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Market-driven software engineering Basic concepts.

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Presentation on theme: "Market-driven software engineering Basic concepts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Market-driven software engineering Basic concepts

2 Different drives  Technology driven  Contract driven (bespoke development)  Market driven Originator: Joachim Karlsson

3 Product management – where are they?  Marketing and sales  Research and development  Own department under CEO Originator: Joachim Karlsson

4 IndustryWeeks 2002 Value-Chain Survey - focus Originator: Joachim Karlsson

5 IndustryWeeks 2002 Value-Chain Survey - problem root causes

6 IndustryWeeks 2002 Value-Chain Survey - most impact on TTM Originator: Joachim Karlsson

7 Often 19 % Never 45 % Sometimes or always 45 % Doing too much of some things… How often features are used in practice. Source: Butler Group. Originator: Joachim Karlsson


9 Market segmentation  Segment: a subgroup of consumers sharing the same needs  Consumers are organisations or people  Variables for segmentation:  Geographic  Demographic  Psychographic  Behavioural  Statistical clustering techniques: distance measurement and linkage rules (  Related topics:  Targeting  Positioning  Niche market

10 Segmentation  Volvo  Segments per country and  family type  Cell phones  From adoption models to price and age  ABB company  Chose two customers to focus on  The rest had to adapt Originator: Joachim Karlsson

11 Segmentation: Harley-Davidson  Dream Riders40 %  Zen Riders20 %  Tour Gliders14 %  Hard Core10 %  Hog Heaven 9 %  Live to Ride 7 % Originator: Joachim Karlsson

12 Portfolio analysis  A collection of business and products that makes up the company  Optimise company strengths and opportunities  Outcome: investment and growth plan  Sample method The Boston Consulting Group Box:

13 Competitor analysis  Analyse strengths and weaknesses of competitors  Use information to define opportunities and threats  Sample method: Competitor array Key Industry Success Factors Weighti ng Competitor #1 rating Competitor #1 weighted Competitor #2 rating Competitor #2 weighted 1 - Extensive distribution.462.431.2 2 - Customer focus.341.251.5 3 - Economies of scale.23.63 4 - Product innovation.17.74.4 Totals1.0204.9183.7

14 Competitors?

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