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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONCENTRATION Professor Colette A. Frayne Orfalea College of Business Department of Management California Polytechnic State University.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONCENTRATION Professor Colette A. Frayne Orfalea College of Business Department of Management California Polytechnic State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONCENTRATION Professor Colette A. Frayne Orfalea College of Business Department of Management California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 USA Phone: 805.756.2991 email:

2 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONCENTRATION What is International Business Management (IM)? Why might IM be “the concentration” for you? l interesting l relevant l flexible (in concentration & dual concentrations) l integrative l Great career opportunities & applications l international & domestic

3 IS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS IMPORTANT? California had goods exports of $150B in 2004 (241 foreign markets), services exports of $48B Largest export level of the 50 States (about 19% of total), & growing faster than overall U.S. rate In 2004, 44,785 firms exported from CA(28,340 in 1994), 20% of U.S. exporters Over 87% of CA exporters = small firms (<100 employees), 9% medium-sized (101-499 –ees)

4 CALIFORNIA EXPORTS & JOBS Exports support 1.6M CA jobs, 9.8% of private sector (499,000 jobs in mfg represent over 25% of workers in CA mfg industries; +649,000 non-mfg jobs) Wages in jobs supported by exports range 13-18% higher than national average Worker benefits are 1/3 higher at exporting firms Exporting plants are 9% less likely to shut down than comparable nonexporting plants Employment, output & productivity growth are 3-11% higher in exporting plants Exporting plants are 30-50% more productive Sales per employee: 150% higher at exporting firms Foreign affiliate employment in CA was 603,200 jobs

5 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CONCENTRATION Excellent faculty - outstanding teaching performance Broad class offerings Cross-Cultural Management Multinational Business Operations Internat’ Strategy Int’l Human Resources Mergers & Acquisitions Joint Ventures & Alliances International Law High Tech Law International Marketing International Trade International Finance Emphases/Tracks to match career interests Electives -- Flexible to meet personal & career interests Foreign language is not required Senior project, internship & study abroad options

6 … not just learning in the classroom … International Management Clubs & Other Activities AIESEC internat’l internship club International Career Conference International Business Consulting Field Projects International Breakfast Club INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CONCENTRATION

7 THE IM CONCENTRATION: A SUMMARY By concentrating in International Management, you can: Receive a strong education Broaden your horizons Pursue study & work abroad Attain good jobs -- and fulfilling & fun lives & careers! The “Poly Payoff”!

8 THE IM CONCENTRATION: WHERE DID OUR GRADS GO? Intel Veritas Software Emulex Corp. General Dynamics Accenture Raytheon IBM Silicon Graphics Lockheed Martin Pactuco DDB Advertising BEA Systems Gap, Inc. V W The “Poly Payoff”!

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