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SOUTH WEST INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL STUDIES PROGRAMME FOR SCHOOLS The people involved in the production of this presentation were: Claire.

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Presentation on theme: "SOUTH WEST INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL STUDIES PROGRAMME FOR SCHOOLS The people involved in the production of this presentation were: Claire."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOUTH WEST INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL STUDIES PROGRAMME FOR SCHOOLS The people involved in the production of this presentation were: Claire Browne, Topsham School Sam Bone, Oldway Primary Charlotte Faulkner, Eggbuckland Primary Sally Eales, College of St Mark & St John Gini Wells, Littletown Primary Lynda King, University of Exeter PSHE AND CITIZENSHIP (QTS Standards Q14, 15) The school PSHE programme Education for Citizenship and schools councils


3 Every Child Matters underpins the PSHE curriculum in schools EVERY CHILD MATTERS (ECM) Be Healthy Stay Safe Enjoy and Achieve Make a Positive Contribution Achieve Economic Well-being PSHE Healthy Schools SEAL/SEAD PSD

4 Healthy Schools Personal and Social Development PSD Personal, Social and Health Education PSHE Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning SEAL EVERY CHILD MATTERS (ECM) Be Healthy Stay Safe Enjoy and Achieve Make a Positive Contribution Achieve Economic Well-being

5 Personal and Social Development (PSD) Schools are required to: promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and in society promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and in society prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life Education Reform Act 1988

6 Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE)  Promotes the PSD of its pupils though planned learning opportunities  In dedicated lessons as well as through NC, assemblies, circle time, guidance and support systems, special projects and other events that enrich pupils’ experiences.

7 PSHE Core Aims  Developing pupils’ confidence and responsibilities and making the most of their abilities  Preparing pupils to play an active role as citizens  Helping pupils to develop a healthy, safer lifestyle  Helping pupils to develop good relationship and to respect the differences between people.

8 PSHE In PSHE opportunities pupils can: explore the values and beliefs explore the values and beliefs respond to their present lives and prepare for work and adult life respond to their present lives and prepare for work and adult life develop life skills such as decision-making, problem- solving and communication, develop life skills such as decision-making, problem- solving and communication, develop community links. develop community links.

9 PSHE The PSHE curriculum during Key Stages 1-4 may include:  health and drug education;  education for sustainable development;  economic and industrial understanding;  careers education and guidance  citizenship.

10 SEAL Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning Also Social and Emotional Aspects of Development for the Early Years (SEAD)  A resource for teaching PSHE used in many schools  Provides a framework for explicitly promoting social, emotional and behavioural skills  Built-in progression for each year group within a school  Involves parents and carers in developing children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills

11 SEAL provides  Guidance for teachers  Suggested themes and ways of implementation  Writing frames and interactive texts Some of the SEAL materials are copied onto this disc

12 SCHOOLS COUNCILS  Many schools have set up schools councils to involve pupils in making decisions about what happens in their school  This involves pupils in developing important skills for adult life – making suggestions, weighing up pros and cons, accepting the majority verdict

13 Useful documents/websites  PSHE: ownload/DfES%200859%20200MIG1880.pdf ownload/DfES%200859%20200MIG1880.pdf ownload/DfES%200859%20200MIG1880.pdf  SEAL:  Schools councils: ownload/1696-2005PDF-EN-01.pdf

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