisers (interrogator, recreator) Victimised (interrogatee, recreatee) Double, copy, simulation, stand in, representation

10 Martin Amis, "The Unknown Known“ (fragment, 2007) ”The nuanced symbiosis between East and West”

11 Martin Amis, "The Last Days of Muhammad Atta“ (2006) Martin Amis, "In the Palace of the End“ (2003) Martin Amis, "The Unknown Known“ (fragment, 2007) Martin Amis, "Terrorism's New Structure“ (2008)

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