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REUTERS 3000 XTRA University of Hong Kong Trading Workshop Class 2 Reuters 3000Xtra Basic Trading Workshop II.

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Presentation on theme: "REUTERS 3000 XTRA University of Hong Kong Trading Workshop Class 2 Reuters 3000Xtra Basic Trading Workshop II."— Presentation transcript:

1 REUTERS 3000 XTRA University of Hong Kong Trading Workshop Class 2 Reuters 3000Xtra Basic Trading Workshop II

2 REUTERS 3000 XTRA 3000Xtra – Power Plus Pro in Excel What can you do with PP Pro? (eg, Data Downloading, Real-time Pricing, Wizards..) *Knowing how to easily retrieve in Excel: current & historical FX rates, bonds terms and conditions, fundamental data and stock information, using Reuters Assistants Wizards What can you do with PP Pro XMS Models?

3 REUTERS 3000 XTRA Example

4 REUTERS 3000 XTRA Agenda 1. Downloading Data in PPPro 2. Quote Lists 3. Constituents and chains 4. Time Series / Price History 5. Retrieve in Excel: current FX rates, bonds terms and conditions,fundamental information, using Reuters Assistant Wizards 6. Retrieve: historical FX & fundamental information, price and yield histories for bonds, using Reuters Assistant Wizards

5 REUTERS 3000 XTRA PP Pro Pricing Model – Currency Option

6 REUTERS 3000 XTRA Standard Option Pricing Model


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