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Georges Seurat A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte. 1884-1886.

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Presentation on theme: "Georges Seurat A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte. 1884-1886."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georges Seurat A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte. 1884-1886

2 Georges Seurat The Eiffel Tower 1889

3 Paul Cezanne Mont Sainte-Victorie 1884

4 Paul Cezanne Still Life with Apples 1899


6 Paul Cezanne Pyramid of Skulls 1901

7 Edgar Degas Dancer Looking at the Sole of Her Right Foot 1878-81

8 Edgar Degas Little Dancer Fourteen Years Old 1878-81

9 Auguste Rodin The Gates of Hell 1880-1917

10 Auguste Rodin The Three Shades 1881

11 Auguste Rodin The Thinker 1881

12 Auguste Rodin The Kiss 1881

13 Michaelangelo Slave (Awakening) 1513-1530 (influence)

14 Rodin The Burghers of Calais 1886

15 Rodin The Burghers of Calais 1886 (Detail Images)

16 Auguste Rodin Monument to Balzac 1898

17 Gustav Moreau The Apparition 1876

18 Odillon Redon Cyclops 1905

19 Henri Rousseau The Sleeping Gyspy 1897

20 Paul Gauguin Vision after the Sermon 1888

21 Paul Gauguin Yellow Christ 1881

22 Paul Gauguin Self Portrait with Yellow Christ 1889

23 Paul Gauguin Ia Orana Maria (We Hail Thee Mary) 1891 “Life is merely a fraction of a second. An infinitely small amount of time to fulfill our desires, our dreams, our passions.” —Paul Gauguin

24 Paul Gauguin Two Tahitian Women 1899

25 Paul Gauguin Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? 1897-98

26 Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait 1887

27 Vincent Van Gogh The Bedroom 1889

28 Vincent van Gogh The Night Cafe 1888

29 Vincent van Gogh The Starry Night 1889

30 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. At the Moulin de la Galette 1889

31 Henri de Toulouse- Lautrec Moulin Rouge-La Goulue 1891

32 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Le Lit (The Bed) 1891

33 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec At the Moulin Rouge 1892

34 Art Nouveau (1890-1914)

35 Art Nouveau Created an international style based on decoration Combined old customs, habits, and artistic styles with new, using a wide range of contradictory images and ideas. Paired new technologies and lifestyles with an embrace of the spirit world, fantasy, and myth. Explored the idea that humankind was no longer above nature, but inextricably part of it; led to the wide use of the theme of metamorphosis, or the fusion of human, animal, and plant forms. Responded to the Industrial Revolution (as urban life as we now understand it was established) Art Nouveau designers believed that all the arts should work in harmony to create a "total work of art," or Gesamtkunstwerk: buildings, furniture, textiles, clothes, and jewelry all conformed to the principles of Art Nouveau.

36 William Morris Wallpaper 1874


38 William Morris Wallpaper Design 1874


40 Aubrey Beardsley Solome 1896

41 Alphonse Muncha Maude Adams as Joan of Arc 1909

42 Alphonse Mucha Job 1896

43 Alphonse Mucha Biscuits 1897

44 Hector Guimard Entrance to the Paris Metro 1901


46 William Blake Ancient of Days 1794

47 William Blake The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun 1805-1810

48 Gustav Klimt

49 Gustav Klimt Judith 1898

50 Gustav Klimt Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer I 1907

51 Gustav Klimt The Kiss 1907

52 Gustav Klimt The Hope II 1907-1908

53 Antoni Gaudi Casa Josep Batllo Barcelona, Spain 1907

54 Antoni Gaudi Sagrada Familia 1882-present


56 Detail of Sagrada Familia


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