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Novel bacteria degrading N-acylhomoserine lactones and their use as quenchers of quorum-sensing-regulated functions of plant-pathogenic bacteria Ste´phane.

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Presentation on theme: "Novel bacteria degrading N-acylhomoserine lactones and their use as quenchers of quorum-sensing-regulated functions of plant-pathogenic bacteria Ste´phane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Novel bacteria degrading N-acylhomoserine lactones and their use as quenchers of quorum-sensing-regulated functions of plant-pathogenic bacteria Ste´phane Uroz,1 Cathy D’Angelo-Picard,1 Aure´ lien Carlier,1 Miena Elasri,1 Carine Sicot,1 Annik Petit,1 Phil Oger,1,2 Denis Faure1 and Yves Dessaux1 Microbiology (2003), 149, 1981–1989

2 Quorum-Sensing 定額感應 早期的科學家們發現,細菌藉由菌數來調控基因表現的現 象,我們稱作 quorum-sensing(QS) 。 這種調控的方式在 Gram- 上比較常見,其有利於微生物在 不同的環境中生存 。 quorum-sensing regulation system 首先在深海魚共生菌 photobacterium fischeri( 發光桿菌 ) 中被發現。 細菌分泌 N-AHSL → N-AHSL 突破門檻值 → 開啟基因表現。

3 N-acylhomoserine lactone (N-AHSL (QS signal))

4 Novel bacteria degrading N-acylhomoserine lactones and their use as quenchers of quorum-sensing-regulated functions of plant-pathogenic bacteria 分解植物病原菌 N-AHSL 和抑制其定額感應 調控的新種細菌

5 Abstract Quorum-Sensing 定額感應 Quorum-quenchers 定額抑制 從菸草根部附近土壤,分離出了可抑制 quorum-sensing 的 訊息分子 (N-AHSL) 的 25 株菌。並分析各株菌能作用 N- AHSL 的範圍及其分解效率,再從其中篩選出分解 N-AHSL 種類最廣且最迅速的菌株 Rhodococcus erythropolis (W2) 。 並對其做干擾其他 quorum-sensing regulation 的效果作評 估。

6 Materials AT medium 就是一般的 Luria-Bertani medium 再加上少量 的必需的物質,如 mannitol NH 4 (SO 4 ) 2 和 cycloheximide 。 而這次的 AT medium 加入 N-AHSL 當做唯一碳源。 Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 這株菌當做 Biosensors 。這株菌會產生 violacein 這種紫色色素,一株 qs regulation 的菌,要是他的 N-AHSL 被分解的時候紫色色 素也不會產生。

7 Isolation of bacteria degrading N-AHSL ( 紫色色桿菌 )

8 Identification of the N-AHSL-degrading bacteria

9 The N-AHSL-degrading bacteria exhibit different substrate specificity

10 R. erythropolis strain W2 as a quencher of the QS signal 篩選出 W2 這株菌對 N-AHSL 有較廣的分解能力,且有迅速分解 N- AHSL 的活性。我們將進一步對 W2 干擾其他菌 quorum- sensingregulation 能力作觀察。 C. violaceaum 紫色色桿菌 A. tumefaciens 根癌農桿菌 P. carotovorum 果膠桿菌

11 Quenching of violacein production in Chromobacterium by R. erythropolis strain W2 ( 紫色色桿菌 )

12 Quenching of violacein production in A. tumefaciens ( 根癌農桿菌 ) by R. erythropolis strain W2 Ti plasmid A. tumefaciens A. tumefaciens strain R10 (pTi donor) A. tumefaciens strain C58.00RS(pTi recipient) Conjugation frequencies(per donor) were 1.5X10 -3 when the conjugation was performed without the quencher strain W2 Conjugation frequencies(per donor) were 1.5X10 -5 when in the presence of the quencher strain W2

13 Quenching of pectinolytic activities in Pectobacterium strain Pcc797 by R. erythropolis strain W2 ( 果膠桿菌 )

14 Discussion 分離鑑定出可分解 N-AHSL 的菌株 Pseudomonas sp. about 64 % ( 假單胞菌 ) Comamonas 16 % ( 叢毛單胞菌 ) Variovorax 12 % ( 貪噬菌 ) Rhodococcus 8 % ( 紅球菌 ) QS regulation 並不局限在某些種類的菌屬中,因此 具有開發的價值。

15 Discussion 探索 Quorum-quenchers 菌株用來對抗 QS- regulation 的潛力 R. erythropolis strain W2 ( 紅球菌 ) 具有迅速分解 N-AHSL 的活 性,且可作用的 N-AHSL 也較廣。在之前實驗證實可干擾 QS regulation ,且不影響菌的生長。 未來可朝向不汙染環境生物控制劑,或不具有副作用的抗 生素開發。

16 Thank you

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