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Company LOGO B2C E-commerce Web Site Quality: an Empirical Examination (Cao, et al) Article overview presented by: Karen Bray Emilie Martin Trung (John)

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Presentation on theme: "Company LOGO B2C E-commerce Web Site Quality: an Empirical Examination (Cao, et al) Article overview presented by: Karen Bray Emilie Martin Trung (John)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Company LOGO B2C E-commerce Web Site Quality: an Empirical Examination (Cao, et al) Article overview presented by: Karen Bray Emilie Martin Trung (John) Nguyen Kenneth C. Brawley

2 Agenda 1.Introduction 3. Conceptual Framework 4. Methodology and Results 5. Implications and Limitations 6. Conclusion 2. Literature Review

3 Introduction “What constitutes web site quality or what makes a website effective?” This question must be answered before implementing an e-commerce portal. Decision makers need guidelines for developing their e-commerce presence.

4 Introduction  Previous studies on web-site quality:  Focused on basic content management 1.Evaluation of quality of information 2.Relevance 3.Multi-media use  And on function 1.Evaluation of search engines 2.Waiting and response times 3.Interface design

5 Introduction Factors for web site quality and factors that affect customers’ perceptions are unclear. EEmpirical studies have been only exploratory in nature. CCurrent research focuses on the following: 1. Information quality 2. System quality 3. Service quality 4. Attractiveness

6 Introduction Goal of this research: “Identify those variables that capture e- commerce web site quality and to develop measures & empirically evaluate them.”

7 Literature Review  TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) Model for predicting system acceptance by users. Also, diagnoses design problems before implementation. Model bases user acceptance on: 1. Perceived usefulness 2. Perceived ease of use

8 Literature Review  The TAM model is intended to provide an explanation for the factors which determine computer acceptance. - Capable of explaining user behavior across a wide range of end-user computer technologies.  TAM is applicable to the current study in that e-commerce web sites are a form of computer technology

9 Literature Review  IS (information systems) Success Model  IS success model involves 6 dimensions, which only seem to include the systems aspect and not the human interaction aspect: 1. Systems quality 2. Information quality 3. Use 4. User satisfaction 5. Individual impact 6. Organizational impact

10 Literature Review  IS Model and SERVQUAL (service quality) - Incorporates IS model and SERVQUAL to include human interaction SERVQUAL Dimensions: 1. Reliability 2. Responsiveness 3. Assurance 4. Empathy 5. Tangibles

11 Literature Review  The IS / SERVQUAL model measures the gap between what is expected and what is delivered.  In the e-commerce context, service quality is considered to cover assurance, reliability, & empathy, while systems quality addresses tangibles & responsiveness.

12 Conceptual Framework Author’s believe that system quality can be addressed via system quality, information quality, service quality and attractiveness:

13 Conceptual Framework  System quality: measures the functionality of a web site, i.e. usability, availability and response time. Search facility Responsiveness Multi-media capability

14 Conceptual Framework  Information quality: captures the e-commerce content issues. Providing information is the basic goal of a web site. Content is represented by information accuracy and relevance. Information Accuracy Information Relevance

15 Conceptual Framework  Service quality: measures the overall support delivered by the web site. It includes trust and empathy, i.e. the web site should be secure and personalized. Trust Empathy

16 Conceptual Framework  Attractiveness: consists of the issues of whether web pages are fun to read and subjectively pleasing. Playfulness

17 Methodology & Results TThe authors used the following experiment: A survey was conducted to measure the four theorized components of website quality. 71 students at ASU submitted 213 usable questionaires. Each student was required to rate the website with a scale of 1 – 7.

18  Requirements while visiting the website: 1. Go to the site and explore it first 2. View books 3. Select a specific book that is desired 4. Add the chosen book to their shopping cart 5. View the contents of their shopping cart

19 Methodology & Results  Results of the survey:

20 Methodology & Results  Significant findings of the survey (how websites should be designed): 1. Provide accurate information 2. Reduce loading and searching time 3. Make searching easier 4. Site should also be appealing in design

21 Implications & Limitations  Web site quality can be a management tool because customer’s have positive and negative perceptions about websites.  In order to be effective, a website must have: 1. Good content 2. Good service

22 Implications & Limitations GGuidelines for web interface design: CCapability of hardware FFocus customers perceptions EEnhance trust from a technological perspective

23  Guidelines for web interface design (cont): 1. Evaluate existing similar sites 2. Compare design alternatives 3. Use usability measures/metrics 4. Check for conformance

24 Implications & Limitations  Limitations of the study:  The questionnaire is self-reported by respondents: the researcher’s intentions were obvious.  The sample may be biased as it includes students only from one university.  Finally, the sample book sites are few in number.

25 Conclusion  This paper identifies a set of factors capturing the quality of an e-commerce web site.  A set of reliable instruments for web site quality has been developed and empirically validated.  These factors have significant practical meaning for e-commerce web designers and web managers.

26 Thank You!

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