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Fluidised powder as a new target technology: The new rig is ready for take off! Work by Chris Denham, Peter Loveridge & Ottone Caretta (RAL), Tom Davies.

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Presentation on theme: "Fluidised powder as a new target technology: The new rig is ready for take off! Work by Chris Denham, Peter Loveridge & Ottone Caretta (RAL), Tom Davies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fluidised powder as a new target technology: The new rig is ready for take off! Work by Chris Denham, Peter Loveridge & Ottone Caretta (RAL), Tom Davies (Exeter University) and Richard Woods (Gericke LTD) Presented by Ottone Caretta EUROnu-IDS meeting 2009 CERN March 2009

2 Is there a ‘missing link’ target technology? has some of the advantages of both solids and liquids Monolithic SOLIDS LIQUIDS Segmented Moving Open jets Contained liquids Fluidised powder Increasing power

3 The powder loop

4 The new rig is working!!!

5 Clever minds at work?!

6 Feedback and control system

7 The control interface

8 Sight/test port

9 Powder characterisation

10 The first jet

11 Turbulence around the jet: the jet’s tail

12 Ready, steeeady... H&S Pneumatics Instrumentation Electrics Control & DAQ HS camera Huston, ready for takeoff! GO!

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