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Introduction to NextGen Relevance to Taiwan 29 May 2008 The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of The MITRE Corporation,

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to NextGen Relevance to Taiwan 29 May 2008 The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of The MITRE Corporation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to NextGen Relevance to Taiwan 29 May 2008 The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of The MITRE Corporation, and should not be construed as an official Government position, policy, or decision, unless designated by other documentation.  2008 The MITRE Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Presented to: Flight Safety Foundation- Taiwan, ROC

2 2 Present US Mid-Term Operational Evolution –Technologies –Procedures Present Potential Safety Benefits of the OEP Identify Similarities to Taiwan Master Plan –New ATM, AIS, VCS –Potential ADS-B –Potential A-SMGCS (Surface Movement) Overview

3 3 NextGen Integrated Plan and Concept of Operations Meanwhile, In Taiwan… Initiate Trajectory-Based Operations Increase Arrivals/Departures at High Density Airports Increase Flexibility in the Terminal Improve Collaborative ATM Reduce Weather Impact Increase Safety, Security, and Environmental Performance Transform Facilities OEP Path to NextGen Improved Trajectories and Surveillance Increase Arrivals at High Density Airports Improved Surface Movement Monitoring and Alerting Initiate Collaborative ATM Improved Alerting Improve Airspace Management Increase Safety, Security, and Environmental Performance Improved Navigation and Pilot Situational Awareness Taiwan Master Plan

4 4 En Route Transition Terminal Automated, high-precision operations with procedurally separated RNP/RNAV routes Additional routes designed to increase flexibility, efficiency, and capacity Automated, high-precision operations with procedurally separated RNP/RNAV routes Additional routes designed to increase flexibility, efficiency, and capacity Automation detects all potential problems Controllers resolve problems with automated resolution assistance Problems are predicted and resolved strategically Data Communications Routine ATC tasks are automated Time-based metering to manage traffic at constrained resources Airspace designed to optimize service and productivity improvements Automation detects all potential problems Controllers resolve problems with automated resolution assistance Problems are predicted and resolved strategically Data Communications Routine ATC tasks are automated Time-based metering to manage traffic at constrained resources Airspace designed to optimize service and productivity improvements Automation assists with sequencing, merging, and spacing Integrated weather information with decision support tools Automation assists with sequencing, merging, and spacing Integrated weather information with decision support tools Use of probability of congestion and risk management Shared situational awareness with NAS users on action strategies Use of probability of congestion and risk management Shared situational awareness with NAS users on action strategies TFM Mid-Term ATM Concept ATMS MAESTRO ATMS ADS-B AISS CDM ATMS CPDLC ATMS AISS ATMS AISS ATMS GNSS ATMS TFM MAESTRO

5 5 Performance-Based ATM Concept Validation Human-in-the-Loop Experiments En Route Operational Team: Twelve Front Line Managers from three regions participated Terminal Operational Team: Nine Front Line Managers from three regions participated

6 6 En Route Concept Validation Human-In-The-Loop Experiments Validate concept feasibility and measure workload improvement Participants managed projected future traffic levels under: –A baseline condition representing today’s NAS –An enhanced condition representing P-ATM operations

7 7 En Route Concept Validation Traffic Volume and Controller Workload Sample Results (1): Baseline versus P-ATM Operations 1.1 1.3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Failures and Exceptions Severe Weather Workload Rating Sample Results (2): P-ATM operations with full data communications equipage (handling 34 aircraft)

8 8 Terminal Concept Validation Human-in-the-Loop Experiments Evaluated Atlanta, Houston, and West Palm Beach TRACON operations Compared current operations with future Performance- Based ATM operations Combined positions Simulations at maximum airport capacity TodayFuture Final Feeder One Position Uncombined Position Traffic Level Combined Position Traffic Level

9 9 Terminal Concept Validation Controller Workload Results Controllers were able to manage greater levels of traffic with acceptable levels of workload Large-Sized TRACON Operating Environment (A80) Large-Sized TRACON Operating Environment (I90) Mid-Sized TRACON Operating Environment (PBI) Sample Results

10 10 Participants deemed the Performance-Based ATM concept operationally viable –Is a critical step in accommodating the expected growth in traffic and transitioning towards NextGen Significant benefits can be achieved through the automation advancements and operational changes enabled by the Performance-Based ATM concept –Improved controller productivity More aircraft managed compared with baseline operations Workload reduced dramatically –Much less time spent on routine and complex tasks –Increased NAS customer efficiency in En Route airspace Changes to user-preferred flights plans minimized More pilot requests granted ADD SAFETY INFO PRONTO En Route and Terminal Concept Validation Summary of Results

11 11 Provide Interactive Flight Planning from Anywhere Initiate Trajectory Based Operations 200620072008200920112012201320102014 2025 Trajectory Based Airspace Flexible Airspace Management Increase Capacity and Efficiency Using RNAV/RNP Tactical Trajectory Management Reduce Horizontal Separation Standards - 3 Miles NextGen Oceanic Procedures Delegated Responsibility for Longitudinal Separation Expanded Conflict Resolution via Data Communication Oceanic Limited Delegation of Separation Oceanic 4-D Trajectory Management Initial Conflict Resolution via Voice Automation Support for Variable Separation ADS-B Separation Capabilities Related to P- ATM Concept *Source: FAA’s Operational Evolution Partnership Version 1.0 Use Aircraft-Provided Intent Data to Improve Conflict Resolution Point in Space Metering Potential Capabilities for Taiwan P-ATM Point in Space Metering Use Aircraft-Provided Intent Data to Improve Conflict Resolution Initial Conflict Resolution via Voice Expanded Conflict Resolution via Data Communication Increase Capacity and Efficiency Using RNAV/RNP Tactical Trajectory Management New ATMS + CPDLC CPDLC Equipage New ATMS + ADS-B + New A-SMGCS New ATMS + CPDLC ADS-B and CPDLC Equipage New ATMS TFM Capabilities New ATMS + ADS-B /GNSS + ADS-B Equipage

12 12 Moving Forward - US Performance-based ATM operations are described by a future end-to-end concept enabled by a portfolio of capabilities and significantly improve –En Route and Terminal Controller and Traffic Flow Manager productivity –NAS predictability, capacity, efficiency, safety

13 Performance-ATM operations are enabled by –Procedure changes, automation enhancements, data communications, other infrastructure improvements and role/responsibility changes –Avionics improvements –Net Result = Safety and Efficiency at Increased Traffic Levels

14 14 Mid-Term Path to NextGen RNP/RNAV Expansion Precise Navigation Data Communications Complex Clearance Delivery Flight Intent Downlink User Requests ADS-B Aircraft Separation SWIM Net-Centric Information Sharing Airspace Redesign Optimize Improvements Procedures, Training ERAM Enhancements Automated Problem Resolution Integrated Controller Suite Data Communications Integration TFM-M Enhancements Enhanced Time-Based Metering Probabilistic Prediction of Congestion Enhanced Departure Sequencing Tool Automation for Collaboration with Users Automation for Generating/Executing Flow Initiatives STARS/C-ARTS Enhancements Merging and Sequencing Tools Route Adherence Monitoring Data Communications Integration Avionics Equipage/Flight Planning Systems P-ATM Portfolio

15 15 Mid-Term Path for Taiwan RNP/RNAV Expansion Precise Navigation Data Communications Clearance Delivery ADS-B Surveillance Accuracy + Availability Improved Cockpit Awareness Pilot Intent to Automation Surface Movement Enhancements (New A-SMGCS) Airspace Redesign Optimize Improvements Procedures, Training ATM Enhancements (New ATMS - 2011) Improved Surveillance Automated Problem Detection Route Adherence Monitoring Integrated Controller Suite Data Communications Integration TFM-M Enhancements (New ATMS and New MAESTRO) Prediction of Congestion of Resources New Arrival Sequencing Tool Collaboration with Users Aeronautical Services Enhancements (New AISS - 2011) Online Flight Filing Online PIB Complete Weather and NOTAM Potential P-ATM Capabilities

16 16 Increase Arrivals/Departures at High Density Airports OEP Solution Set* 200620072008200920112012201320102014 2025 Optimize Runway Assignments Delegated Responsibility for Horizontal Separation Use Data Messaging To Provide Flow and Taxi Assignments Reduce Horizontal Separation Standards - 3 Miles Use Aircraft-Provided Intent Data to Improve Flow and Conflict Resolution Full Surface Traffic Management with Conformance Monitoring Integrated Arr/Dep Management Time-Based Metering Using RNAV/RNP route assignments Independent Operations to CSPR Wake Vortex Incorporated into Flow Initial Surface Traffic Management Cockpit Based Landing Capacity Implement TMA Implement En Route Time Based Metering Procedures Northern California 3 Tier Airspace Chicago Airspace NY/NJ/PHL Metro Area Airspace HAATS Implement ASDE-X CAVS at Louisville Capabilities Related to P- ATM Concept *Source: FAA’s Operational Evolution Partnership Version 1.0 Potential Capabilities for Taiwan P-ATM

17 17 Increase Flexibility in the Terminal Environment OEP Solution Set* 200620072008200920112012201320102014 2025 Provide Surface Situation to Aircraft Operators and Service Providers Use Continuous Descent Arrival Procedures Use Continuous Descent Arrival Procedures GBAS Precision Approaches Wake Vortex Wind-Based Procedures Enhanced Tower Data Link System with Coded Taxi Route Clearance ADS-B Services to Secondary Airports Expanded Traffic Advisory Services using Digital Traffic Data Provide Surface Situation to Pilots, Service Providers and Vehicle Operators for All Weather Operations WAAS 200-foot minima STL Revised Wake Separation Standards Limited Use Continuous Descent Arrivals: SDF, LAX, ATL Capabilities Related to P- ATM Concept *Source: FAA’s Operational Evolution Partnership Version 1.0 Potential Capabilities for Taiwan P-ATM

18 18 Improve Collaborative ATM OEP Solution Set* 200620072008200920112012201320102014 2025 Full Collaborative Decision Making On-Demand NAS Information Provide Full Flight Plan Constraint Evaluation with Feedback Provide Full Flight Plan Constraint Evaluation with Feedback Continuous Flight Day Evaluation Trajectory Flight Data Management Assignment of Airspace for Special Use in High Altitude Manage Airspace as Trajectories Manage Airspace to Flow Airspace Flow Program Integrated Surface Data Reroute Impact Assessment & Resolution Execution of Flow Strategies Capabilities Related to P- ATM Concept *Source: FAA’s Operational Evolution Partnership Version 1.0 Potential Capabilities for Taiwan P-ATM

19 19 Step 1 Include R-side Problem Prediction Enhanced trajectory modeling and problem prediction Integration of controller displays with problem prediction available on R-side Problem notification to sector where problem predicted to occur Assisted Trial Planning TFM route and altitude clearances received via ground-ground data communications D-Controller supports one sector

20 20 Step 2 Introduce Air-Ground Data Communications Pilot requests received via data communications and notified to controller Clearances delivered via data communications –Automatically generated trial plans (e.g., clearance for TFM route change) –Trial plans created by controller –Clearances created by controller without trial planning Transfer of communications accomplished via data communications

21 21 Step 3 Expand Problem Prediction and Introduce Problem Resolution Introduction of problem resolution for existing problem types, plus –Resolutions generated for TFM route and altitude changes –Resolutions generated for pilot requests received via data communications Introduction of problem prediction for remaining problem types –Miles-in-Trail (MIT) constraints –En route and arrival Meter Fix Time (MFT) constraints –Severe weather affecting safety of flight Introduction of problem resolution for remaining problem types (MIT, MFT, Severe Wx safety of flight) Notification of automatically generated TOD clearances to sector in control All clearances entered into automation Strategic Controller supports one or more sectors

22 22 Step 4 Shift Towards Strategic Operations Notification of all control events to sector in control of aircraft to be maneuvered R Controller continues to maintain situational awareness and be responsible for separation

23 23 Step 5 Include Advanced Data ommunications State and intent information provided to ATC automation via data communications, and processed by ATC automation Ride reports provided to ATC automation via data communications, and processed by ATC automation Problem prediction and resolution for clear air turbulence affecting safety of flight More complex clearances

24 24 Step 6 Complete En Route P-ATM Capability Automation responsible for problem prediction Controller works of notifications on the Action List –New displays and modifications to existing displays Automated clearance delivery for –TFM route and altitude changes –TOD clearances –Pilot requests

25 25 Traffic Flow Management: Overview Traffic managers have access to enhanced congestion predictions NAS customers self manage their schedule risk Traffic managers have increased automation support to manage airport and airspace congestion in strategic and tactical timeframe TFM automation proposes incremental resolutions to airspace congestion in tactical timeframe TFM automation disseminates flight specific changes

26 26 Conclusion NextGen Addresses All Phases of Flight NextGen Improves Safety Across All Aspects –Improved Modeling, Planning = More Accurate Alerting –Improved Surveillance = More Accurate Alerting –Improved Detection, Alerting, and Resolution –Increased Datalink = Reduced Human Error –Improved TFM = Reduced Congestion and Load –Improved Nav = Increased Cockpit Awareness Taiwan Will Make Many of the Same Advances –Important Subset of NextGen Technologies –Quicker Deployment = Quicker Benefits

27 謝謝 THANK YOU!

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