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Topic: Theoretical bases for the Grammar-translation Method Topic: Theoretical bases for the Grammar-translation Method Objectives Trainees will be able.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Theoretical bases for the Grammar-translation Method Topic: Theoretical bases for the Grammar-translation Method Objectives Trainees will be able."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Theoretical bases for the Grammar-translation Method Topic: Theoretical bases for the Grammar-translation Method Objectives Trainees will be able to give reasons for the design and procedures of the Grammar- translation Method.

2 Lesson One Giving Reasons for Grammar- Translation Method Pre-task activities Step One: discussing the language theories underlying the method. Step Two: discussing the language learning theories underlying the method. While-task activities Step Three: group work to give reasons for the method. Post-task activities Step Seven: group speaker reporting to the class.

3 Theory of language. Traditional linguistics. Comparative Historical Linguistics: all languages originated from one language and were ruled by a common grammar. Theory of language learning. Faculty Psychology: the mind of human beings has various faculties which could be trained separately. Understanding and memorization of complicated grammatical rules of languages were regarded as important means of developing mentality. Educational value: classical humanism. The language was regarded as a body of esteemed knowledge to be learned, with an emphasis on intellectual rigor.

4 Classical humanism Knowledge-centred cultural heritage passing on knowledge associates with traditional culture and values with a small “worked out over centuries” associates with traditional culture and values with a small “elite”

5 Traditional linguistics Origin of traditional linguistics Two controversies in ancient Greece Contribution of Dianysius Thrax ( 特拉克斯) Contribution of Apollonius Dyscolus (狄斯考鲁) Main features of traditional linguistics

6 Origin of traditional linguistics Traditional linguistics has a tradition of more than 2000 years. In the fifth century B.C. the Greeks began to make a serious study of language in the realm of philosophy.

7 Two controversies in ancient Greece One was between the naturalists and the conventionalists on the relations between form and meaning. The naturalists argued that the forms of words reflected directly the nature of objects. The conventionalists thought that language was conventional and there was no logic connection between form and meaning of words.

8 The other was between the analogists and the anomalists on the regularities of language. The analogists claimed that language in general was regular and there were rules for people to follow. The anomalists maintained that language was basically irregular and that was why there were so many exceptions and irregularities in the Greek language.

9 Contribution of Dianysius Thrax ( 特拉克斯) He summarized views and achievements of his predecessors and classified all the words of the Greek language into eight parts of speech.

10 Contribution of Apollonius Dyscolus (狄斯考鲁) He made an extensive study of the syntax of Greek. He worded on the basis of Thrax’s book and built his syntactic description on the relations between the noun and the verb. From then on, the model language description set up by Thrax and Dyscolus was followed by different scholars at different times in their analyses of languages

11 Main features of traditional linguistics 1. Traditional study of language was, to a large extent, practical in nature. People made a study of language in order to understand the classic works of ancient times and in order to be able to teach students. 2. Traditional linguists believe that the written form of language was superior to the spoken form, and they gave priority to written form and took words as their starting point. 3. When discussing the rules of language, they usually took a prescriptive approach.

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