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Dr. Peter Parnes Associate Professor Luleå University of Technology April 24, 2006 tech media.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Peter Parnes Associate Professor Luleå University of Technology April 24, 2006 tech media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Peter Parnes Associate Professor Luleå University of Technology April 24, 2006 tech media

2 Dr. Peter Parnes Associate Prof. Media Technology Applied Research Chief Scientist Marratech Collaborative Work Environments - CWE Computer mediated human communication Wearable computers, A3307, 0706614567

3 Imagine a worker being able to know when all his colleagues are available, where they are, and what they are doing and to be able to interact with them on the colleagues’ own terms anytime, anywhere?

4 Agenda E-meetings Always Best Communication – ABC Effortless Communication Nomadic Communication Situation Aware Systems Thelma Ubiquitous Human Communication Collaborative Work Environments – CWE

5 Human communication Face to Face Electronic Meeting 1995 “Programvaruteknik” (CDT)

6 Dick’s vision

7 The Electronic Meeting 1998 – Marratech spin-off from Media Technology

8 E-Meetings 1.Meetings via the net 2.Net-based education One to many with questions back Group discussions 3.E-corridor 24-hours per day Sense of presence within a group

9 Meetings via the net Different meeting patterns Planned meetings Project meetings, administrative meetings, discussion meetings Spontaneous meetings One to one Group With or without an agenda

10 Advantages with e-meetings Participants can do other things while they wait for the meeting to start. –Somebody is always late Independent of locality Partly time independent –Recording

11 Advantages… One ear participation Minutes are created in real-time –Everybody can see the results –Available directly after the meeting

12 Net-based Education

13 Lectures

14 Group work

15 Lab-assistance

16 E-corridor

17 eKorridoren

18 Net “addiction” * 2 Must have network access –Internet... –Phone… You get dependant on using the tools!

19 Augmented meetings Extend physical meetings All present part of local e-meeting Additional value to meeting Archiving Conferences…

20 Recording! All meetings can be archived Identical copy! Access for students –Exam study –Exam correction!!! Old Courses –Own education –Advertisement via free courses (student recruiting) –Transfer between teachers

21 History online Record everything – all the time!


23 Always Best Communication

24 Always Best Communication - ABC Users want to communicate with each other –Any place –Any time –Any device How can we utilize wireless networks in supporting ABC?

25 Simple Scenario Session and device mobility –A user is late for an online meeting The system knows this from the user’s calendar –The system automatically dials the user’s mobile phone Audio participation

26 Step 2 –The user reaches her office This is noted by location awareness –The system automatically joins the online meeting and ask the user where she wants the audio In the mobile, PC audio or desktop phone? User selects desktop phone on the PC screen and the call is transferred from the mobile.

27 Problems How to detect locality with good enough precision? How to swap between different wireless and fixed carriers? –Carrier mobility How to swap between devices –Session mobility How to keep the current session running?

28 Effortless Communication

29 How can human communication be improved? Improved group feeling What does users perceive as better? –Sound- and image quality –New media sources How can communication be adapted to different network conditions? –ABC How to handle new mobile devices?

30 Scalability

31 Mobile e-meetings

32 Scalable Group Communication

33 Nomadic communication

34 Wearable systems How to create usable wearable systems? Combination of existing hardware User Interface –Interaction with devices in the vicinity –Change of screen (handheld <> HMD) –Dynamic change of media format (speech – text)

35 Eventcasting

36 Use of wearable systems Care (in the home, elders) –Nurse sees journal in the eye monitor –Patient communicates with doctor using flat screen –Doctor comments privately to the nurse

37 iceBear

38 Wearable and Tele-Presence Participate through other eyes Mediated Communication –Knowledgeable beacon

39 Applications for mobility, not applications used in a mobile setting!

40 Situation aware systems Systems that know what is happening around them User state –Stress, position, calendar, email queue, time/day How to gather this information? How to present it? –Locally vs. other users -> privacy!!! How to use this information?

41 Applied Research Scenario driven research Dual results: –Academic results –Prototypes (running software) The results should be used! It should just work!

42 Vision: Thelma

43 Thelma Better spontaneous real-time group support via the net Standard web technology + Ajax / Web 2.0 + Conferencing Allow for web conferencing where place is defined by the web

44 Light vs. Heavy clients Light weight –Web version – Thelma –Separate tools –Connected to certain web-areas –Spontaneous interaction Heavy weight –Downloaded version – Marratech –Webstart vs. Installed

45 Problems How to make it general? Media synchronization? Heavier media support? –Microphones, video cameras User interface when many join / leave

46 Vision: Ubiquitous Human Communication

47 Ubiquitous Human Communication Imagine rich media sensors –Includes audio in (microphone) and audio out (speaker) but not necessarily in the same device –Includes video in (camera) and video out (display) but not necessarily in the same device –Not all in same device (might be 4 different) –“Cheap” –Doesn’t have to run on batteries –WLAN

48 Available everywhere We put these all over a work place –Offices –Corridors –Homes Use together with good enough positioning of all users Allow for “free” communication anywhere Ubiquitous Human Communication

49 Problems How to make the sensors cheap Distributed echo canceling/suppression and multi-channel audio playback Multi-view video grabbing presented –Several video views to multiple video display devices on the other side.

50 Problems… WLAN model when using high quality video feeds (sustained 1-25Mbps per video channel and several channels). Power? –Perhaps skip WLAN and go for ethernet + power over ethernet instead?

51 Collaborative Work Environments Mix everything already mentioned –Smart buildings –Distributed team support –Maintenance –Mobile Communication (4G) –Synchronous plus asynchronous communication Conference: CWE-Europe –Brussels 2006 May 10-11 –Luleå 2007 June 14-15 –

52 Summary E-meetings Always Best Communication – ABC Effortless Communication Nomadic Communication Situation Aware Systems Thelma Ubiquitous Human Communication Collaborative Work Environments – CWE

53 Comments? Dr. Peter Parnes Associate Professor +46 70 6614567 tech media

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