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2 Santiago, 28th October, 2010  I. PROCESS SCHEDULE  II. APPLICATION PROCESS  III. DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTION PROCESS  A) Target Groups  B) Pre-selection  C) Final Selection  SELECTION CRITERIA

3 I. PROCESS SCHEDULE MILESTONESDEADLINE Kick-off meeting of the project 27th – 28th October 2010 Set up of Pre-selection Committee 1st December 2011 Launch of application form 1st January 2011 Deadline for applications 1st March 2011 Evaluation of applications by EU-CA partners 1st April 2011 Selection committee meeting Mid April 2011 Validation of candidates by EU partners 30 th April 2011 Invitations to selected candidates May 2011 Visa applications June, July, August 2011 Start of mobilities for EU and CA PhD, Postdoc, AS August, September, October 2011 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES

4 II. APPLICATION PROCESS Application will be submitted through an online tool, which will have all necessary fields to be filled up according to the participation criteria (taking into account fields of study, host universities, etc…). If the applicants do not have the possibility of scanning and attaching the documentation through the online tool, they are allowed to send it via email. Only application that are correct and complete will be considered. Applications will only be accepted during the official application period (until 1st March 2011). Any documentation presented by the candidates after deadline will not be accepted. SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES

5 All documentation attached or sent via email will be later checked by the home University of the applicant. So, applicants will receive a communication from their home University for an interview and they may be requested to present there the originals of the documentation previously submitted. SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES

6 Third country partners will be in charge of providing USC all the applications and the documentation submitted by the candidates that were not able to be posted online. This may be made through one of the following channels: –Posting in intranet the application and corresponding documentation and/or sending them to USC by email –Making available to the partners universities an online link for downloading directly all these documents. The applications and the documentation will be provided by the third country to the interested partners after the call for applications closing dates. SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES

7 II. APPLICATION PROCESS The following documentation will be required through the online application tool: Application Form CV (Europass Model) Additional documentation to be attached – COMMON DOCUMENTATION Valid international Passport 2 recommendation letters Official certificates of languages Motivation letter SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES

8 REMINDER! Additional documentation to be attached (via online, or if it is not possible, via email) – SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION ACADEMIC LEVELDOCUMENTATION UNDERGRADUATE Transcript of records MASTER Bachelor Certificate and (if applicable) Transcript of Bachelor records DOCTORATE Official/Academic Bachelor or Master Certificate, Transcript of Doctorate Records, PhDAQM POST-DOCTORATE PHD Certificate, Thesis Summary and Research Proposal, PODAQM ACADEMIC STAFF Academic Project, TAQM

9 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES III. DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTION PROCESS. b) Pre-selection Each partner will be in charge of pre-selection of TG1. Selection of TG2 and TG3 will be made by the Consortium in the selection meeting which will take place in April/May 2011.

10 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES III. DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTION PROCESS. b) Pre-selection Partner Universities will set up their Pre-selection Committee made up of at least 3 people: The local coordinator at the partner institution The head of International Relations or a second representative of the Institution appointed by the Rector The vice-rector responsible for academic affairs

11 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES III. DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTION PROCESS b) Pre-selection Each partner university will submit its evaluation online. Additionally the list with evaluation results will be sent to the project coordinator in hard copy. Evaluation sheet with candidate ranking will be forwarded to the General Coordinator of the project in the dates agreed (15 th April).

12 EMUNDUS 9 Expected number of applications ACADEMIC LEVELS Central Asia TOTAL Target Group 1 Target Group 2 Target Group 3 Undergraduate 22(88)22 Master 4 (16) 12 (36) 16 Doctorate 10 (30) 8 (24)4 (12)22 Post-doctorate 6 (18) 6 Academic staff 22 (66)22 TOTAL 64 (226)20 (60)4 (12)88 (298)

13 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES After the meeting of the Pre-selection Committee, partners will add their evaluation online. Host institutions should provide the same evaluation model after assessing the application submitted by the candidates

14 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTION PROCESS c) Final selection A Centauri Selection Committee will be set up. It will be made up of: A representative of the coordinating institution (USC) A representative from Central Asian A representative from a European partner institution. An external from Central Asia (Teachex) An external from Europe

15 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTION PROCESS c) Final selection The Selection Committee will examine in detail all the applications and evaluation results No specific number of candidates will be guaranteed to any partner institution Academic Quality of the applicant will be the main principle to determine the final results Issues like gender, geographical balance, ethnic minorities or socioeconomic background of the candidate may be also considered

16 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES c) Final selection Aim of decision-making process Fair and unanimous If unanimity is not possible Consensus by majority Each partner will have a say No candidate will be selected without the approval of the home and host institution.

17 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES BEFORE! SELECTION CRITERIA EMUNDUS 9 - SELECTION CRITERIA % Academic record 2525 Language skills 20 Relevance and impact of application for university, country 15 Quality of the application 1010 Problem solving thinking 10 Motivation 10 Cultural readiness 5 Interpersonal, social and communication skills 5

18 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES PROPOSAL! SELECTION CRITERIA BA-MA EMUNDUS 9 - SELECTION CRITERIA Points Academic record 4 Language skills 4 Motivation 2 Quality of the candidate (recommendation) 2 TOTAL 12

19 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES BEFORE! SELECTION CRITERIA PhD, Postdoc, AS EMUNDUS 9 - SELECTION CRITERIA Points Quality of the proposal 4 Language skills 4 Relevance and impact of application for university, country 4 Academic record 4 Motivation 2 Quality of the candidate 2 Total 20

20 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES PROPOSAL! FINAL SELECTION BA-MA – status quo EMUNDUS 9 - SELECTION CRITERIA Gender Balance Academic records Language skills Motivation Priority Quality of the candidate

21 SELECTION PROCESS GUIDELINES PROPOSAL! FINAL SELECTION PhD, Post, AS – status quo EMUNDUS 9 - SELECTION CRITERIA Quality of the proposal Gender Balance Language skills Impact of the proposal Motivation Quality of the candidate

22 01234 Academic record Taken as average out of 5 (A, B, C, D, E) Language skills No language certificate Non recognized language certificate Recognised language certificate (passed level after telephonic interview) IELTS 5.0 or > TOEFL 520 or > German Certificate IELTS 6.5 or > TOEFL 550 or > German Certificate Motivation Not motivated or only for scholarship Barely motivated (leaving the country) Fairly motivated (opportunity abroad) Motivated (in studying, contributing to home institution) Highly motivated (in studying, contributing to home institution, improving quality of education) Quality of the candidateWithout references Limited references or recommendation at low level Recommendations and reference at middle level Recommendations and references at up level Recommendations and references at top level Relevance and impact of application for university, country No relevant for the project, the institution or the country Not relevant for the institution or the country Only relevant for the project and the institution Highly relevant, aligned with the priority policy of the institution Highly relevant, aligned with the priority policy of institution and country Quality of the applicationPoor qualityFair qualityGood qualityVery good qualityOutstanding quality SELECTION CRITERIA

23 Спасибо за внимание! Thank you for your attention


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