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Have you ever being blamed for something you are not guilty of? How did you feel? We know the pigs side of the original story of the Three Little Pigs.

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Presentation on theme: "Have you ever being blamed for something you are not guilty of? How did you feel? We know the pigs side of the original story of the Three Little Pigs."— Presentation transcript:


2 Have you ever being blamed for something you are not guilty of? How did you feel? We know the pigs side of the original story of the Three Little Pigs. In this story the wolf gives his side of the story. Let us now read to find out what really happened.

3 Paper Computer Crayons

4  Before we start reading the story we will review the original story of the three little pigs..  Get in groups of fours. Each person in your group will take on a character in the story of the three Little Pigs and act it out.  While the other groups are presenting their dramatic pieces, please join in on the lines “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.  Take a picture walk through the story and make your predictions of what you think would be the fox’ s version of the story and write them down. Click

5 Now I am going to read you The True She story of The Three Little Pigs as told by the wolf. While I am reading you the story I want you to check your predictions by putting a tick beside the ones that match to see if you were correct.

6 Now that you have heard the true story of the three little pigs as told by the wolf. Pretend that you are a policeman write a report to your supervisor telling him who you think was telling the true.

7 Write a letter to the wolf from whichever character you want. The letter can be about how this character felt about what the wolf did and how he should be punished. Be creative and talk about it with each other before you begin. Use your best hand writing.

8 POINTS123TOTAL Before Reading Story was not dramatized in detail During dramatization Some elements were missing Story was dramatized in detail During Reading One prediction correct More than one predictions correct More than two predictions correct After Reading Did not provide enough facts to convince his superior. A few facts was provided. Provide convincing argument to convince superior TOTAL


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