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School of History FACULTY OF ARTS Wikis in Teaching Dr Kevin Linch.

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Presentation on theme: "School of History FACULTY OF ARTS Wikis in Teaching Dr Kevin Linch."— Presentation transcript:

1 School of History FACULTY OF ARTS Wikis in Teaching Dr Kevin Linch

2 Outline 1.Background 2.Basic Usage 3.Using them in teaching 4.Building a resource 5.Q&A

3 Web 2.0 & Wikis? What is web 2.0? Web as a ‘platform’ or a medium Collective / social Always ‘beta’ Examples Google, ebay, Wikipedia

4 Wiki - pedia Views on wikipedia

5 Building a basic entry Edit your user page 1. Write a bit about yourself and save it 2. Write a bit about what ideas you have for using wikis

6 Using wikis in HE Student Input / Role Tutor Input / Role None A lot None A lot Webpages Wikipedia

7 Ideas Groupwork: How could wikis be used in teaching? Flesh out an idea or two: What is required – tutor, student, technical aff_and_students Create you wiki entry!

8 Further Info Web 2.0: 2006-01/ Elgg Wiki community group:

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