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3 Kinds of “Skills” 1.Functional/transferrable skills 2. Work Content Knowledges (“skills”) 3. Adaptive Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "3 Kinds of “Skills” 1.Functional/transferrable skills 2. Work Content Knowledges (“skills”) 3. Adaptive Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 Kinds of “Skills” 1.Functional/transferrable skills 2. Work Content Knowledges (“skills”) 3. Adaptive Skills

2 Functional/Transferrable Skills Definition: Basic portable abilities Transferrable between unrelated job fields Leisure to work School to work

3 Work Content Knowledges Are specific to a job or field of work Subjects you know

4 Adaptive Skills Personal qualities in a desirable/undesirable employee. Work habits. Some more important for certain jobs. Very important to employer. Best proof is through references.

5 Functional/transferrable Skills Significance: 1. identify potential talent 2. career change without completely starting over 3. help sell yourself 4. bank loan proposals for small business

6 Identifying your F/T Skills Examine samples of past behavior

7 Skill Stories SUCCESS, ACHIEVEMENT “Something that you feel you have done well, enjoyed and feel proud of”

8 CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD STORY 1.You are the main character. 2. You can remember how you did it. Step by step. 3.Often solving a problem: money, time, skills/experience 4. Short duration. If a process, take a slice!.

9 Sample Story Topics Putting a cd player in my pickup Training my hunting dog Sewing a dress A special anniversary dinner for parents Writing a research paper on cystic fibrosis Learning to ski Going to school while working/parenting Winning pentathalon medal in p.e.

10 Writing a research paper on cystic fibrosis Learning to ski Going to school while working/parenting Winning a pentathalon medal in p.e.

11 The Leaking Air Conditioner

12 Trio Work 1. Person 1 tells/reads story, 2 & 3 listen for skills-report them to 1 2. Person 2 tells/reads story, 1 & 3 listen and report back to 2 3. Person 3 tells/ reads story, 1 and 2 listen and report Step 4: all record skills in pages 60-66

13 Homework: Write out story #1, record skills column2, pages 60-66 Type References for 10/14 Friday Quiz Monday on F/T Skills

14 F/T Skills Quiz Define 2 reasons why F/T skills are important for you List 1 of your favorite F/T Skills

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