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Ideas for Explainable AI

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Presentation on theme: "Ideas for Explainable AI"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideas for Explainable AI
Steve Solomon Research Programmer USC Institute for Creative Technologies

2 The Need for Explainable AI
Complex computer-generated forces (CGFs) can be difficult to understand New simulation systems markedly increase AI complexity XAI for simulation-based training Useful during after-action review What happened? Why did it happen? What is the advantage or disadvantage of employing one tactic vs. another? XAI for simulation-based analysis Validation of CGF behaviors Standard practice is subject matter expert (SME) approval of observed CGF behavior Difficult for SME’s to fully judge behavior from just observation Reduce false negatives XAI’s demonstrated value in debugging AI behavior

3 XAI Production Research
XAI in Full Spectrum Command Log AI’s behavior during training session Pattern match for “Decision Points” Task start/end, First contact, KIA, WIA… Provide Who, What, When, Where Q&A-based interface to AI state information Question and answer templates Current task, organization, and status Parameters that affect task performance XAI in Full Spectrum Warrior Graphically depict lines of sight & awareness Graphically depict “cones of attention”

4 Limitation of XAI in FSC
Limited depth of explanation Can explain “how” but can’t explain “why” Important for training, validation and analysis Behavior and explanations are separate Requires an additional step in AI development Explanations must be kept in synch with behaviors XAI can cover for “invalid” behavior (bogus explanations) Explanations can seem valid even if the behavior isn’t False sense of confidence in AI systems

5 New Improved XAI User specifies “why” and XAI figures out “how”
User provides strategic goals and constraints Goals: Mission objective, Commander’s Intent Constraints: Rules of Engagement, Doctrine… XAI generates specific tactical behaviors AI planning systems Generates multiple ranked tactical plans with embedded meta-knowledge about the tactics Records a trace of its plan generation process Uses first principles Resolves all the limitations XAI can explain “why” Unifies behavior and XAI meta-knowledge Doesn’t add steps to CGF development Enforces “valid” behavior Easier to validate “why” knowledge than “how” knowledge

6 Explainable AI Plan/ Explanation Generator Natural Language Explainer
Off-line Activity Tactical Plans and XAI meta-knowledge Plan/ Explanation Generator Natural Language Explainer Tactical Plan Explanations Mission and Entity Goals Questions Simulation Environment

7 Using Soar in the Natural Language Explainer
Provide discourse explanations using Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) structures, cf. Carenini and Moore, ILEX Nucleus + Satellites Template-based approach to store clauses, with variables Output of the XAI planner is loaded into working memory Tactical plans Meta knowledge - raw RST template data Soar rules encode RST rewrite grammar for the small-unit tactics domain Different Soar operators for Why, How, and Compare queries Propose operators that the user know about discourse elements Reason about elements that the user already knows about to avoid repetition

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