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Keyboarding Evaluation. Types of Evaluation Diagnostic – identify skill level Formative – ongoing; student progress Summative – summarize progress  Note:

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Presentation on theme: "Keyboarding Evaluation. Types of Evaluation Diagnostic – identify skill level Formative – ongoing; student progress Summative – summarize progress  Note:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keyboarding Evaluation

2 Types of Evaluation Diagnostic – identify skill level Formative – ongoing; student progress Summative – summarize progress  Note: Involve students in evaluation

3 Evaluation in Keyboarding Assessments  Keyboarding technique  Processes used  Production of accurate documents  Attitude Assessment Techniques  Purpose of assessment

4 Keyboarding Technique Proper technique is ESSENTIAL Develop and reinforce continually Establish criteria Develop checklist Evaluate a few students each period

5 Error Correction After learn key location Develop skill of error recognition Make corrections during session

6 Skill Development Evaluate achievements in touch typing Anecdotal records Checklists Rating scales

7 Straight-Copy Timed Writings Decide on whether to allow corrections 10 seconds to three minutes Multiple attempts at same copy Calculating rates  Total number of words/time (minutes)  Word = 5 keystrokes  CWAM = words – number of errors/time

8 Proofreading Requires  knowledge and concentration  patience and attention to detail Spell check Proofreader’s marks Proof before and after printing Peer editing

9 Production Work Final products – letters, reports, brochures Replicate copy that is correctly arranged Format unarranged keyed copy Format handwritten and unarranged Error free on first attempt Completed within given time Maximum of two attempts suggested

10 Production Work Criteria Visual appeal – font, white space, clean, not wrinkled Formatting – correct placement, consistent Keyboarding – error free, all elements Grammar – free of run-ons, etc.

11 Attitude and Effort First grading period Collect data on attitude and effort Require encouragement to continue to strive to improve

12 Portfolios Envelope, file, binder, or folder Gain sense of level of achievement Assessment log – keep track and organize Demonstrate progress

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