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Core-collapse SN neutrinos and GW bursts We are developing a proposal to the LSC-Virgo to search for associated bursts of low-energy neutrinos and GW bursts.

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Presentation on theme: "Core-collapse SN neutrinos and GW bursts We are developing a proposal to the LSC-Virgo to search for associated bursts of low-energy neutrinos and GW bursts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Core-collapse SN neutrinos and GW bursts We are developing a proposal to the LSC-Virgo to search for associated bursts of low-energy neutrinos and GW bursts Goal: to present proposal for March L-V meeting R Frey U Maryland LSC-V 18 Dec 2008 G080654-00-Z 1 Neutrino community: W Fulgione (LNGS, LVD), K Scholberg (Duke U, Super-K) LIGO-Virgo community: L Cadonati (UMass), E Coccia (LNGS, Rome U), R Frey (U Oregon), E Katsavounidis (MIT), I Leonor (U Oregon), G Pagliaroli (LNGS) Theory/Phenom community: F Vissani (LNGS), G Pagliaroli (LNGS)

2 Core-collapse supernovae R Frey U Maryland LSC-V 18 Dec 2008 G080654-00-Z 2 Classic multi-messenger astronomical events:  Gravitational Waves (GWs)  Low energy neutrinos  Electromagnetic Optical (EM) signature:  may be obscured  unable to determine time of bounce to better than ~ day Neutrinos and GWs directly probe the physics of core collapse  Signatures separated by few seconds  A tight coincidence window can be used to establish a correlation  Sensitivity range of current GW and neutrino detectors very similar Super-K: ~10 4 detected neutrinos for galactic SN  ~1 for M31

3 SN neutrino signal R Frey U Maryland LSC-V 18 Dec 2008 G080654-00-Z 3

4 Neutrino pointing to source R Frey U Maryland LSC-V 18 Dec 2008 G080654-00-Z 4

5 Summary of supernova neutrino detectors Galactic sensitivity Extragalactic 5 R Frey U Maryland LSC-V 18 Dec 2008 G080654-00-Z

6 GW emission from core-collapse Several mechanisms may give rise to gravitational wave (GW) emission from core-collapse supernovae (see review by Ott astro-ph/0809.0695)  Rotating collapse and bounce.  Post-bounce convection and Stationary Accretion Shock Instability (SASI)  Anisotropic neutrino emission  PNS core oscillations and dynamical rotational instabilities Significant uncertainties exist in energy going into GWs and open questions are being addressed by the numerical relativity community  Most optimistic simulation from PNS g-mode pulsations (acoustic mechanism) by Burrows et al yielding up to 8x10 -5 M solar c 2 for a 25M solar progenitor at 600-900Hz (-> reaching MC’s) Core bounce Convection and SASI Early and late g-modes 6 R Frey U Maryland LSC-V 18 Dec 2008 G080654-00-Z

7 Case for joint -GW analysis R Frey U Maryland LSC-V 18 Dec 2008 G080654-00-Z 7 A time-coincident GW- search should provide a factor  2 improvement in the GW sensitivity relative to an all-sky search. Improve chance of detection via lowering individual detector thresholds and increasing the time coverage of a global GW- detector network. Ability to explore “distant” SN searches (M31) unable to be seen reliably by neutrino detectors alone. (Assumes there is a detectable GW signal.)

8 Modes of investigation R Frey U Maryland LSC-V 18 Dec 2008 G080654-00-Z 8 Galactic SN with loud burst → SNEWS Gold alert  Already public and available to LIGO in real time  Analyze GW as for GRB bursts, for example Intermediate burst  As above but need access to neutrino information Few- bursts  Joint analysis as described here  ~ Super-K “distant SN search” [astro-ph/0706.2283; ApJ]  Correlate with low-threshold GW bursts

9 Potential time-line and steps forward R Frey U Maryland LSC-V 18 Dec 2008 G080654-00-Z 9 Today: invitation to collaboration members to join  Help define proposal and analysis details February 2009: circulate documents  Guiding principles: minimize FTE and computational resources, use existing data products from all parties (neutrino/GWs) March 2009: present proposal at LSC-Virgo collab meeting and seek approval to proceed with (multi-party) MOU April 2009: proof-of-principle analysis on S5/VSR1 data May-June 2009: extension on S6/VSR2 early data and report to collaborations at June collab meeting July++ 2009: analysis in auto-pilot (not necessarily online)

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