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Token Economies Chapter 25. Some Definitions Conditioned Reinforcers –Not originally reinforcing but becomes reinforcer after being paired with other.

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1 Token Economies Chapter 25

2 Some Definitions Conditioned Reinforcers –Not originally reinforcing but becomes reinforcer after being paired with other reinforcers Tokens –Conditioned reinforcers that endure, can be accumulated and exchanged for backup reinforcers Token Economy –Behavior Modification program that uses tokens

3 Advantages of Token Economies Can be given immediately Paired with many different backup reinforcers –Can be administered to large diverse groups

4 Setting up a Token Economy Decide on target behavior –Define behaviors so that all involved can identify instances of appropriate and inappropriate behavior Take baselines –Baseline data important to know what is needed –Data can help with selecting backup reinforcers Select backup reinforcers –Identify backup consequences through direct and indirect assessment –Use wide variety of backup reinforcers –Can use response-cost procedures to punish inappropriate behavior

5 Setting up a Token Economy Select the type of tokens to use –Can take many forms, but should be: Durable Easy to handle Difficult to steal Difficult to counterfeit –Can gave graded value for tokens –Can associate different types of tokens with different behaviors

6 Setting up a Token Economy Identify available help –Depending on the situation, different people may need to help Ex: teachers, volunteers, behaviorally advanced peers, etc. Choose the locations –Some locations are better than others, but often do not have a choice of location Managing Consequences –Ensure backup reinforcers are on hand –Clearly describe criteria for earning and exchanging tokens –Award tokens as immediately as possible –Use reinforcers such as praise with tokens –Keep accurate records –Provide bonuses for high-level performance –Train those administering tokens

7 Specific Implementation Procedures Must decide on procedures for: –Keeping data What kinds of sheets? Who will record the data? When will recording take place? –The reinforcing agent Who will administer the reinforcement and for what behaviors? –Number or frequency of tokens to Pay More tokens to start Gradually decrease number of tokens Less pleasant activities might earn more

8 Specific Implementation Procedures Continued: Managing the Backup Reinforcers –How frequently will backup reinforcers be made available? Frequency high in the beginning –How much will each reinforcer cost? Should be related to monetary cost High demand items should cost more Low cost for backup reinforcers that have therapeutic value Possible Punishment Contingencies –Can use tokens to administer punishment through fines –May need to teach clients how to accept fines in a nonaggressive, relatively nonemotional way

9 Specific Implementation Procedures Continued: Supervision of Staff –Duties must be clearly spelled out –Staff must be monitored closely –Reinforcement must be offered for appropriate behavior Handling Potential Problems –Problems must be planned for in advance –Likely problems: Confusion Staff shortages Attempts by clients to get tokens they have not earned or backup reinforcers for which they do not have enough tokens Clients playing with tokens in distracting ways Failure to purchase backup reinforcers

10 Preparing a Manual Token Economy Manual –Written set of rules describing exactly how the economy is to run –Includes: Definite procedures for evaluating whether or not the rules are being followed adequately and procedures for ensuring that they are Methods for arbitrating disputes about rules –Should be detailed –Should be given to all staff members

11 Programming Generality to the Natural Environment Token economy should be designed so that social reinforcement gradually replaces tokens Weaning from tokens: –Eliminate tokens gradually Gradually make the schedule of token delivery more and more intermittent –Decrease token value gradually Gradually decrease amount of backup reinforcement that a token can purchase Or, gradually increase the delay between getting tokens and purchase of backup reinforcements –Gradually transfer control to the clients

12 Ethical Considerations Must take precusions to avoid abuse Making the system completely open to public scrutiny may ensure that no abuse happens

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