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1 OUTLINE What have we promised? Where are we now? The Center and HEDP The Work Plan by institution. FSC: COORDINATION FSC: INTERACTION FSC: EDUCATION
2 New experimental and simulation capabilities make this an opportune time to create this Center The experimental opportunities in this field are unprecedented: –The U.S. has three large high energy compression systems (Z, OMEGA, and NIF). –All of these systems are adding Petawatt laser capability. –Unexplored states of matter can be created with this combination. Numerical simulation capability is advancing rapidly: –State of the art 3D explicit PIC modeling can now describe the laser plasma interaction and relativistic electron generation –New hybrid PIC modeling is being developed to describe the transport of relativistic electrons to the ignition spot Graduate students are attracted in growing numbers to the exciting new science of short-pulse high energy-density physics. FSC presentation at DOE Review Panel
3 The Center will coordinate the major research areas associated with Fast Ignition This Center will integrate a currently dispersed effort throughout the country and provides coordination among the major research areas: –Numerical simulation of intense laser matter interactions and transport (UCLA, UNR, LLNL, UR, MIT), –Experimental investigation of intense laser matter interactions and transport (OSU, UT, UNR, UCSD, LLNL, MIT, UR) –Target Fabrication (GA, UR, LLNL) –Fuel Assembly (GA, MIT, UR, LLNL) –Integrated Experiments and Simulations (all participants) – Diagnostic Development (OSU, UCSD, MIT, UT, LLNL, UR) Fast Ignition is not part of NNSA’s program plan. NNSA has no plans to provide the resources required to create this type of collaborative activity. FSC presentation at DOE Review Panel
4 Numerical Simulations (UCLA, UNR, UR, LLNL) LEOPARD (PW) (UNR) The Center will take advantage of the NNSA investment in Petawatts and Drivers OMEGA EP (PW) OMEGA (Driver) (U.Rochester) THOR (PW) (UT) JanISP (PW) NIF (Driver) & NIF HEPW (LLNL) Beamlet (PW) Z (Driver) (SNL) NNSA Facilities available for integrated FI experiments Other University-based Resources for FI research Diagnostics and Expts. (OSU, MIT, UCSD) FSC presentation at DOE Review Panel
5 Simulate Measurement Feedback to simulation Predicting capability Develop benchmark problem INTEGRATEDEXPINTEGRATEDEXP Measure dE/dx Simulate with modified hybrid codes (LSP) using Li-Petrasso stopping theory Predicting capability Feedback to simulation Electron beam stopping In Cryogenic D 2 example Fuel assembly in CH +D 3 He cone implosions Measure R with charge particle spec Simulate with modified hydro codes (DRACO) Predicting capability Feedback to simulation example Benchmark experiments are needed to validate codes which are ultimately needed to design Integrated FI Experiments FSC presentation at DOE Review Panel
6 The Center Academic Mission is aimed at attracting young talent into High Energy Density Physics ~50% of the FSC’s funding is for graduate student and postdoc salaries They will have opportunities to perform research on the state-of-the-art facilities available to the Center The Center will employ ~ 5 postdocs and ~ 8 graduate students The Center will organize: an annual Fast Ignition workshop a bi-annual Summer Schools in HEDP The Center will make available ~ 40 Scholarships for students attending the Summer School FSC presentation at DOE Review Panel
7 The FSC is organized with Executive Committee and internal and external advisors The metrics in the Annual Work Plan will be used to measure the success of the Center’s progress Executive Committee Responsible for: Coordination of the FSC’s activities FSC meeting its scientific goals Annual work plan and progress report Workshops and summer schools External Review Committee Review the work plan and progress Internal Technical Advisors Provide scientific and programmatic advice as needed Suggest links to other research activities FSC presentation at DOE Review Panel
8 Clark Kerr Campus is located six blocks southeast of the main UC Berkeley campus and has its own parking. Participant number at the workshop estimated at 50 with the possibility being as high as 70. Don needs a better estimate of the number of participants The Granlibakken Hotel and Resort in Lake Tahoe (where ICUIL is taking place: can be an alternative. HEDP Summer School confirmed for Aug 7 through Aug 13 at UC Berkeley A committee needs to be assembled to help Don with the Summer School organization ( advertising, program, lodging) The key person for the HEDP organization is Don Correll
9 The Center will hire 6-7 postdocs in Year 1 UCSD, 1 postdoc (ad posted on FSC website) UR, 2 postdocs (ad posted on FSC website) OSU, 1 postdoc (ad posted on FSC website) UCLA, 1 postdoc (ad posted on FSC website) MIT, 1 postdoc (ad posted on FSC website) GA, 0.5 postdoc. Recruitment Ad appeared on the September issue of Physics Today Breakdown by institution More on postdocs in the Organization session
10 The Center will hire 9 graduate students in Year 1 UCSD, 1 UR, 3 OSU, 2 UCLA, 1 MIT, 1 UT, 1 Breakdown by institution
11 Budget breakdown by institution (Year 1) GA ~ 139K/y MIT~ 185K/y OSU~ 122K/y UCSD ~ 191K/y UT ~ 54K/y UR~239K/y UCLA ~ 136K/y DOE ~ 1.066M/y
12 The FSC will have an executive committee consisting of: – Riccardo Betti (UR, Fuel Assembly and ICF), – David Meyerhofer (UR, Integrated Experiments and LPI) – Todd Ditmire (U. Texas, HEDP and LPI) – Richard Freeman (Ohio State, High Intensity Phenomena and Transport) – Thomas Cowan (UNR, Relativistic LPI, Proton Beams, transport, and numerical simulations) – Richard Stephens (GA, Target Fab. and Hydrodynamics of FI targets) – Richard Petrasso (MIT, Fuel Assembly and Particle Diagnostics) – Farhat Beg (UCSD, Energy Transport and Relativistic LPI) – Michael Key (LLNL, Relativistic LPI and Energy Transport) – Warren Mori (UCLA, Relativistic LPI and numerical modeling) – Miklos Porkolab (MIT, Magnetic Fusion Energy) – John Lindl (LLNL, Inertial Fusion Energy) – The FSC has an Executive Committee with a wide range of expertise Non PIs
13 The FSC will have both internal and external advisors Internal Technical Advisors M. Tabak (LLNL) J. Kilkenny (GA) A. Frank (UR) R. Town (LLNL) A. Wan (LLNL) An external Review committee will be assembled – Directors of OFES and NNSA laboratories will be asked to nominate a member of their institution to the Review Committee OFES: PPPL, GA, MIT/PFSC NNSA: LLNL, LANL, SNL, LLE One non-national laboratory scientist OFES program manager
14 U. Rochester Work Plan for Year 1 Development of hydrodynamic simulation capability to model the implosion of spherical targets with embedded cones Development of hybrid code capability (LSP and models for hydrodynamic codes) to model the generation and propagation of high energy electron beams in the high density, compressed cores of imploded cryogenic targets, Fuel assembly experiments with spherical plastic shells with embedded gold cones. Development of diagnostics for integrated (PW plus implosion) experiments planned to begin on OMEGA/OMEGA EP in FY07.
15 Validate experiments for testing electron scattering and energy deposition in hydrogenic ice by extrapolating the experimental results to plasmas. Model preheat from electron penetration in a range of ICF scenarios. Develop a Monte Carlo code for simulating the interactions of fast electrons with dense hydrogenic plasmas. Perform simulations to aid in the design, and demonstrate relevance and feasibility, of experiments for testing analytic and numeric models. Design experimental scenarios relevant for studying the transport of electrons, in the energy range from about 0.05 MeV to 2 MeV, in hydrogenic ice, in Be (Z=4), and in Al (Z=13). Determine the characteristics of a suitable electron accelerator and/or radioactive source. Determine the optimal detector(s) for performing experiments with either an electron accelerator or a radioactive source. MIT WORK PLAN FOR YEAR 1
16 OSU WORK PLAN YEAR 1 (1) Analyze data on penetration depth of photo-generated fast electrons into normally dense matter obtained from experiments at Rutherford Laboratories (RAL). (2) Compare experimental results to LSP/Lasnex calculations (3) Prepare experimental plan to diagnose electron transport in isochorically heated targets on Omega/EP
17 (1) Study of interaction of short pulse high intensity laser with the critical density surface including absorption, fast electron generation and deposition of energy in targets of varying conductivities. The effect of target resistivity, return current and target shape (e.g., layered cylinder) on angular distribution of the electron beam will be extensively studied. Targets consisting of foam on the rear surface and sandwiched between two thin foils will be used for the return current studies. A detailed study of coherent and incoherent optical transition radiation (OTR & ITR) from the rear surface of the targets will be performed. (3) Numerical simulations of the above-mentioned experimental conditions will be performed using LSP code. UCSD WORK PLAN YEAR 1
18 GA WORK PLAN YEAR 1 Design and build the complex targets needed for the various transport and implosion experiments. Develop targets suitable for electron transport measurements in cryogenic D 2. Produce the required targets and deliver them to the experimental team in time for each campaign. A post-doc (5.73 person-months/year) will work with the rest of the experimental team to carry out the experimental shots and analyze the results.
19 UT, UNR and LLNL The FSC is supporting a graduate student at UT. No support is currently requested by UNR and LLNL Additional support for UT, UNR and LLNL can become available depending on their Work Plans and funding availability within the center The participation of UT, UNR and LLNL greatly enhances the FSC visibility and provide possible access to the UT and UNR facilities
20 The FSC Work Plan must show COORDINATION For example: how the UCSD experimental plan differ from the OSU plan? What are the difference in the electron transport experiments proposed by the two groups? Can those experiments be coordinated to avoid redundancies? Almost everybody will be using LSP to benchmark the experiments. Will one or two FSC members run LSP for everybody else? Will each group develop a simulation capability with LSP? It is probably more efficient to establish an LSP user group within the Center that will run LSP for all different experiments funded by the Center We have the PIC experts in the Center. Shall we develop a new simulation tool? Maybe, a new hybrid code?
21 Coordinators need to be appointed in the main research thrust areas Research Thrust and coordinators (* are responsible for coordination and reporting on progress) COORDINATION Laser-Plasma Interaction Particle Transport Fuel Assembly HEDP Theory/simulation Experiments Cross-cutting areas (Ren*/ Betti) (Li-Petrasso*/Freeman) (Meyerhofer/Stephens*) (Beg*/Ditmire) (Key*, Meyerhofer) (Mori*/Cowan)
22 The Cross-Cutting coordinators are necessary for maintaining a balanced activity, assessing the needs of the thrust areas, and developing the most effective strategies Experiments: Are the proposed experiments advancing the scientific understanding in an efficient and coordinated fashion? Is the research balanced among the different areas? Theory/Simulation: Do we need an LSP group? Do we need to develop a new simulation tool? HEDP: the HEDP coordinators will develop a strategy to involve the non-fusion HEDP community in the Center activities. Propose a candidate to serve on the executive committee.
23 A summer school organizing/program/recruiting committee need to be assembled A significant amount of work is required to organize the HEDP summer school Don Corell has already started negotiations with UC Berkeley and will be the primary contact person for the summer school After the lodging arrangements are completed, the program and recruiting strategies need to be put in place We need an organizing committee to assist Don, a program committee to and a recruiting committee Organizing committee: Correll (Chair), Mori, Betti Program committee: Meyerofer (Chair), Key, Ditmire Recruiting committee: Ren (Chair), Beg, Petrasso
24 INTERACTION Monthly conference calls (the CMSO has weekly cc!) The coordinators will report on the monthly progress: Reports on: Laser-plasma interaction (Mori) Electron Transport (Petrasso) Fuel Assembly (Meyerhofer) HEDP (Beg) Theory/Simulation (Ren) Experiments (Key) Two annual meetings (Workshop and FSC meeting)
25 WORK PLANS and DELIVERABLES The work plans should include 1 and 2 year deliverables The coordinators should agree on the deliverables The coordinators should agree on the work plans The deliverables and work plans can be presented by the coordinators at the October conference call and reviewed by the Executive Committee A Center Work Plan will be developed by the Executive Committee based on the institutional work plans and the deliverables
26 CONCLUSIONS This meeting goals are: (1) Review the work plans (2) Appoint coordinators (3) Appoint Summer School Committees (4) Develop a strategy to define deliverables (5) Develop a strategy to establish coordination and integration (6) Discuss the outstanding scientific issues (7) Develop a strategy to connect the Center activities to the broader HEDP community
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