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1 The Box Model. 2 XHTML Elements Block and inline elements Block is a stand alone element and inline goes inside block elements CSS allows you to control.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Box Model. 2 XHTML Elements Block and inline elements Block is a stand alone element and inline goes inside block elements CSS allows you to control."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Box Model

2 2 XHTML Elements Block and inline elements Block is a stand alone element and inline goes inside block elements CSS allows you to control every aspect of how an element is displayed Elements can be given unique identities

3 3 line-height property line-height: 1.6em Allows you to specify the amount of vertical space between each line of your text Can improve readability and improve contrast Can specify the line height in pixels, or using an em or percent value that’s relative to the font size Space between lines is known as “leading” in the publishing industry

4 4 line-height property Adjusting line height of text on a page using line-height: 1.6em Increasing line height using 1.6em or 1.6 times the font size The line-height property is inherited by all the elements body { font-size: small; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, san-serif; line-height: 1.6em; }

5 5 The box model CSS elements treats every element as if it were represented by a box

6 6 Every element is a box Every box has a content area that holds text or image Content area is surrounded by optional padding Padding is surrounded by optional border Border is surrounded by optional margin

7 7 The box model Content Padding Content area Border Margin

8 8 Content area holds the element’s content No visible box Only big enough to fit content

9 9 Content Padding Content area Border Margin

10 10 Padding Content area

11 11 Content Padding Border Margin Content area

12 12 Border

13 13 Margin

14 14 The box model Content Padding Border Margin Content area

15 15 Using CSS to control box’s appearance All elements can be treated as boxes Elements include paragraphs, headings, block quotes, lists, list items, etc. Even inline elements like and links are treated as boxes

16 16 Box styling options Content Padding Border Margin

17 17 Use any combination in Box Styling Content (contains an element) Padding (area outside of content, provides extra space around content and the border) Border (appears around padding, solid, no border, colors or eight styles) Margin (appears around border, left, right, top, bottom, provides space between your element and other elements, margin provides a buffer between box/element and things around it)

18 18 Box model is optional Benefits to using: Controlling how elements sit on a page Controlling relative position of other elements Altering various aspects of each elements padding and margins to achieve positioning and appearance Enables designer the ability to create interesting designs Padding and margin provide more visual space

19 19 Adding a custom style using a class Class allows us to create a custom style A class can be applied as many times as you want within a page Properties add a border to any element that is in the logo class Our paragraph

20 20 Adds a border element that is in the logo class Our paragraph.logo { border-color:black; border-width:1px; border-stylesolid; background-color:#a7cece; } logo paragraph will now be style with a aquamarine background and a thin black border around it

21 21 Adding 25 pixels of padding to all sides.logo { border-color:black; border-width:1px; border-stylesolid; background-color:#a7cece; padding:25px; }

22 22 Adding 30 pixels of margins around the content.logo { border-color:black; border-width:1px; border-stylesolid; background-color:#a7cece; padding:25px; margin:30px; }

23 23 Adding a background image.logo { border-color:black; border-width:1px; border-stylesolid; background-color:#a7cece; padding:25px; margin:30px; background-image: url(images/name.gif); }

24 24 Adding more style Add a line height of 1.9em Change the font style to italic Change the color to #444444 And change the font family to Georgia, “Times New Roman”, Times, serif

25 25 Adding a line height, italic style, serif font, font color.logo { line-height:1.9em; font-style:italic; font-family:Georgia, Times, serif; color:#444444; border-color:black; border-width:1px; border-stylesolid; background-color:#a7cece; padding:25px; margin:30px; background-image:url(images/name.gif); }

26 26 background-image property background-image: url(images/name.gif); Used to set the background image of an element Places an image in the background of an element, image will repeat if necessary Not for placing images in a page (use ) Use background-image to improve the attractiveness of your element

27 27 background-image property background-image: url(images/name.gif); Background image repeats if required Background image shows under the content area and padding not outside the border and not in the margin

28 28 background-repeat property background-repeat:no-repeat; By default background images repeat (or tiles) by default Background-repeat property controls how this tiling behaves no-repeatdisplays once no repeating repeat-xrepeat horizontally only repeat-yrepeat vertically only Inheritinherit style from parent element

29 29 background-position property background-position:top left; Background position property sets the position of the image Can be specified in pixels or as a percentage or by using keywords like top, left, right, bottom, and center

30 30 padding-left:80px; Increase the padding on the left side only padding-left:80px;

31 31 padding-left:80px; Can be used at the same time with existing padding padding:25px; Be careful of ordering though padding:25px; padding-left:80px; Will first add padding on all sides to 25 pixels Then will change padding on the left to 80 pixels

32 32 margin-right:250px; Increase the margin on the right side only margin-right:250px;

33 33 margin-right:250px; Can be used at the same time with an existing margin margin:30px; Be careful of ordering though margin:30px; margin-right:250px; Will first add margin on all sides 30 pixels Then will change margin on the right to 250 pixels

34 34 Border-style property options border-style:solid; border-style:double; border-style:groove; border-style:outset; border-style:dotted; border-style:dashed; border-style:inset; border-style:ridges;

35 35 Border-width property Controls the width of the border Border-width: thin Border-width: medium Border-width: thick Border-width: 1px Border-width: 2px Border-width: 3px Border-width: 4px Border-width: 5px Border-width: 6px

36 36 Border-color property Sets the color of the border, use color names, rgb, or hex codes Pick one method… Border-color:red; Border-color:rgb(100%, 0%, 0%); Border-color:#ff0000;

37 37 Top Border side options example border-top-color:black; border-top-style:dashed; border-top-width:thick;

38 38 Right Border side options example border-right-color:red; border-right-style:dotted; border-right-width:thin;

39 39 Left Border side options example border-left-color:blue; border-left-style:double; border-left-width:medium;

40 40 Bottom Border side options example border-bottom-color:blue; border-bottom-style:double; border-bottom-width:medium;

41 41 Adding to stylesheet.logo { line-height:1.9em; font-style:italic; font-family:Georgia, Times, serif; color:#444444; border-color:white; border-width:1px; border-styledashed; background-color:#a7cece; padding:25px; margin:30px; background-image: url(images/name.gif); }

42 42 Class selector Selects all elements belonging to the specials class.specials { color:red; }

43 43 The id attribute Similar to a class, but called id not class, Added inside an element tag Each element can have only one id id represents a unique element id names must start with a letter and be followed by only letters and digits No spaces or special characters allowed

44 44 id example paragraph styled by an id called footer

45 45 Elements can have both an id and a class id represents a unique identifier for an element An element can still belong to one or more classes

46 46 Paragraph Class selector Selects only paragraphs belonging to specials class p.specials { color:red; }

47 47 id selector Selects any element that has the id “footer” #footer { color: red; } An id selector should match only one element in a page

48 48 Adding an id selector Add id to element paragragh with id Create a id selector within stylesheet #footer { line-height:1.9em; font-style:italic; font-family:Georgia, Times, serif; color:#444444; }

49 49 Paragraph id selector Selects only a element if it has the id footer p#footer { color: red; }

50 50 Element can have both class and id Applying both a class and a id, unusual, not recommended but possible? p#footer { line-height:1.9em; font-style:italic; font-family:Georgia, Times, serif; color:#444444; }

51 51 Using multiple style sheets You can specify multiple stylesheets to your document/page Adams Document

52 52 Order determines which takes precedence The last style will override any before it (if both styles define the same element) Also, any internal or inline styles of the same element will override any ext CSS

53 53 You can specify multiple stylesheets for multiple devices Media=“screen” Computer screens Media=“print” Print devices Media=“handheld” Portable devices Leaving out the media definition will define style as suitable for devices

54 54 Using multiple style sheets You can specify multiple stylesheets for multiple devices Media=“screen” Media=“print” Media=“handheld”

55 55 Using multiple style sheets Not all browsers may support the styles for the different devices, but newer and future browsers should Other types of media styles are available end

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