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Think You Want to Be a Teacher? Presented by: The College of Education and Human Development George Mason University FALL 2010 Please sign in at the door.

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Presentation on theme: "Think You Want to Be a Teacher? Presented by: The College of Education and Human Development George Mason University FALL 2010 Please sign in at the door."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think You Want to Be a Teacher? Presented by: The College of Education and Human Development George Mason University FALL 2010 Please sign in at the door and help yourself to information.

2 Teachers are Nation Builders  “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.” Benjamin Disraeli

3 Phase I: Exploration

4 Why Do You Want to Become a Teacher?  Make a difference  Change lives  Engage minds  Touch the future  It’s a good profession Fulfilling Stable Benefits Opportunities for growth

5 What Should You Teach?  What age groups are you interested in teaching?  What subject areas are you most interested in?  What is the job market like?

6 2009-10 VA Critical Shortage Areas 1. Special Education 2. Speech-language disorders PK-12 3. Mathematics 6-12 4. English as a Second Language PK-12 5. Elementary Education PK-6

7 Why George Mason University?  Nationally accredited (NCATE) programs  Wide variety of programs  Convenient class times (4:30 and 7:20)  Team to assist you Advisor Endorsement Specialist Field Placement Specialist Licensure Specialist

8 Mason’s Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Many of our programs offer an optional master’s degree (bolded/in red) upon completing licensure coursework.  Early Childhood Education (EDSE-SPEC)  Elementary Education  Secondary Education  Secondary Education/CS  English as a Sec. Lang.  Foreign Language  Special Education

9 Get Familiar with Our Programs o Each program has its own website with Academic and Admissions information o You can find forms and Pre Admission Requirements for your program o You do not have to have a background in education to pursue our programs

10 Pick a Program

11 Program Deadlines ProgramFallSpring Elementary Education February 1 SL-summer start or YL-fall start October 1 Secondary Education March1October 1 Career SwitcherMarch 1October 1 Early ChildhoodMarch 1 PriorityNov 1 Priority ESL/Foreign Lang.March 1 PriorityNov 1 Priority Special EducationMarch 1 PriorityNov 1 Priority

12 Endorsements  Undergraduate courses in content areas  Bachelor’s degree in English, chemistry, physics, math or biology=complete Sec. Ed. endorsements in most cases  Must be within 9 credits of completion by the first day of class.*CS students must complete all endorsements. Course work in progress must be entered in the online review

13 Endorsement Review o Complete online endorsement review: Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Ed (incl. Career Switcher) programs complete review - o Foreign Language- contact Nanette Rutsch regarding requirements (Option: ACTFL WPT/OPI plus 6 credits of foreign language) o Special Education does not require an endorsement review, and ESL requires 6 credits of a foreign language

14 Complete Test Requirements  Passing Praxis I or eligible SAT/ACT scores are a state requirement for admission to a state- approved initial teacher licensure program  Career Switcher requires PRAXIS II and VCLA prior to admission  Test information can be found here -

15 Phase 2: Applicant

16 Apply Online  Guidelines-  Send in sealed documents together—MS4D1  Check your application status Students accepted for fall are allowed to enroll in summer classes.

17 Remember to Update Your Info Names o If you were previously a Mason Student your information may be under a previous name o Visit for form and required documentation Addresses o Email with your new address and contact *We cannot discuss your application with anyone else without written consent from you

18 How Do You Get Admitted?  Your application will be evaluated using the following standards:  A minimum 3.0 GPA in the last 60 credit hours  Praxis I composite score of at least 532 OR SAT/ACT equivalent  Strong letters of recommendation  Endorsement requirements fulfilled (except ESL,EDSE)  Interview and writing sample also required by some programs

19 Communication  E-mail acknowledgment (must provide e-mail address) Self managed process  Lacking letter Sent once application is processed, if incomplete  Decision letter Sent via postal mail 2-4 wks after interviews (POM) G number—Mason ID

20 What is the Cost? Spring 2010 (Fall rates determined in May)  In-state tuition: $398/credit hour Out-of-state tuition: $987/credit hour You will complete an in state tuition form as part of the application. Your status will be determined based on the information provided this form.

21 Scholarships/Funding  The Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program For students pursuing teaching careers in shortage or critical needs areas For more information, read about the scholarship program on the VDOE Web site:  General financial aid information can be found at:  The application for assistantships can be found at:

22 FAQ: What if You Miss the Deadline?  All of our licensure programs except ELED and SEC-CS allow students to take a couple of courses as a non-degree student  Questions regarding class registration eligibility should be directed to the program office manager  There are restrictions on how many classes can transfer into degree and certificate programs  Students should only be in non-degree status for one semester. Website: Tel: 703.993.2400

23 Phase 3: Student

24 Registration  New student welcome letter  Activate your student record: Provisional- return signed contract Full admit-  Contact your advisor

25 Course Work  Methods of lesson planning  Classroom management  How to teach your subject in the classroom

26 Phase 4: Internship

27 Apply for Internship  Complete all endorsements  Complete licensure coursework  Complete testing requirements  Apply:

28 Praxis II-Content Knowledge Exam  Register for the paper-based exam at:  Test codes and sample questions--Praxis Web site.  Must be passed prior to final internship for: Early Childhood PK-3 Elementary Ed. Foreign Language (Spanish and French) Secondary Ed (English, Social Studies, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science and Physics) Note: Elementary Education Praxis II exam or course is an exit requirement for Students with Disabilities who Access the Adapted Curriculum K-12

29 VCLA/VRA Tests VCLA  The Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) must be passed prior to internship application submission for ALL initial teacher licensure programs - (VCLA is an admissions requirement for the Career Switcher program).  Passing score=470.  Report scores to GMU (code 17) when you register for exam. VRA  The Virginia Reading Assessment (VRA) must be passed prior to internship application submission for Early Childhood Education-EPK3, Elementary Education, and Special Education.  Passing score=235.  Report scores to GMU when you register for exam.

30 Phase 5: VA Licensed Teacher

31 Steps to Virginia Licensure  Bachelor’s degree  Content/endorsement requirement course work  ACTFL OPI and WPT (in lieu of foreign lang. endorsements)  Praxis I passing scores or SAT/ACT equiv. scores (admission)  Praxis II passing scores  Pass Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA)  Virginia Reading Assessment (VRA)  Complete a state-approved program These requirements meet Virginia’s definition of a highly qualified teacher. GMU Licensure Specialist: Joanna Eddy

32 Licensure/Endorsement  Licensure: the initial designation from the state of Virginia  Endorsement: Designation on the license noting ages or grade levels and/or subjects, disciplines and disabilities Example: I am licensed to teach secondary education, grades 6-12, math

33 Licensure Reciprocity  Will my Virginia teacher’s license “transfer” to other states?  Because Virginia has some of the highest teacher licensure requirements in the country, many states have agreed to offer “reciprocity.” If you are considering teaching in another state, you will need to contact the Department of Education in that state regarding how to obtain licensure. Completing a state-approved education program enhances your chances of receiving reciprocity.

34 Provisional License  What is a provisional license?  A three-year, non- renewable license for someone who does not hold a current, valid license.  An applicant must first be hired by a Virginia school division based on the content requirements for the teaching area for which the individual is applying.

35 Phase 6: Graduation

36 Assistance  CEHD Admissions: 703-993-2010,  OASA: 703-993-2080 (once enrolled)  Financial Aid: 703-993-2353  Non-Degree: 703-993-2400 College of Education and Human Development George Mason University 4400 University Drive, MS 4D1 Fairfax, VA 22030

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